: . . . ì> L E T T I iMG If ' • v:vi ■ H M t . H ! JA D O W N L IG H T L Y . . •' <$ VERY “ You should l>e playing half- £ back instead of end.” advised i> Tom Keady to one of bit! Lehigh • ' > extremity men who had just al- lowed ari opposing back to skirt $> his position for u touchdown. “ How is that. Toni?” inquired ♦> the player. r> “ Why. if you could dodge op- ^ laments like you ducked that v play you would be the greatest * halfback o f all time.” S> \\ Dadniun over a minute, e’yed his broad shoulders and said: < 8 > “ Pay! You big feller! You ought to go out for football with that build of <$> yours. And when you get on tlie squad <*> you will want to see your picture in < f 8> j the Illustrated. Better subscribe now." must [idniun looked him over a moment Dadnun ’ %iiid said he was already “ out for the < 8 » team.” “ Well, you will surely want the mag­ azine, then. Perhaps your picture is in <8» this very copy You will want it. you <*> km w. just to send your picture home1 < 8 > and let the folks see you in print." <*> Dadinun smiled blandly and signed <8> the proferred blank. But no light dawned, ttie freshman thanked him and walked out to try Ids luck with the next man BAT flELSCN TO HAVE ti!S FACE REMODELED Record F o r A. L. Strikeouts. The best American league strikeout records are these o f Glade o f the St. Louis Browns in 1904. sixteen men. and o f Babe Waddell of the St. Louis Browns In 190S. also sixteen mem (?* »//*\v ^,/T Brandegce-Kincaid Clothes Our Clothes- CroecI in •) »i Paragraphs Battling Nelson, one time lightweight hampiou, intends to resume his for­ mer normal looking appearance. The Durable Dane, «h ose beauty was all knocked to smithereens during his riqg lareer and whose ears were shaped a la .•nulidower, wants his classic features restored. Nelson announced recently he signed ontracts with a few beauty special ists to start to work on his face. The reason for this sudden desire to be- rauio handsome is ascribed to tlie fact that Nelson Is anxious to once again lump into the marital ring. V eteran Long Distance R u n n e r H a ng Up His Spiked Shoes. To tcJt the (rath in print and act it in the store. •'*. W ill Sidney Hatch is going to retire. The veteran long-distance runner, who re cently made the remarkable run from Milwaukee to Chicago, n distance of ninety-live miles, in 1 t hours f*j min utes 30 seconds, says he inis had enough o f it. so will hang up his spiked shoes. Athletic sharps are still talking of Hatch’s feat. Ilis average was only slightly slower than eight and a half DIDN’T RECOGNIZE DADMUN. F re s h m a n Told H a r v a r d C a p ta in O u t f i t to T r y F o r Eieven. He How Captain llarrie II. Dadinun o f the Harvard foot twill team was told that he ought to go out for football by a freshman candidate for the Harvard team Is now going the rounds In Har­ vard football circles. It happened the other evening when Dadinun was studying in his room in Thayer ball. In answer to Ids “ Come - T I p»-*«*.*' T ■■ ' ' v :• - ? : Á ■v:| 4 P '" i i p y » * . ¿i 1 / cjjj A. A. P E N N IN G T O N T illa m o o k , Oregon Photo by American Press Association SIDNEY HATCH. Photo by AmorlCiin Press Ass >ctat1on. CAPTAIX D A l'U r ü OK RAHVAKD. Photos by American Prosa Assoctstton CA PTA IN S OF V A I .K K uvm AM* rillN C R O X In!" ncrastoned by a knnck on his «loor, a simple yet boisterons freshman np- poared In the doorway. fresh froni lüngfown higli soniewhero ITp looked “ Who was Hie best halfback? In my opinion,” says a New York football ex­ pert, “ Osgood of the Pennsylvania team back in 1^94 was in n class by himself. At least lie never has been excelled, so many football sharps be­ lieve. Osgood played at Cornell before be joined the Quakers, who were projc- tically invincible with such stars as George Brooke, Carl Williams. Wood­ ruff, Wharton ami others. “ I remember the Pennsylvania-Har­ vard game of ’04, In which Osgood made several sensational plays, includ­ ing a run the whole length o f the field, lie caught the ball on the kick-off be­ hind his own goal line and with im pregnable interference he went through the whole Harvard team for a touch­ down. Osgood was a ten second man and an all around athlete. lie was killed in the Spanish war." HATCH GOING TO RETIRE. 1. To make Quality the corner-stone and Style the cop­ imi stone. 2. 7V> ,sr// the /nicest price consist­ ent tri/h the small­ est projit a hoce cost. ALLEO AS HALFSACK, SAYS EXPERT miles per hour. And stea lug along at an eight and a half mile an hour gait for fifteen hours is some strain on the human engine. Since ltKV| Hatch has crowd.si a world o f Marathon running into Ids •steer. In fact no man in the history of athletics has ever (em ptied in as many grueling long distance races. When it comes to stamina, endurance ami I n l H i n t toughness Sid sure is sec­ ond cousin to a western broncho ami a near relative to the Alabama untie. SANFORD’S LATEST INVENTION Coach’s New Football Play May Revo- Jutioni^o AM Kinds of Kicking. George Foster Sanford, football sur­ geon and inventive genius of the grid­ iron, lias evolved another wrinkle. In­ cidentally the secret o f his visit to- Pennsylvania a short time ago is out, for it was to teach Boh Colwell's dis­ ciples the knack o f a new trick. Sanfoi'd and Fohvell belong to the new thought school of football, in which the old conservatism lias a!>out as much standing as the old mass play has in the 1910code. They areas thick as peas in n pod and always let each other in on their gridiron secrets. Sanford's latest invention is dubbed by him the multiple kick, but it isn’ t anything like that. It's only one kick, but the play requires the services o f the center, the quarterback and the other three backs, so that tlie multiple part refers to the handling o f the pig­ skin. It's a trick that may revolution­ ize the kicking feature o f football* but as yet it is a rather hazardous stunt at best and In some inarters* might he classed in tlie category of "shoe string” plays. Here's how it works— when it does work. From a kick formation the half­ backs lie down on the ground, facing each other. Bight above them stands the quarterin'.! k, ready to receive the ball front tlie center. Several paces behind the quarterback is the fullback, i’ iie pass is made, the quarterback [»laces the hall in the bands o f the halfbacks, they | ut it in position for the kick, and the fullback proceeds to boot the pigskin into the next county. It is very easy to see how farreach- ing the effects o f this play might be and wtint a tremendous bearing it has on punting and the kicking o f place­ ment goals. Itutgers has worked the play for kicks which went for seventy yards, particularly in tile tie with Washington and Leo. Bill Quigley of Pennsylvania has kicked several goal» from thi> fifty-five yard mark with the aid o f the multiple play, and Derr. Light and Berry have hid almost equal success. The play requires a stone wall line, and the development o f first class lino men is sort o f second nature with San­ ford. He may show, through It's Rut­ gers team, that his newest play is the real goods. It was Sanfonl who evolv­ ed the legal mass play, which the rules committee recently had to declare in keeping with the spirit and the letter o f the code. The new kicking play on paper sounds like a remarkable stunt, and it may iu reality prove to l»e one.