Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, October 26, 1916, Image 2

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I)r. W. A. Wise, Dentist. Tuesdays.
Wilbur Bootn left this week for Idaho.
Cooft Qj$ooft
5 Chester Worthington and wife are
Beginning October 24th, we are going
Tillamook visitors today.
to give free, with every Dollar cash pur­
Mrs. Fislier, of Pacific City, was a chase of N Y A L ’ S Toilet Preparations or
N Y A L ’S Family Remedies, a N \ A L
Cloverdale shopper today.
Cook Book, compiled and prepared by
Janet McKenzie Mill, editor of the
ester Ray and family, of Oretown,
Boston Cooking School Magazine.
were visitors here Tuesday.
This book is a valuable addition to
(irundmu Sanders was taken to a T il­
every woman’s kitchen library.
lamook hospital this morning.
The N Y A L Preparations and Reme­
Frank Sutter and II. G. Kinm&n, of dies are too well known to need com­
Oretown. were in the city Tuesday.
ment, suflice to say they have gained a
world-wide reputation for quality.
A. A. Imlah is carrying his arm in a
If you never have tried them begin
sling, having dislocated his shoulder.
now by giving them a trial.
J. E. Cochran is preparing to make a
Watch for our large window display
trip to the valley tomorrow for a load of
beginning October 24th.
Mi, and Mrs. Learned llurke, of Tilla­
mook, visited at the Messner home last
The NYAL Qnality Druggist,
Hebo Items.
Grandpa Kellow, who has been quite
ill, is reported some better.
A chicken dinner was given last Sun­
day by Mrs. Scott Boatman ia honor of
Miss Allie Lowrance.
Grandpa Jackson is spending the week
at Beaver lookirg after interests he has
at that place.
We understand there is to Vie some
new tenants on the Long ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvillipp are enjoying
the comforts of a Chevrolet auto. It
was brought ir. over the mountain the
first ®f the week by Mr. Martini.
Mr. Kirby left Tuesday for the valley
to get some apples. He was accom­
panied hv Ralph Bissett.
Lonzo Throup was in Wednesday front
the vallev with a big load of baled hay.
Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Boatman and
daughter Georgia, all had dental work
done in Cloverdale Tuesday by Dr.
From the looks of the cage Mr. Lund-
quist is building he must expect to
catch a bird in the near future. Its a
garage and the auto will soon be rolling
Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jensen, of Oretown, C LO V E R D A LE ,
were business visitors in Cloverdale
We want a bright young lady in every in"
The Evening Telegram, Portland’s
We will have to look up to Professor
best daily paper, and the Cloverdale school district to solicit subscriptions to J
Plaskcr Bros, for all kinds of ulutub­ Courier, both papers one year for only a combination magazine offer that will Ward and Mr. Chilcotte for a time at
ing, bath room outfits and fixtures. Til­ *3.50.
appeal to everyone approached. First least, judging from the load of hay wo
lamook, Ore.
Carl Shortridge has accepted a position application from your school district | see them bring from o\er the mountain.
Pure mountain honey, Scotch Broom to take care of the dock store for the wiH he first considered. Here is a splen­
brand for sale at E. E. Cross, Hebo. Cloverdale Mercantile Co. and started did chance to earn some money for the I Little Madge Kellow is very ill this
holidays. Write us immediately for week.
Special price on job lots.
in on his new position yesterday morn­ terms and particulars. Address Cour­
ier, Cloverdale, Oregon.
Everett Landingham and V. lr. Learn­ ing.
Cédai fence posts for sale.—E. G. An­
ed left for the valley Wednesday. They
hluklng of Papering Your derson, Hemlock.
The Business Men’s Club of Nestucca Ara You
are expected home tonight.
Yallcv met its new quarters for the first
time to come to i «
£ F
Mrs. Winnie Worthington and child­
in store and look over the 300 patterns j A LitJCCpilVC D i l l Ol F 3LTC
ren, of Tillamook, were visitors over
of up to-date wall paper. Drop me a
committee will be appointed and other letter and state size of room or tell me
Sunday with Cloverdale friends.
business of more or less importance ! what kind of a room you have. I will
Arch Meyers and family moved into
send you samples and prices.
quarters over the old cheese factory.
Claud I Mvers, Tillamook,
E. L. McCabe returned Monday even­
The Wall Paper Man.
They moved here yesterday from Dallas.
ing from his trip to Portland, Mr. Me- j
For Sale.
Just the time of year for a new flash­
Cabe reports that from the people on
One 3-year-old registered Jersey hull.
light. See V. F. Learned. A complete
the streets Portland does not look ns
One 3-year old registered Jersey cow.
stock of flashlights, batteries and bulbs.
One 2-year-old registered Jersey heif-
lively as at previous times when he has
Just received a line of the new Fall visited the city, but he says the banks i ®r*
, ,
1 One 2-year-old grade Jersey heifer.
and Winter samples. Order your Suit and other business institution* report
Two grade Jersey heifer calves.
or Overcoat now. Stiverson, Cloverdale. I an increasing business.
One good team, weight about 2700
Let us till your grocery orders, we
Mr. and Mrs. N. Kirby, of Hebo, Mr.
One wagon and harness.
can and w ill meet the prices ot any out­ and Mrs. Archie Gist and family and
Phone or write E. G. Anderson, Hem­
side house. Cloverdale Mercantile Co. Mr. Gist's mother, of Cloverdale, and lock. Ore.
Hugh Barber and family, of Fairview,
School commenced again this morn­
Notice of Completed Contract.
autoed to Nchalem Saturday afternoon.
ing. the teachers having returned from
Notice is hereby given, that R.
Sunday morning the party started for
the teachers' institute Wednesday even­
Shreve, Countv Surveyor of Tillamook
Seaside, arriving there before noon.
| County, Oregon, has filed in this otlies
Archie Gist and his party decided to
M !!
' moved Tuesday from Iter go on to Portland and return by Dolph. his certificate for the completion of the
j contract of Mallory, Haas and Blum, of
residence on the hill to the cottage own-j Phe other parties returned tho same the Little Nestucca River Bridge, in ac-1
e l b\ Elmer Webb on the nortli side of route they wont, arriving at their cordance with the plans and specifica-
the river.
hnines Sundav evening and report hav- *!on9’ and any person, firm or corpora-
• . ,
. . ' ... . . .
tion, having objections to file to the
a tine trip with but few minor acc-1 c,mipietion
of sam worn,
work may
mav do
llo no
N. J. Merer«, ot Tillamook, candi­
ipletion oi
date for sheriff on the democratic ticket, ! '^0,its.
within two weeks from the date of the
wa* in this end of the county for a few home Wednesday afternoon and report i first publication,
that they enjoyed their trip immensely, j l );ite i this 24th day of October, 101«.
ilnv* this week,
lmS” *'’ U " k'
Mrs. Carl Shortridge left yesterday having made a tour of the upper and | Kir.t p u ls a tio n Got'.
lower Columbia highways.
La«t bublication Nov. 9, 1910.
morning for Portland to purchase a new
line of dry goods and gents' furnishing
for the Cloverdale Mercantile Co.
W. II Webb and sister Maude return­
ed to their home at Sandlake the first of
the week after a few days visit at the
home ot their sister, Mr*. C. J. Worth­
Married—At Salt Lake City, Utah,
October 12, 1**1«, by Key. Elmer N
Goshen, of the First Congregational
church, Arthur N. Richards to Miaa
Cloe Halbert. Both parties formerly
reaided in Cloverdale, where thev have
a host of friends and acquaintances.
First Street, Tillam ook,Ore
We carry an up to-date line of MEN’S. WOMEN’S
C H IL D R E N ’S CLOTHING— Styles to suit
every individual.
Heavy >\ ool Undergarments. Stockings, Hats,
Caps, Rain Coats, etc., retailing at half price.
M. Glickman & M. E. Farmer, Proprietors.