Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, September 28, 1916, Image 2

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Notice for Publication.
item s
U. S. LAND OFFICE at Portland, Ore­
gon, September 23, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that Ernest E.
Lightfoot, of Hebo, Tillamook County,
Oregon, who, on May 26, 1911, made
Original Homestead Entry No. 03073
for the sw b4, ne % and e \ nw % of
se l4 , section 3, township 4 south, range
10 west, and on September 1,1916, made
Additional Homestead Entry No. 04793,
for w ba nw J 4 of se $ 4 , section 3, all in
township 4 south, range 10 west, Wil­
lamette Meridian,has filed notice of in­
tention to make final five-year proof,
to establish claim to the land above de­
scribed, before the Clerk of the County
Court for Tillamook County, Oregon, at
Tillamook, Oregon, on the 9th day of
November, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George W. Bodvfelt, of Beaver, Oregon ;
Charles Jensen, of Hebo, Oregon; A1
Gardner, of Tillamook, Oregon; Oliver
P. Mattoon. of Hebo,-Oregon.
Proof made according to law under
which entry was made, and Act of June
11 , 1906 .
N. Campbell,
School Supplies
Wm. Owen made Cloverdale yester­
Wise & Massey, Dentists.
He is traveling for a stationery
P. M. Stiverson for photo work.
and willow wrore wholesale concern of
Circuit Court convenes Monday.
Portland. He says so far the orders
— AND-
been coming his way very good.
D. T. Edmunds, of Pacific City was in
While here he received the sad intelli­
CloVerdale Tuesday.
of the death of his mother at
Moving pictures Saturday evening Portland.
and dance after the show.
A street fight on the street here last
Mr. and M rs. William Penter was up Saturday
morning caused considerable
from the cannery yesterday.
excitement for a short time. Elbert
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Werschkul made Worthington thought he was privileged
to beat up C. A. Smith and proceeded
a trip to Tillamook Tuesday.
do so. He was stopped by two of the
W. It. Robedee, of Woods, was a citizens
here just as the sheriff of the
visitor in Cloverdale Saturday.
county came around the corner in a ma­
The first program of the Literary so- chine to the justice’s office. Elbert
cietv will ba held Friday evening.
was arraigned, plead guilty to assault
batteiy, and was fined $50 and
Every Saturday the Cloverdale Mer-
which he paid,
School Books Strictly Cash
cantile Co. will have special bargains
for every caller.
It was with deepest regret that the
W. P. Spaul ling, of Forest Grove, is people of Cloverdale recently read of the
Notice for Publication.
in Cloverdale visiting his son, V. death of Rev. .1. V. Milligan. He was
Spaulding and family.
a pioneer missionary of Sunday school
For sale cheap—Horae and saddle. w'ork in Tillamook county and was in­
OREGON U. 8 . LAND OFFICE at Portland,
Will throw in buggy and harness. L. strumental in organizing and keeping CLOVERDALE,
Oregon, September 20th, 1916.
interest alive in all the Presbyterian
M. Krimer, Cloverdale.
N otice is hereby given that Augusta
schools of the county. A man
Bids Wanted.
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Moon and son Sunday
Tillamook County,
pleasing personality, thoroughly de­ Bids will be received up to October 1, Oregon, of who, Beaver,
Lloyd, and John 'loon autoed to Salem of
14, 1913, made
voted to his work, he made friends 1916, for making cheese in the Clover­ Homestead Entry No. 03895,
Sunday and are attending the fair.
% of
wherever he visited. Surely this dis­ dale factory for 1917. Right reserved to se ^ 4 , Section 34, Township for 3 e South,
Just the time of year for a new flash­ trict has suffered a serious loss in the reject^iny and all bids. Mail bids to Range 9 West, Willamette Meridian,
the undersigned.
light. See V. F. Learned. A complete death of Dr. Milligan.
filed notice of intention to make
H. B. Lockwood, Secretary. has
stock of flashlights, batteries and bulbs.
three-year proof, to establish claim
Deer From Porch
to the land above described, before the
William O’Connell, who has been Yank Shoots
Clerk of the County Court for Tillamook
Lady, who lives in the hills
The Cooling of the Worlds.
working near Wheeler this summer, re­ back of Willamina,
County, Oregon, at Tillamook, Oregon,
a deer from his All bodies in space are gradually ap­ on
turned to Cloverdale Tuesday to make front porch one dwy saw
the 1st day of November, 1916.
this week. Rush­ proaching frigidity. When a redhot Claimant
names as witnesses:
his home here for awhile.
ing back into a room he pulled down cannon ball is taken out of a furnace Ernest Haag, Arthur Haag, John
T. It. Wilson and John Fox, of Meda, his old trusy rifle and in a jiffy he aim­ and suspended In the air It parts with Kumrn, and Jacob* Niklaus, all of
returned Sunday evening from a trip to ed at the antlered animal and brought Its heat and keeps ou parting with it Beaver,
Proof made according to law under
the round-up at Pendleton. They re­ it down.—Willamina Times.
until it finally reaches the temperature which entry was made.
port having had a good time.
N. Campbell,
surrounding it And what happens to
M c M innville round - up the cannon ball is happening to the
See the now Sefetv Lanterns at the
sun. The sun is steadily losing its The Evening Telegram, Portland’s
Cloverdale Mercantile Co.’s store. Just
heat nnd contracting, and tho same is best daily paper, and the Cloverdale
what you want on the ranch. Regular
planets nnd of every other Courier, both papers one year for only
lar price $1.60. Our price $1.10.
Approximately the program for the body of in the
Just as the arctic circle
Miss Nettie Smith, of the Tillamook McMinnville Round-Up, October 4-5-6 is ever encroaching
upon the temperate $3.50.
Herald, was a caller at the Courier of­ 1016:
and equatorial regions, so the final When in Tillamook and you want a
fice last week Thursday. She has been Cow boys pony race.
chill is steadily advancing upon the good meal at a most reasonable price
enjoying her vacation visiting relatives Trick and fancy roping.
warmth everywhere.—New York Amer­ call at M. Olesor.’s in the Ramsey Hotel
Wild hull and steer riding and burro ican.
dining room.
Ed Worthington moved his family riding.
roping (the funniest of all).
from this place to a farm near Loraine, Goat
Oregon, last Monday morning. Ed re­ Four horse pony
turned lust evening to rinse up some of Lady bucking horse riding
his affairs here.
Cow boys relay race.
Uncle John Baker, of Meda. hit Clov­ Steer roping and tying.
A b b R O A D S b E A D TO
erdale again Wednesday and had his Bull dogging.
usual happy smile with him. Vnele Pony express race.
John savs he feels as happy ns a lord, Exhibition bareback riding.
and we believe he does.
Bucking contest for the championship
It looks as if the Kreh’s mill was Wild
horse race.
leaving on the installment plan. Today Cow girls
relay race.
two men from the American Wood General admission,
Working Machinery Co., of Portland, Special rates of one 50
one-third fare
tearing out the planing machine.
for round trip on all railroads. Good
Mr and Mrs Julius Werschkul and from sale day, October 3-4-5 6 , return­
O c t o b e r 4-, 5 a n d 6,1916
Mi and Mrs. W. F. Werschkul, of Port­ ing limited until October 8 .
land, who have been visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. D. T. Werschkul for the past
Really Careful.
two weeks, returned to ttieir homes Natalie, nged five years, for the first h u l l o f T h r i l l s a n d S h i v e r s
time planted «onto pansy seeds iii small
S p e c i a l R a t e s o n all R a i l r o a d «
The Neetuooa Valley Business Men's boxes. One evening she rushed to wa
A m p le Seating C a pa city
Club is sn assured thing. It has now a ter them, and on her return her mother
membership of eighteen) and new mem­ said. “You know after a rain you don't
P a rk in g S pace for A u t o m o b ile «
bers are being added to the list every have to water them.”
day. If a membership of twenty-five
or more can be secured a club room will "Oh. I take them lu when It rains:’’— G R A N D P A R A D E F I R S T D A Y 10 A. M.
New York Times.
l*e provided.
Everything for the Young­
ster and the Advanced
Look Up Your School Needs
M c M in n v il l e