LOCAL AND U PERSONAL ITEMS O U Dr. W. A. Wise, Dentist. Tuesdays. Mrs. Allison, of Tillamook, guest of Mrs. I’ . 11. Messncr. is the Sí O AND OTHER NEWS OF INTEREST The Cloverdale Mercantile Co. paying 40 cents per dozen for eggs. are We have a few clients for ranches to rent. Will buy or furnish stock. Taylor To trade— A retina graphaphone for a Heal Estate Agency. violin. Call at Courier office. Fred Beals, of Tillamook, was a caller at the Courier office Tuesday. The Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Hro paving 10 cents per dozen for eggs. Little Nestucca Delegation Asks Court for an Appropriation. * Several Little Nestucca citizens ami others from the south end of Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. V. Spaulding spent county met the County Court yesterday Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in afternoon and asked the court to place Tillamook. in its budget of estimates an appropria­ The Cloverdalo Hotel is the host busi­ tion of $15,000 to he used on the Little ness buy in the county. Taylor Heal Ncstucca road. F.state Agency for price and terms. It is expected that the state will ap­ propriate a like amount, thus giving N. N. Kirby is suffering with n broken them $30,000 to open and improve the arm, caused bv ihe backfiring of an Little Nestucca road from Meda to automobile he was ertnking Thursday. Dolph. At the last literary meeting J. It. The Little Nestucca delegation went Bidgood was chosen president, Arba on record as opposing a certain program Stivers ii secretary and Mrs. l.undquist and map submitted to the people, urg­ editor. ing the county court to build seven A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. miles of hard surface road each year, Uav I.etson, of Tillamook, last Thurs­ said road to be a trunk line. Accom­ day.** Mrs. Letson was formerly Kllen panying this petition was a map desig­ McKitneiis. nating the said road from the northern Wanted— Information on unentered part of the county to Hebo and by the government land in Tillamook county. Three Rivers road to Dolph. This did Would come to a Scandinavian settle­ not meet the fa>*or of the Little Nestuc­ ment. Prefer a claim where land is ca people for the reason that the Little procurable next to it. Levi Fredeen, Nestucca road had been adopted a state highway and accepted by the county Milaca, Minn. court as such. They believe if a trunk About tbirtv of the friends of Dr. and line is to he built and bardsurfaced the Mrs. surprised them last Monday even­ Little Ncstucca road is the log’cal one. ing by giving them a farewell party. A The program and map had the ear splendid time was had by all. The fam­ marks of having been originated bv the ily moved Wednesday to Nehalem where timber interests. the doctor has a good medical practice. i t was reported to the afternoon Deputy Game Warden Leach, of T il­ meeting that when the petition was cir­ lamook, was in Cloverdalo Tuesday in­ culated it was not accompanied by any vestigating a complaint that the dredg­ map or drawings and that when the pe­ ers on the l.ittlu Ncstucca river were tition was folded in with the map it allowing oil from the dredge to get into gave a vastly different coloring to the tlie river to the detriment of the fish­ whole affair. To adopt such such a program by a ermen. budget meeting it would forever tie the Key. Curtis, of the Christian church, hands of the county against anv other of Tillamook, visited Cloverdalo last method ot securing money for hard sur­ Sunday afternoon and delivered a sci- facing its raads. it would also deprive nson that,was exceedingly interestim every othei project of sufficient money He was accompanied here by Mrs. to he of consequence, ns the amount re­ Curtis, Miss Graham and Recorder quired for such hardaurfacing would he Smith, of Tillamook. so great a < to require nearly all of the Through an oversight we neglected money raised by the county for road mentioning the parent teachers meeting purposes. held Thursday evening, November 3, at The delegation delegated Arthur Beals which Mrs. Peck was sleeted president, as their representative to confer with and Miss Dunham, secretary. The next the state hoard to secure as large an meeting will be held ttie first Thursday amount as possible as state aid evening in Pecemlier. The people of the south end of Tilla­ mook county put up a solid front and J. W. Brandon, formerly of of Port­ stood united. land, who has accepted a position in the A. C. Kverson, of Tillamook, has a card in the Courier announcing that he H o lid a y Qoods * Arriving’ M E E T S C O U N T Y COURT. Judge Cornier, of Tillamook, was a Cloverdalo visitor the first of the week. store of A. A. Pennington, of Tillamook, is desirous of meeting and getting ac­ quaint»,) with the people of the Nestucca \ alley. Wo have met the aforesaid gentleman and found him a genial and painstaking clerk. « Prison Warden Minto Firod. Fur hosing convicts Warden Minto, of the state penitentiary, got his walk­ ing papers tlie lirst of this week. The warden has shown his incompetence bv having to resort to such antiquated methods to combat the evil in the pris­ oners and his job now open to a inure e. mpetent l^r- >n. It it said hi“ deputy, who as- s'i I, is folding his job by a Hires 1. and that he too may get bonne«!. is loaning money and is i|*> handling real estate. We understand 'lr. Kver­ son is endeavoring to iii aka » >me village loans in Clnverdala. He knows th.it Ptnakcr l’.r >« for nil kinds of plumb­ Cl"verdale furnishes the beat secunti« s ing, hath room .units and fixtures. Til-j to ha had. laniook. Ore. Watch for a Full Holiday Announce­ ment next week. 1 Brand.gc:-Kincaid Clothes i W m . A. HIGH The N Y A L Q uality D ruggist, CLOVERDALE, - OREGON School District Budget Our Clothes- Creed in 3 Paragraphs 1. To make Quality To tiie Clerk of School District No. 2*2, the corner-stone Tillamook County, Oregon: Following is a statement of the esti­ and Style the enj)- mated amount of money needed by the iu g- stone. district during the fiscal year beginning To sell at the on June 20, 1010, and ending on June 17. 1017. This budget is made in com­ lot rest price consist­ pliance with Section 208 of tiie School ent with the sm a ll­ l.aws of 191,5, and includes the estimated est profit above cost. amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, special To tell the tru th district tax and all other moneys of the in p rin t and act id district: in the store. BUDGET Teachers’ salaries ................. $2875.00 Apparatus and supplies, such A. A. P E N N IN G T O N as maps, chalk, erasers, T illa m o o k , Oregon stoves, curtains, etc............... 25.00 Repairs of schoolhouse, out- » buildings or fences................ 100.00 Playground equipment.............. 10.00 Bell Phone Janitor’ s wages.......................... 90.00 Office Ground Floor Todd Hotel. P. O. Box 147 Janitor’ s supplies..................... 5.00 With Rollio Watson Fuel .......................................... 80.(X) Water......................................... 9.00 Clerk’s salary............................. 20.00 Postage and stationery.............. 5.00 2. 3. 53-J Abstracts on Short Notice by the Total estimated amount of mon­ ey to be expended for all purposes during the year...... $3210.00 L. V. E B E R H A R D . Manager. D-.ited this 15th day of November, . Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records of Tillamook Countv, Oregon. F. L. Owens, Board of Directora Bchool District No. , T l u * VM( II) K- - * OREGON o.» PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. 1010 W a s h in g to n Irvin g . To Washington Irving more than to any other writer belongs the nigh honor o f being the "creator of Arnerl can literature." Irving was not the tirst American to write good literature, tint lie was the tirst American to write in a wav to ateli and hold the European attention It was through Irving's writings that the old world was made aware of the fact that there was an American lltera ture Hildreth. Prescott. Cooper Poe and others o f the pioneers came In for a full measure of praise, but Washing ton Irving will always hold his title as father o f our literature— New York Journal. Gasolene AND Automobile Accessories VV. A. WILLIAMS T IL L A M O O K