Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 02, 1916, Image 5

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    Cloverdale Courier
Published Every Thursday
Prank Taylor., Editor and Publisher.
^Entered assecond-class matter, N ov-
euth«* JStllu 1908 at the p o st Office at. Clo-
vuidahL Tillamook County, Qregou,un­
der Act d Gongress, M aroh 3rd, 1878.
S ubscription R atts
rre e !
Of» Year, in advance.......... ..........$1-0C
G* M onths.................................................H)
Three M onths............................................ 28
Single Copy................................................ OS
A dvertising R ates
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per
inch per month, sii^le column. All
Local Reading Notices, 5 cents per
liije for each insertion.
Umber land notices
tlomestearl notices
Political Announcement Cards $10.00
B o y s ’ S t ilt s T ree !
J ob D epartment
My Job Department is complete in every
respect and I am able to do all kinds
Commercial Job Printing on short
notice at reasonable prices.
The dividing line between boosting
lor the general welfare of the community !
and advertising personal business is so
closely drawn that the public in its
haste often criticizes the newspaper for
not boosting some person’s enterprise
which is conducted for gain. The news
paper’s advertising columns are its stock
in trade. It cannot any more be given
away prcmiacously than a m erchant can
afford to give his goods to the public.
In fact, advertising is the only source of
revenue a country newspaper has. Its
subscriptions would not pay running ex­
penses.—Polk County Itemize!'.
Next Tuesday our readers will be
called upon to cast their ballots in a
national election, also a state and
county election. The Courier believes
in a Republican adm inistration ; it be­
lieves it is best for you and me to have
the United States under a Republican
form of government. We do not be­
lieve in condemning the Democrats,
nor do we believe in condemning an in­
dividual because he is a Democrat. lie
has his way of reasoning that under a
Democraiic administration it is best for j
him and others. We believe that Presi- j
dent Wilson has done the best he could, !
t 16 best he knew how, and we believe
his colleagues have done their best; it
would be foolish to believe otherwise,
because, wherein would be the motive
to do otherwise.
This all being true we still believe
that under a Republican government
we would not have had thrust upon us
the indignities that have been thrust
upon this government by the foreign !
And now as the time has arrived to
make a choice between a Democratic or
Republican leadership we are going to
stand on the side with the Republicans
where we have stood these many past,
Politics does not enter so strongly in
"ur county election, but the Repulicans
have made selections that is good from
top to bottom and in consequence we !
liave no reason to do anything but vote
the Republican ticket in its entirety.
As to the county election we can say
we have only the best feelings for Mr.
McKimens, the present incumbent, but
we believe that Mr. Heed will be the
better man for the place. We believe
that Mr. McKimens has been too con­
servative. We think that Mr. Reed
will be a doer end we believe he can ac­
complish more as a member of the
t ounty Court than can Mr. McKimene.
Stilts tiro all the rage. We have a pair for every
boy in the valley and we want every boy to have a
Come into the store and see them, also, learn how
you can be a possessor of a pair ot these nicely
painted and practically arranged step stilts,
Do not wait until the other boys get ahead of you
but come to the store right away.
Cloverdale Mercantile Co.
As to the District Attorney and
ounty Sheriff we can say that Mr.
oyne will be supported by the Repub-
cans and many of the Democrats. His
pponent, Mr. Callahan, has many
arm friends and loyal supporters, but
»in has been tried and the people
now right where he stands and will
leet him by a very respectable ina­
nity. Mr. Campbell, the Republican
ominec for eheriff, is now deputy
aeriff and is familiar with the working
mdition of the sheriff’s office and te
ualified to fill the position he seeks to
e elected to. His opponent, Mr.
[yers, is well known throughout the
sunty and will make a good run, but
,« trend is toward the Republican side
i the fence and Mr. Campl»ell will have
majority when the votes are all
Many candidates on the republican
cket have no opposition and notwitb-
.aading the fact that they are alone in
le race, they are good men, all of
In connection with the election there
ill be some amendments to he voted
□ . For instance the drv and the wet
inendinents. Oregon has faud i-i<>
ell under dry rule to shift over to
reck and ruin to make 14 brewery men
rich. Not only Oregon has prospered
by being dry, hut Colorado, Kansas and
every state in the union has been bene­
fited that has voted itaelf dry. “ Shoes
instead of Booze,’’ is Colorado’s slogan.
Not five per cent of the newspapers of
Oregon are favoring the brewers' amend­
ment and but few of that five per cent
are trying to make any votes for the
amendment. They appear to be
ashamed of the fact that they have
been listed with the wets. W hat the
drv forces are working for is to snow
under the wet amendment so deep that
it will forever remain buried.
It is only a question of how large will
be the majority of the dry vote. The
brewery interests by their cunning have
tried to put one over on the Oregon
voters and what they will get in retalia­
tion will be handed them next Tues­
Pure mountain honey, Scotch Broom
brand for sale at E. E, Cross, Hebo.
Special price on job lots.
Notice for Publication.
( p u b l ish e r )
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland, Ore­
gon, September 23, 1010.
Notice is hereby given th at Ernest E.
Liglitfoot, of Hebo, Tillamook County,
Oregon, who, uu May 26, 1011, made
Original Homestead Entry No. 03073
for the sw 5^, ne and e % nw
se '4, section 3, township 4 south, range
10 west, and on September 1, 1016, made
Additional Homestead Entry No. 04793,
for w >2 nw H of m H, section 3, all in
township 4 south, range 10 west, Wil­
lamette Meridian,has filed notice of in­
tention to make final five-vear proof,
to establish claim to the land above de­
scribed, before the Clerk of the County
Court for Tillamook County, Oregon, at
Tillamook, Oregon, on the 9th day of
November, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George W. Bodvfelt, of Beaver, Oregon:
Charles Jensen, of Hebo. Oregon; A1
Gardner, of Tillamook, Oregon; Oliver
P. Mattoon, of llebo, Oregon.
Proof made according to law under
which entry was made, and Act of June
11, 1906.
N. Campbell,
The Evening Telegram, Portland's
best daily paper, and the Cloverdale Plasker Bros, for all kinds of ulumh-
Courier, both papers one year for only ing, hath room outfits and fixtures Til­
lamook. Ore.