Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, October 26, 1916, Image 5

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    Cloverdale Courier
Published E very Thursday
Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ Entereda»second-class matter. Nov-
erhber J8th., 1905 at the post office at Clo- i
verdalA Tillamook County, ©regon, un- j
der Act bf Congress, March 3rd, 1878.
S ubscription R a ix s
©fie Year, in advance........................ $1-Q0
Si* M onths.................................................60
T-b»eq M o n th s ............................................... 25 !
Single Copy.................................................06 i
A d v e r t is in g R ates
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per
inch per month, single column. All
local Reading Notices, 5 cents per
lijie for each insertion.
Timber land notices
Homeftteacl notices
6 00 I
Political Announcement Cards $10.(10
B o y s ’ S t ilt s Fre e !
J ob D epar tm en t
My Job Department is complete in every i
respect and I am able to do all kinds j
Commercial Job Printing on short
notice at reasonable prices.
The increased cost of milk would be a
good thing for the country if it should
lead people to keep goats. For some
reason goat’s milk has never been popu­
lar in America, although in Europe, es­
pecially in France, Italy and Switzer- j
land, it is much esteemed, particularly I
for babies. A goat can be kept at small
expense where it would be impossible to
keep a cow. Garden waste and roadside
browse will support it. A small shed
affords sufficient shelter. A goat is far
cleaner in its habits than a cow, and re­
quires only such care as a child can give
it. Let us get goats.
Stilts are all the rage. We have a pair for every
boy in the valley and we want every boy to have a
Come into the store and see them, also learn how
you can he a possessor of a pair ot these nicely
painted and praeticall arranged step stilts,
Do not wait until the other boys get ahead of you
right away.
American newspapers have overlooked
the deep significance that apparently
lies behind the visit to Japan of E. H.
Gary, chairm an of the United States
steel corporation.
From long extracts of Gary’s speeches
in|Tokio, we learn that the “ judge” is
soft-soaping both Americans and Japan­
ese is believing that establishment of
steel mills in Japan will cement the
friendship of relations between Japan
and the United States.
What the steel trust really wants in
Japan is a chance to exploit the cheap
labor of the orient just as it already is
exploiting im m igrant and Negro labor
in this conntry. The capatalists and and the “ drys” very little is heard
the government officials of Japan are about the infringement of personal lib­
wise to this, and while they inav let erty, although it crops out in argu
Gary enslave the poor coolies they will m ents heard in the bar rooms and
have no false ideas about his steel mills other places where the wei and dry
linking the two sides of the Pacific in a question is usually discussed.
closer bond of brotherly love. W hat­ It is not an infringement of any one s
ever the Japs may be, thev are not fools. personal liberty if a majority of the peo­
Union labor thinks that tbp real ple of anv state should, bv their votes,
powit is that Gary hopes to cheapen la­ decide to abolish the saloon. It is the
bor in this country by depressing the restriction of a privilege—a license.
demand—which lie plans to do by using It will be no more of an infringement
new mills in Japan to fill steel orders of personal liberty than the passage and
from the far east. Incidentally, steel enforcement of the Harrison drug act
made by the United States steel corpor- ; was on the personal liberty of the dope
ation will also be much cheaper because users.
the freight cost will be much lower than j If it is an infringement of personal
if made in the United States.
liberty for ttie majority to decide to stop
And about all America will get out the sale of strong drink, then is it not nn
(<f it will be dividends to steel trust infringement of the milkman's person­
al liberty w hen a city says to him that he
cannot sell milk unless it comes within
certain restrictions? Is it not an in­
Opponents of prohibition have l>een fringement of i>eraonal liberty to quar-
wont to fall back upon the claim that entine a whole family on account of a
any proposition to abolish the saloon is | contagious disease in the home? Is it
a blow at personal liberty—that a man not an infringement of personal liberty
has a right to drink and get drunk if he if the law says that gasoline must be soi l
wants to, and that to prohibit him from
getting his drink and becoming drunk, is and kept in red cans only? Is is not an
an infringement of his personal liberty. infringement of personal liberty if the
In the present campaign of the “ wets ’ , hardware dealers are prohibited from
Cloverdale Mercantile Co.
storing dynamite in their places of busi­
ness? Is it not an infringem ent of per­
sonal liberty when the community de­
cides that no one shall carry (¡rearms?
Is it not an infringement of personal
liberty to say to a hnnter that he may
not slaughter all of the game that he
may meet? And one might go on down
the list of prohibited things. Society
resolves to throw safeguards about peo­
ple for the majority. Few laws are ever
passed but what some person has his
personal liberty infringed upon, hut it
seems that it is only in the case of liquor
prohibition that complaint is made tbar
one's personal liberty is being infringed.
Notice for Publication.
(pr iiLiHif kr )
U. 8. LAND OFFICE at Portland, Ore­
gon, September 23, 1918.
Notice is hereby given that Ernest E.
Lightfoot, of Hebo, Tillamook County,
Oregon, who, ou May 26, 1911, made
Original Homestead Entrv No. 0:5073
for the sw li, ne '4 and e J* nw
se '4, section 3, township 4 south, range
10 west, and on September 1,1016, made
Additional Homestead Entry No. 04703,
for w ' a nw *4 of se t4, section 3, all in
tow nship 4 south, range 10 west, W il­
lam ette Meridian,has filed notice of in­
tention to make final five vear proof,
to establish claim to the land above de­
scribed,before the Clerk of the County
Court for Tillamook County, Oregon, at
Tillamook, Oregon, on the 9th day of
November, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
G eo rg e W. Bodvfelt, of Beaver, Oregon;
Charles Jensen, of Hebo, Oregon; Al
Gardner, of Tillamook, Oregon; Oliver
P. Mattoon, of Hebo, Oregon.
Proof made according to law nnder
which entry was made, and Act of June
11, 1906.
N. Campbell,
Notice for Publication.
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland,
Oregon, September 20th, 1910.
is hereby given that Augusta
Fowler, of Beaver, Tillamook County,
Oregon, who, on August 14, 1913, made
Homestead Entry No. 03896, for e % of
se >4, Section M , Township 3 South,
Range 9 West, W illamette Meridian,
has tiled notice of intention to make
final three-year proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before the
Clerk of the County Court for Tillamook
County. Oregon, at Tillamook, Oregon,
on the 1st day of Novemlter, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Ernest Haag, Arthur Haag, John
Kumni, and Jacob Niklaus, all of
Beaver, Oregon.
Proof made according to law under
which entry was made.
N. Campbell,
oti ce