CLOVERDALE COURIER. VOL. j 2. CLOVERDALE. TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON. NOVEMBER 9, 1916 NO. 18 TOO CLOSE TO BANKING BY MAIL BE COMFORTABLE ________________ ___________________________ .___ _____________________ Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight though we have done business by mail with them for years. Reports Show that the Vote Will be Close and Only an Ofticial Count Will De­ termine the Election. We believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can give you the same satisfaction. Mail us Your Next Check or Checks It saves you time, and T IM E IS MONEY, especially at this season of the year. No need to come to the bank in person. SECURITY AND SERVICE Our Motto At Times Reports from the Various States Show Hughes in the Lead aud then Later Reports Show that Wilson is Feeds Hens Prefer When Given Choice The first reports that were received of the election indicated an avalanch tor Hughes. Lat­ er reports began «Lowing that the elec­ tion would be close. New York went strong for Hughes, while Ohio went two o---------------------------------------- o here oa the evening to one for Wilson. Cook county, Illinois, gave a large vote for Hughes, but the outlying districts o-------------------------------------- c tried, but uone eaten to any greut ex­ tent. Animal food of some kind, such as the beef scrap or sour milk. Is gener­ ally regarded as very necessary for went in favor of Wilson. laying liens, but most of the hens In The Oregon Journal, democratic, at this test did not eat much more beef noon yesterday claimed Wilson elected Recent tests ut the Missouri agrtcul scrap while laying than while not lay tural experiment station seem to show bv five electoral votes. lng. T w o actually ate more of it when that the hen knows better than many (Concluded on last page.) they were not laying. other people how to select the fowl Other tests at the Missouri station The Evening Telegram, Portland’ s that will help her most in laying eggs have shown that the use o f either beef best daily paper, and the Cloverdale and keep her in the best condition scrap or sour milk makes the hen’s eggs Courier, both papers one year for only Some old Ideas with regard to poultry record at least twice ns good as though feeding were proved sound aud some $3.50. she were fed no animal food whatever others were discredited by the Lens and that sour milk Is slightly better They almost all showed a decided pref­ than beef scrap for this purpose, in ad­ erence for wheat, which is very gener­ dition to being cheaper uud easier to ally used as a poultry feed. Kaffir get ou most farms. stood next in |H>pularity, but outs and sunflower were not eaten as much as Raisin Sugar. many people would have expected, Sugnr Is manufactured from rnlslna probably bccuuse the beu is not able in about nil o f the countries o f south­ to digest much food containing a high ern Europe and western Asia. percentage of crude fiber The hens H orses and Hares. that did eat suiitlower seed were seen Unlike most animals, horses have no cracking them and eating only the softer portions inside, possibly because eyebrows, and hares are without eye­ they wanted to get rid o f the crude lids. fiber in the shell. Chromite. Bran is often used In poultry feeding, Chromic Iron ore, known as chro­ blit the hens In this test which could mite, is produced in this country only get other fc*ods almost always chose it In California. instead o f bran Alfalfa leaves were Close on His Heels in the Race. i Teach Your Boy the Value of a Bank Account . FIRE! S T A R T your boy ofl right in the battle of life. Deposit something to his credit in the bank. I f he is working for a salary, ask him to place something aside weekly. If he is in business, show him the importance of keeping a goodly balance in bank. There’s no telling when an opportunity may present itself whereby a little ready cash may be the foun­ dation of a fortune. We do all kinds of banking. NESTUCCA VALLEY BANK Cloverdale, Oregon. FIRE! FIRE! TROUBLES ON YOUR BRAIN can be speedily done away with if you will but take the precau­ tion to protect yourself against catastrophes. A few dollars will assure you of your home, or a fitting substitute, for a fire in- aurance policy is a resurrector from the possible wreck you may become enmeshed in any day. Take our advice. Get out a fire insurance policy com­ mensurate with your holdings. Phone Us Call on Us Write Us NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK ROLLI E W. U/ATgnN The Insurance Man