W . = ' A n Artistic Courtship By ETHEL HOLMES » ' - Gabriel Martel painted pictures for a living, but mado a very poor one. At last he gave It up and became an In­ structor In his art. lie was now a widower, an old man, and had one child, a daughter, Winifred, about twenty years old. The rooms In which he lived and gave lessons were In a studio building for persons of Ids pro­ fession. One spring morplng Winifred was sitting by nn open window' In the liv­ ing room, facing the street, making clothes for herself, for her father had no money with which to buy them. She had a very sweet face and as she bent over her work formed nn at­ tractive picture. Beardslee, wrho had Just returned from Florence, Italy, where he had been studying and was considered a genius, saw the girl at tho window, and—well, he fell In love with her. I don’t mean his love was full Hedged the moment he laid eyes on her, but that Is when It began. Ho noted the position of the room In which she was sitting and, crossing the street, entered the studio building, mounted the stairs and proceeded to the door lending to the room. Ills ob­ ject was the acquaintance of that girl. IIow ho was to make It he didn’t know, but he was full of assurance and resource and trusted to these and luck. On the door was painted, "Ga­ briel Martel, Instructor In Fainting.” Opening the door, he saw Mr. Martel standing over a small boy whom he was endeavoring to teach to draw the outline of a goblet Winifred sat In an adjoining room. “Beg pardon,” said Beardslee; “I am desirous of taking some lessons In pn luting.” “Are you a beginner?” asked tho In­ structor. “Oh. no! I have had soino practice." Martel stated the terms, which were satisfactory, and Beardslee said ho would toko a lesson then and there. He sat down at an easel faced toward Winifred. As soon ns Martel hnd disappeared Beardslee took out soiuo pieces of thin Ivory he had in his pocket and began to paint a miniature portrait of Wini­ fred. If his love for the girl was not yet full fledged, his love for his sub­ ject was. At any rate, he mndo one of those rnpld strokes of genius which will sometimes come without the slight­ est effort, but which will elude an artist on more pretentious work. Mean­ while other pupils had couio In, uud • Beardslee heard Martel talking to them. In this way he kept a knowl­ edge of tho Instructor’s position, and whenever he came near the screen Beardslee would hide the miniature and begin to daub on the subject as­ signed him. But he hnd asked that be might not bo disturbed, and his In­ structor did not visit him till after he had finished tho miniature sketch. A few days Inter Winifred was look lug over the art columns of a Sunday paper nml saw among the pictures of moment reproduced there n picture called "At Work." by the newly i r rived celebrity Clarence Beardslee. It w ns a girl sitting by a window sewing. Tho work w as valued at $1,000. "Isn’t that like this window, papa?" sho said, showing It to her father, "and that work stand Is an exact re­ production of mine.” "And the face Is yours, too," said the parent "It says the picture will be on exhi­ bition nT Gambrell’s for a few’ days. I’m going to see it.” The same afternoon she visited Gam- brell’s picture store, and there was the miniature, into which the artist had found room to give a suggestion of the window and the work stand. She had no sooner looked upon the face of the girl than she recognized herself. The likeness was perfect. She stood look­ ing at It in a dream of w’onder. There Is a break In tho story which cannot be supplied. When Winifred went home to her father happiness bubbled up in her like a spring of limpid water. She had seen at the picture store the \yould be pupil of the day before. THe break In the story Is how did he come to be there when she was there? Nobody but himself knows, and he has never told. All Winifred snid to her father about the miniature was that It was a rare work of a r t The minx had brought It home with her. There Is more that does not appear In this version of the story, and that Is, What was going on between Beards­ lee and Winifred during the next month? at the end of which Martel re­ ceived the surprise of his life. His former pupil of one lesson entered his Instruction room and presented a card, on which was the name Clarence Beardslee. Martel looked at It, then up at tho visitor and wondered if one or tho other of them had not lost his senses. Winifred rnn from the other room and wrapped both arms around her fa­ ther. "I came,” said Beardslee, “to ask you, Mr. Martel, for your daughter.” “My daughter! You, Clarence Beard­ slee!” “Yes.” Then Winifred explained matters, which It Is not necessary to explain here, for they nre explained already, except the breaks, which In case of lovers no one can explain but them­ selves. “The Worker” remains the best of Clarence Beardslee’s small offhand hits. It is a gem. T illa m o o k , - O r e g o n Inaugurates a New Shopping Service for the People of Cloverdale and Dis= trict. Y OU appreciate everv service that makes shopping easier, don’t you? It’s only natural, isn’t it? Choosing is so difficult sometimes, especially if one is unable to have a large selection submitted. Well! now. here is where our new Shopping Service is going to help you. 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