Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, October 05, 1916, Image 1

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7 0 L . J 2.
NO. 13
s nsus of opinion among those who in­
vestigated was that the proposition
was a worthy one.
Following are some of the many good
One ot the first principles laid down
reasons for changing this raod :
in plane geometry is that “ a straight
The chief benefit comes from short­
line is the shortest distance between ening the distance. Until the proposed
two points.” In traveling from Clover- route is surveyed the saving in travel
dale to Tillamook it is desirable to fol­ cannot he exactly known, but it is cer­
low the shortest route but it is necessary tain that one mile can be saved and that
to deviate from a straight line in order means two miles on round trip. That
to follow the courses of the streams. may not mean very much to a man
Quite a detour tot he east is necessitated with a car who only travels the road
by the big bend in the Tillamook river. occasionally but it is a big help to a
A number of people who are familiar dairyman who has to haul milk over it
with the topography of the \alley assert, e«-prv day. The stages travel this road
however, that the road hears farther to daily and some of the freighters make
the east than necessary at one place. several trips per day. This distance is
This occurs where the road angles off saved for every one in the county living
to the northeast from the former r e s i ­ south of Goldsworthy’s place and also
dence of James tioldsworthv to Fawcett for each and every one of the tourists
Creek bridge, According to the map and travelers through the country.
which has been verified bv, per-mal ob­
Another big benefit will be the open­
servation the river follows v t v c b s v ing up of a large tract of country that
the section line running due nonh from at present has no outlet. C. E. P e r ­
the Goldsworthy place. This proves son's farm home will be served |>y the
that the road from Fawcett Crcc k bridge new road. At present he has to cross
to the Quick corner is half a mile far* her another man’s land to reach the county
east than necessary.
road. The trail out is well nigh impos­
Several residents of Pleasant Valley sible even now when at it’s best. Mr.
started to agitate the question of this reason’ s son has land on the new
unnecessary distance and as a result a * route which he is waiting to improve.
meeting was called for July 12 to start a John Theiler has land which is shut in.
preliminary investigation as to the mer­ Gottlieb Fosspind’ s ranch would be
its of the* project. Owing to the-unfav­ served by the new road and there are
orable weather only a few people were others who would be benefitted.
present. Their report, however, was
It. must be remembered that the main
favorable and aroused considerable in road through the valley will be a per­
terest. When a second meeting was manent affair when paved and it should
called for August 29 a much larger num- follow the best route. It is also a part
b w of taxpayers tiftned out and went of the Pacific Highway and will be one
over the proposed route. Many who of the main arteries of travel through
cjuld not go expressed themselves in the state.
_ -
f ivor of the improvement. The con-
Aside from the dis/ance saved the new
ITs a Long Way to Tillamook.
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight
though we have done business by mail with them for years.
believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can
give you the same satisfaction.
Mail us Your Next Check or Checks
it saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season
of the year.
No need to come to the hank in person.
road will follow a better grade, that
of the Tillamook river.
Some people may object to the aband­
oning of the highly improved section of
road now in use around this point.
That road will be a necessity and the
work spent on it would not he wasted.
In its present state it will wear for
many years without additional expense
after the heavy traffic is deviated.
Aonther point to consider is that the
county must open a road over at least a
part of the proposed route whether the
main road follows it or not. The devel­
opment of the county demands that
such a rich section of bottom land be
given an outlet.
While paving has been going on south
of the county seat, the public has been
using the new road south of town con­
necting with the old Netarts road. This
road is very oonvenient at the present
time but is expensive and after the
paving is completed will serve only a
small part of the county’s population.
This is not said in a spirit of criticism
but tor the sake of comparison. The
road now asked for will not be expensive
and will serve a large portion of the
county’s population.
On fiist thought many taxpayers may
object to this improvement on the scare
of increased county expense. This,
however, will bo balanced by the saving
on paving expense. The mile or more
of hard surfacing saved will pay for
clearing, the right of wav and grading
the new road. The Tillamook river
where the road will follow its course has
road material to abundantly supply
the new rosyis and many miles on both
ends. While this road is being built
there will be no interference with traffic
as that can follow the old road.
The people of the south end of the
county have long suffered hardship in
transportaiion lines and it is time that
this unnecessary handicap is removed.
This road is not asked, however, as a
favor for any particular section of the
county. It will benefit practically the
whole county and be an improvement
of statewide interest as it will he used
by people from all over tho state and
even from neighboring states.
The purpose of this article is to bring
the matter before the taxpayers of the
(Concluded on last page.)
can be speedily done away with
if you will hut take the precau­
tion to protect yourself against
catastrophes. A few dollars will
assure you of your home, or a
fitting subititute, for a fire in­
surance policy is a resurrvetor
from the possible
wreck you
niuy become enmeshed in any
day. Take our advict;. Get out
a fire insurance policy com­
mensurate with your holdings.
Phone Us Call on Us Write Us
W A T g h M
The Insurance Man