Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, October 26, 1916, Image 1

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Housekeeping and Homemaking—The
C om panion.
Good Housekeeping and hom em aking,
says this most readable journal, ought
to m ean th e sam e th in g . U nfortu n ately
too often they do not.
Good housekeeping of course goes a
long way tow ard com fort. I t helps im ­
m ensely in th e ease and joy and re­
fresh m en t of family life to have meals
well cooked an d well served, to know
t h a t th e things you like will be set be­
fore you as you like th em . The surprise
of a novel, d ain ty dish soothes tired
nerves an d m akes little causes of pos­
sible friction eeem insignificant and far
away. Also, a careful housewife’s eense
of regularity and order is invaluable.
W hen you have tra in s to catch and bus­
iness a p p o in tm e n ts to m eet, you are
glad to have breakfast ready for vou and
to know t h a t d in n e r will be on th e table
as the clock strikes. And tidiness is i n ­
finitely restful to th e spirit. You keep
your office clean, or see t h a t is kept
clean; you would be a s h a m e d to have it
otherw ise. I t is a trial som etim es to go
hom e and find things trailin g where
they ou g h t not to be, d u s t in corners,
sym ptom s of cobwebs, th e c h ild re n ’s
frocks b uttonless and th e ir hair d is ­
The ceafteless,
th o u g h t t h a t avoids these little d ra w ­
backs is an acceptable contribution to
th e serenity of life.
B ut good housekeeping, like oth er
good qualities, has its corresponding
Well-cooked food m u s t be
eaten a t th e right m o m e n t to be a p ­
preciated. A p unctual cook who takes
pride in her work desires a punctual
family, d em a n d s it, is likely to insist
upon it. To a busy m an, whose eq»
gagem ents ca n n o t always he m ade to
accord with th e clock, t h a t precise order
of meals gets to have som e terrors,
especially if neglect of it brings cold
looks a n d s h a r p speeches. O rder in
general is a splendid t h in g ; b u t order
too rigidly enforced m ay grow to be a
burden. J o h n n y som etim es sighs for a
place w here he can throw’ his h a t in to
any old corner w ith o u t being reproached
for it. And Bessie wonders w h e th e r in
heaven it m ay not be possible for a girl
to leave things about until she feels just
like picking th e m up again.
A well-kept house is n o t alw ays a
charm ing hom e. S u n sh in e and smiles
m ake h o m e; a m erry h e a r t and a ready
welcome, no m a t t e r th o u g h m eals are
cold and shoes dusty an d h an d s not so
w hite as they should be. A m oth er
who is a little to le ra n t of d ir t a n d a
little careless in cooking, bu t w ho enters
w ith her whole soul in th e lives of her
husband a n d child re n , is m ore loved
and cherished th a n one w ho serves
meals neatly an d regularly b u t who is
cold at hea rt. The ideal undoubtedly
is to m ake a well-kept house a perfect
h o m e ; b u t let th e hom e come first and
bring th e o th e r after, if you can.
IVill fu i W aste Brings Woeful W ant.
NO. 16
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight
though we have done business by mail with them for yean.
believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can
give you the same satisfaction.
Mail us Your Next Check or Checks
It saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season
of the year. No need to come to the bank in person.
W ith a g unny Hack a b o u t 1»is waist
vnd a big knife in his h a n d Paladini,
millionaire fish king of San Francisco,
plies hia tra d e each day ju s t exactly as
does any of his employes.
Paladini, except for his millions hears
►■mail resem blance to th e generally ac­
cepted idea of a t r u s t m agnate. C utting
fish is messy business. Fine traiuien
has no p a rt in it. B ut P aladini cares
not a w hit w h a t people th in k of his
H e has am assed a million
slicing fish and selling it shrewdly.
And he is going to continue doing it.
A lexander P aladini was born in A n ­
cona. Italy, in th e early forties. Left
as th e su p p o rt of a widowed m o th e r and
four sisters a t th e age of eight, th e fu tu re
fish king went to sea.
After working ab o u t th e A driatic he
late r visited ports th ro u g h o u t th e world.
He landed a t New Y ork in 18(if>. His
wages were w ith h eld because he left
th e sh ip on A m erican soil. Paladini
was aix m o n th s on th e trip aro u n d Gape
H orn. H e landed in San Francisco with
a few dollars. I.ater lie bought a sm all
fish s ta n d an d prospered, T he big fire
! wiped out ev e ry th in g he owned except
his real es ta te and fishing boats.
P ersistence is one of th e P alad in i c h a r­
acteristics anti reverses do not worry
him —or stop him pilling up great
E d i t o r ’s Note— Few m en know when to
q u it th e game. H ere is p o rtra y e d a c h a r ­
acter t h a t should have long ago left tho
slicing of fish to some one less fortunate,
th a t he, too, m ig h t a c c u m u la te some of
th e world’s goods. Ttiis m a n from
Italy bus accum u lated a fo rtune and
lost the m eans of know ing how to e n ­
joy it. He is no more nor less t h a n a
m achine—an yone can be a m achine.
Thu successful m an is th e one who ac­
cum ulates a respectable com petence
w ithout Htarting a growth of bristles on
his hack. How few they are. On every
hand we find th e m iserable rich, frayed
to a fta/./le, because w ith th e a c c u m u la ­
tion of a little w ealth th ey have lost
th e ir h e a d . . They knew not when to
q uit and give th e otfier fellow a chance.
It frequently occurs t h a t t h e o th e r fel­
low persists in taking t h e chance,
w hether or not he is given an opp o r­
tunity. The re sult has in v a ria b ly been
th a t lie has m ade th e m iserable rich
hustle to re ta in w hat he hud a l ­
ready accum ulated and in m a n y i n ­
stances ho goes the way from w hich no
traveler re turns, a dism al failure, fin an ­
cially and otherw ise.
can he speedily done away with
if you will but take th^ precau­
tion to protect yourself against
catastrophes. A few dollars will
assure you of your home, or a
fitting substitute, for a fire in­
surance policy is a resurrector
from the possible wreck you
may become enmeshed in afiy
day. Take our advice. Qet out
a fire insurance policy com­
mensurate with your holdings.
ON’T spend as you go. Don’t scatter your dollars. Plan
to set aside a certain 6um for the bank. None can tell
when a business reverse, loss of position or siege of illness
will overtake him. You’ll find that in adversity your
m bankbook is your best friend. We offer every banking facility.
Call on us and we’ll be glad to explain our system.
- ■— ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cloverdale, Oregon.
Phone Us Cal! on Us Write Us
W A T S O N The Insurance Man