Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 02, 1916, Image 2

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    Community Work as
A n Aid to Social Lit«
As the school year opens and the
wiuter season draws near much
thought should be given to community
activities, and especially to social func­
tions that will bring neighbors to
gether for good times. It is hard b>
have too many of these, and In most
places this side o f life Is apt to be
ueglected rather than overdone. Good
wholesome fun Is a tonic for mind,
spirit and body. Both young and old
need It. but especially should the young
people be considered In this matter. A
certain amoulit of recreation and pleas­
ure Is necessary to sharpen interest in
life, and each community should feel
responsibility for its young people.
The church and the school are goou
meeting places, for in these buildings
every one should feel welcome.
Give thought to the social needs of
your family and your neighborhood,
then go about working out some of
your mental possibilities. You will not
work alone very long, and many pleas­
ant meetings will result from your ef­
Dr. W. A. Wise, Dentist. Tuesdays.
J. E. Cochran and family moved into
the Kraner block yesterday.
300ft QjSooft
The Cloverdale Mercantile Co. are
paying 50 cents per dozen for eggs.
Beginning October 24th, we are going
to give free, with every Dollar cash pur­
The literary society meeting has again chase of N YAL’ S Toilet Preparations or
been postponed, this time to November N YAL’ S Family Remedies, a NYAL
Cook Book, compiled and prepared by
10 .
Janet McKenzie Hill, editor of the
Uncle Henry Miller and Mrs. Potter, Boston Cooking School Magazine.
ef Beaver, were in Cloverdale yester­
This book is a valuable addition to
every woman’ s kitchen library.
The NYAL Preparations and Reme­
L. L. fhortridge, of Polph, spent a
are two well known to need com ­
fe w days this week visiting his son Carl
ment, suflice to say they have gain'ed a
Bhortrhlge, of this place.
world-wide reputation for quality.
Wm. Owen, of Portland, our one­
If you never have tried, them begin
time merchant here, Sundayed with his now by giving them a trial.
daughter, Mrs. It. D. Werschkul.
Watch for our large window display
Charles Blum went to the valley last beginning October 24th.
week and returned Friday with his fam­
ily who nave been visiting at Newberg
and Portland.
The NTAL Quality Druggist,
There will he a meeting of the parents
and teachers at the school house this CLOVERDALE.
evening for the purpose of reorganising
Look out for the last-minute joker*
the parent-teachers association.
that are usually pulled off the day be­
Hev Youel, of Tillamook, visited sev­ fore election.
Storiee without the
eral towns in this end of the county slightest truth are sometimes handed
yesterday. lie is working in the inter­ the voters when it is too late for them
est of the Oregon Anti-Saloon League.
to be refuted. Look out for them.
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Allen left Tuesday
A basket social is to be held in the
afternoon for Dallas, where they were Union Schoolhouse tomorrow (Friday)
called by the eerions illness of one of evening. The proceeds will be used to
children of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dimick. purchase pictures and song books for
to make mistakes, men who have brains
and ability. It took brains and cunning
to see that by inserting this little punc­
tuation mark, the voters would cast a
ballot that would not be true to their
intention ; also forever deprive them of
the use of the initiative and referendum
on the liquor question.
It was a regrettable fact that the
meeting was called for a night when the
moving picture serial was running, be­
cause it so shortened the time for the
talk that the speaker could only bring
ft few facts. Had the date been set on
an evening when there was no other
entertainment a much larger crowd
could have been had and an audiance
that had come prepared to hear a talk
on the question without being confused
with other things.
the school. We would be pleased to
see a few Cloverdale people go as the
cause is a worthy one, and we also know’
the teacher, Miss McKimens, would ap­
preciate it.
A ladv was in from Hillsboro today
looking at the Cloverdale Hotel with a
view of purchasing it. The hotel is for
• »le by the Taylor Real Estate Agency.
Here is a formula for delicious and
quickly made little sponge cakes: Sift
together one and a half cupfuls of
flour, two teaspoonfuls o f baking pow
der, a cupful o f sugar and a pinch of
salt. Into a cup break two eggs aud fill
the cup with milk. Dour the milk and
eggs into the dry ingredients, beat five
minutes. Bake teu minutes In patty
These cakes may be broken
open, covered with berries aud served
with cream
With fresh or canned
peaches they also make fine dessert.
A baked custard that Is very good
is made as follows: Mix three eggs,
three tabiespoonfuls of sugar and a
pinch o f salt. Add a pint of milk and
bake in cups till set aud browned ou
top. Serve warm In tbe cups In which
it was baked.
If tbe family is tired o f canned fruit
use some o f the canned peaches for
the following pudding: Drain the juice
from a pint o f peaches, place the
peaches In a baking dish, and to the
Juice add two beaten eggs, a cupful o ’
milk, half a cupful o f flour sifted with
half a teaspoonful o f baking powder
and a pinch o f salt. Beat well, pour
over peaches and bake to a rich brown
Serve with sweetened milk or cream
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coffey antoed to
Banks last Saturday. Mr. Coffey re­ Sheri Talks on the Brewers’ Amendment.
A short talk was given at the church
turned Monday and Mrs. Coffcv will re­
main for a short visit with her mother. last evening by Rev. Youel, of Tilla­
mook, and Attorney B. N. Hicks, of
(I. L. Barrett, recently of Southern
Compulsory Sport.
Oregon, but formerly of Idaho, is the Portland. After a short talk at the
Joined a golf club?"
■sw prescription clerk in the High drug church tfie gentlemen, in company with
it.” replied Mr. Growcher.
• tore. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett came to others, walked over to the Cloverdale
of seeing some of
hall where a moving picture show was
Cloveddnle last w eek Friday.
business with Is
in progress and after the show Rev.
Attorney William Marx, of Tillamook, Youel gave a short talk and then intro­ to meet ’em on the golf links.’’—Wash­
ington Star.
was in Cloverdale this morning. He is duced the speaker.
devoting his time boosting for Tom
Mr. Hicks carefully explained the
Oovne tor District Attorney. Marx is a first joker in the brewers' amendment
the actor, seems to be
Notice of Completed Contract.
1 ooster and is boosting for a good man. and explained it so thoroughly that a
growing a trifle deaf. I wonder what
Notice is hereby given, that R. L
Wm. A. High is in Portland this week school hoy could understand the trick caused it?”
Shreve, County Surveyor of Tillamook
on business. While away he will visit that the ¡brewers were endeavoring to
‘T in sure 1 don’t know, but he claims County, Oregon, has filed in this ofth*
his brother in McMinnville. Hoexpeets plnv on the voters this fall. He also It Is the result of constant applause." his certificate for the completion of th
contract of Mallory, Haag and Blum, of
to return about Sunday. This is the I explained the seriousness of the ques- — St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
the Little Nestucca River Bridge, in ac­
first time Mr. High has been absent tion that is to be decided bv the voters
cordance with the plans and specifica­
from his business tor ssveral months and and without any exagération or elabor­
tions, and any person, firm or corpora
tion, having objections to file to tin-
he is entitled to a change and some ation gave a talk that could he under­
completion of said work, may do s >
stood bv all.
The mistakes of today are
within two weeks from the date of tin*
He urged that unless the t>eople here 1
lessons for tomorrow. Isn’t it
Miss Allie Lowrance left yesterday
first publication.
wanted brewers’ agencies established on
nice to think that tomorrow is a
Dateil this 24th day of October, 191*’».
afternoon for Tillamook where she was
new day with no mistakes in it
every corner where booze in original
J. C. Holden, Countv Clerk.
united in marriage to William Watson,
yet?— L. M. Montgomery.
First publication Oct. 2fi, 191tf.
packages (uncorked bottles) could U>
of Buxton, at the Christinn parsonage.
Last bnblication Nov. 9, 191t>.
purchased, to vote tbe brevWrs’ amend­
Key. Curtis performed the ceremony.
ment down.
Mws Low ranee was one of Clovcrdale’ s
One oi the mistakes the voters are
popular young ladies and an »Xpert on
liable to make ia this: When the Su­
tin switchboard. They will make their
preme Courts defines the meaning of the
home at Buxton.
law it would lie on the intentention of
The Business Men’s Club at its meet- the frann rs of the bill and not as to the
T i l l a m o o k , O re
ing put itself on record as favoring the intention of the voters. This is logical ;
Little Nestuctn road as the state high­ anil true.
That little coma (,) •-> i
We carry an up to-date line of MEN'S, WOMEN’S
way and also favored the Hudson cut-off. cleverly arrang» d is what changes the
They sl*o appointed a house committee entire meaning of the measure, should
and CHILDREN’S CLOTHING— Sty lee to suit
as follows L. L. McCabe, N»*ls Hage- t carry, would change the law. It-
every individual
land, ami Ben Jov. Frank Taylor was cannot be considered us a mistake on
Heavy \\ ool l ndergarments, Stockings, Hats,
appointed a committee of one to attend the part of the writers of thiswneasure, j
Rain Coats, etc , retailing at half price.
the County Court budget meeting to be because the brewers secured men to
held this week.
write ibis amendment that are not paid
M. Gllckman & i\\. E. Farmer, Proprietors.