Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, September 28, 1916, Image 3

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    "Yes, I'm going, l have come to
th at decision a fte r long and careful
cielibera tion."
“And consultation with your m other.”
This was a home thrust.
! " If there is any one who knows
. what is best for the child she has
! .'ared for and loved from babyhood it
!s surely her m other."
“I agree w ith you. Therefore the
lau g h te r should never leave her motli-
“The daughter is not expected to
marry a —a " —
“Brute! B ut we are w asting time.
When do you go?”
“Are you in h aste to be rid of me?"
“Not a t all. I m erely wish to m ake
»rrangem ents for your departure.
Will you |>ermit me to see you to yfmr
m other’s house?"
“ Who said I w as going to m am m a?”
“Very well. I will tak e you wher-
?ver you wish to go.”
“You'll have to dine elsew here to-
Jay. I have m ade no preparations for
lin n er hero.”
“Suppose we have a last dinner at
Skinners, w ith a bottle of th at wine
you like so well?"
She hesitated, and he suggested th a t
she telephone her m other th at she
would not arrive till a fte r dinner. This
last reference to her m other, though
highly respectful, called a frow n to
the w ife's brow. Nevertheless she
went to the phone and sent the m es­
sage. Then she dressed for the dinner
and cam e dow nstairs looking very
“IIave you sent your baggage?" he
isked mildly.
“No!” she snapped.
They dined w ith handsom ely dressed
ladies and gentlem en to detrnct their
attention from their troubles, and m u­
sic soothed them, and the wine w arm ­
ed them. The dinner was excellent,
and they spent an enjoyable evening
together. W hen they drove aw ay he
made no m ention of the fact th a t she
had expected to go to her m other, but
Jirected the driver to take them to
their own home.
And th a t was the end of the fracas.
W it h n ew b u ild in g «, b e tte r e q u i p m e n t , and
m an y a d d itio n s to its facu lty, th e U n iv e rs ity
o f O rego n w ill begin it* fo r ty - fir s t y e a r , T u e s ­
d ay, S ep tem b er IS , 1916.
S p ecial tr a in in g in C o m m e r c e , J o u rn a lis m ,
A rc h ite c tu r e , L ew . I I edlc I tie. T e a c h in g , L ib r a ­
ry W o r k , M u sic, P h y s lo il T r a in in g en d Tine
A rts . L a r g e and stgorig d ep a rtm en ts o f L ib e r ­
a l K d u catlon .
L ib r a r y o f m ore than 69,006 volu m es, f i f ­
teen b u ild in g s fu lly eq u ip p ed , tw o splendid
gym n asiu m s.
T u itio n F ree. D o rm ito rie s fo r m en and for
w o m e n . E xpen ses Low est.
W rite fo r free catalogs, addressing R e g istra r
“O ur m arriage,” said the wife, “ has
been u m istake. The sooner a m istake
Is rectified the better. I am going to
leave you.”
“T h at's not a bad Idea," said the
husband. “A bit of freedom from this
new life th a t neither of us has yet
become used to will give us a b reath ­
ing spell, and If we come together
again we will appreciate each other
all the more for it.”
“T h at ‘i f Is well put In.”
“And if we don’t come together
again ju s t think of the fun we'll
“ F un?”
“Yes. I can rem ain out a t a poker
party till 3 o’clock In the m orning if
I like, smoke and drink to my heart’s
content, spend no end of tim e sitting
on u stool before a glove counter with
a p retty fcirl on the other Bide sm ooth­
ing down my fingers w ith her soft
“If these things a re so delightful to
you why did you m arry?”
“ I h aven't come to your own enjoy­
m ents consequent on the break y e t
You can sit all day beside your m oth­
er, holding her hand and listening to
her advice to you how to m anage u
husband. W on't th a t be Just too nice
for anything?"
“If you loved me one-tenth as well
as m am m a does there would be no
need of a separation."
“Oh, I could never com pete w ith a
m other's love! T h a t is not to be ex­
pected. I suppose th a t's w hat gives
her a rig h t to tell you Just w hat course
to tak e respecting your husband. Now
th a t you're going to leave me, her ad­
vice w ith respect to me will be no
longer necessary, and I wonder w hat
you and she will talk about when you
nestle dow n for a m orning chin-chin."
She w as inclined to think th at, the
one interesting topic being removed,
the chin-chin would be ra th e r dull, but
she did not say so.
"T here’s one thing I propose to do,"
continued th e provoking husband. “As
soon as yon are gone I'm going to
tak e dow n these curtains. 1 have en­
dured them simply for your sake.
They sh u t out the light.”
“Indeed, you will do no such thing!"
“W hy so? It will not m atter to you
w hether there are curtains here or
not. I shall m ake a smoking room of
this, an d you have alw ays declared
th a t when smoke gets Into curtains
it’s hard to get it out.”
“A sm oking room of this cozy a p a rt­
m ent! W hy, I arranged everything
here m yself!”
“So you did, and a delightful room
you m ade of i t I rem em ber *when 1
first saw it I thought how m any de­
lightful seances we would have here.
I little thought th a t a few short
m onths w ould end it all."
“ W hose fau lt is it?"
“W hy d o n 't you do better?”
“I c a n 't I’m natu rally wicked. If
I w ere not you w ouldn't need to
leave me.”
“Of course I d on't w ant to. leave
yon, but you c a n 't expect me to endure
such tre a tm e n t forever.”
“C ertainly n o t I deserve it alL But
It's sad to think of my having to dis­
m antle this pretty room for a lot of
fellows who will throw cigar and pipe
ashes all over the carpet a n d ”—
“They will do no such thing! If
you're going to have those horrid men
here I —I—w on't”—
“W on't go?”
rwxMc« —
( the
ClOOD p u d g e
l is t e n s
to m e n
who k n o w
s o m e t h in g
W-B 13 QUALITY ___
ERE is the common sense way a W-B CUT user
■. put it up to one of his friends:—
When it comes to tobacco satisfaction, that's got to
be in the tobacco in the beginning. Molasses and licorice
won’t put it there. W-B CUT is rich tobacco and chock
full of real tobacco satisfaction—excess sweetening has
no chutm for you once yon know quality tobacco. And remember
the other points —less grinding and «pitting, and half-sized chews.”
Made by WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY. 50 Uaioa Square, New York City
Tillamook ¿A stetet Company
Som e B ib le L ang u ag es.
l - *. *
T h o s . C o d '» . P m d h i .
U nde r New
M an ag em en t
The Todd Hotel
Some of tlio languages the Bible has
coNPLtrt an* o r « « s m o r i
been tran slated into are Accra. Anelt-
Tillamook, Ore.
yum, A rraw ack. Azerbljan, Bulu, Cal- TILLAMOOK CITY.
muc, Chippew ayan. Coptic, Dnjak,
Dikele. Eronm nga. Gitnno. Gujerntl,
Dining Room run <vn Family Style
H aussa, Iaian, Uocano, K hassl. Kini-
Meals 25c.
ka. Koordlsh. K usaien, Lepeha, Lifu,
.Malagasy, M aliseet, Mundlngo, Mic­
mac, Mpongwe. Mnskokee. Namacqua.
Conveyancing, Kte.
N arrlnyeri. OJibwa, Otlyeherero, Pam-
Tillamook. Ora.
panga, Pangassinan. Pushtoo, Itaro- Opp. Coart Boaae.
tengan, link, Scheetsw a. Tcherem is
sian. Tchuw ash. Tschi, WoguL
Rooms 50 sod 75 Cents, Special
Rates by the Week.
Tillamook U ndertaking Co.
W hy
R em ained
H om e.
Model H usband (boastfully) — Yes.
gentlem en. I've been m arried ten years
and never spent a night aw ay from
home y e t
D oubting Thom as—L arge and inter­
esting fam ily, eh?
“Only three of us.”
“H ave one child, eh?"
“No; the other is my w ife’s m other.”
D ainty S nails.
K. N. HENKEL, Proprietor.
Night and Day calla
promptly attended.
Next Door to Jones-Kbudson Furniture
8 tore.
Pacific Meat & Produce
Rnalls are most dainty feeders and
I strict vegetarians, as m any gardeners
(R. D. W erschkul, Prop.)
j know to their c o st A pparently three
centuries ago snails were more popular
I in E ngland th an they a re now. The Phone orders filled.
fastidious au th o r of “The Faerie
mad« North and South.
Queene” gives a recipe for th eir prep­
our sharp weapons w e sh&l thee
fr a y
A n d ta k e th e castill th at thou lyest In;
W e shal thee fla y out o f th y fo u le skin.
A n d in a dish, w ith onyons and peper.
W e shal th ee dreeae w ith s tro n g v y n e g a ra
W ith
Cash Paid for Hides
¿ U Q those who wish to
get a be tter K 0 -
DAK this season,
we have ma de a r r a n g e ­
ments whereby we can
take in a fe y good old
style mach in es in trade
on new ones,
Hohaß CCeamng anb
C. I. C L O U G H ,
—London Standard.
Phone, Shop, 13-S-tJ.
Res. 6-C-2J