W h e n K n ig h ts W e r e Bald. ....................................... .. • . ■ L IV E R IC H T TODAY. L ive this day rig h t and meet to m o rro w b ravely when it comes. It is a blessed secret this of livin g by the day. Any one can c a rry his burden, h ow ­ ever heavy, until nig h tfall. Any one can do his work, ■ however hard, fo r one day. A ny one dan live sweetly, patiently, lovingly and purely until the sun goes down. And this is all th a t life ever really means to us— just one little day. T h e Geyser at Senaml. 0 Japan occupies a prominent place jj among the countries of the world In f the possession of mineral springs rich s fcu radium emanations. These are found exclusively in granite regionB. The hot spring o f Misnsa, in the prov­ ince of Iloki, In western Japan, be­ longs to this category. In radio-activ­ ity It Is second only to Ischia, in Italy. v Of the three well known intermittent * hot springs the geyser at Senaml is the 2 grandest, the waters being thrown up a to an occasional height o f ninety feet Salt and the Ramans. 1 Spilling of salt Is a superstition still current among us it is derived from the undent Romans, who used salt in their sacrifices and regarded it us sa- j cred to the penntes. To spill It careless­ ly was to Incur the displeasure o f these household divinities. A fter accldental- ; ly spilling salt the ancient Homan was wont to throw some over tho left shoul­ der the shoulder of 111 omen—thereby hoping to call away from his neighbor tho wrath o f the Deity and turn it I upon lilmself. t ----------------------- A F ’ irly Good A pp etite. A certuln knight, growing old. his hair fell off, and he became bald, to hide which imperfection he wore a periwig. But as he was riding out ; with some others a-hunting a sudden gust o f wind blew off the fieriwig and exposed Ills bald pate. The company ! could not forbear laughing at the acci­ dent, and he himself laughed as loudly as anybody, saying: “ IIo w was it to be expected that I could keep strange hair upon mv head when my own would not stay there?” — Exchange. Go!f or Tennis AT Neah=Kah=Nie A Beauty spot in Tillamook County. - Neah-Kah-Nie Tayern is a hospitable place. - Rent a tent if you desire. A m li n Poisons th e Eye. When sharpening a colored pencil be careful not to get any o f the dust into the eye. Many such pencils are dyed ! with aniline, and several cases o f se vere injury to the eye have been re­ ported. In the Archives o f Ophthal­ mology Dr. II. J. McCurdy tells o f a young woman who not only had the white o f her eyes stained blue, but j who had to have an operation per­ formed to separate the lower lid from the eyeball, these having grown fogeth- l er in the healing o f the sore produced j by the aniline. Pacific Meat & Produce Co. (H. I). Werschkul, Prop.) I athing' at ay ocean Only natatorium of its kind in the west. Surf-making machine. Water is nice and warm. Good hotel and cottages, Low Round Trip Fares On Sale Daily Return Limit Two Days between All Stations and Beach Points in Tillamook County filled. Deliveries made North and South. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Oregon. SOUTHERN PAGiriG Cash Paid for Hides --------------------------- :----------------------- -- ---- ------- !------» -------------— Phone, Shop, 13-S-(>. Ottiee Ground Floor Todd Hotel. Res. 6-C-2 Bell Phone 53-J P. O. Box 147 L o n d o n ’s Squares. The square as a residential quarter is essentially British, being analogous neither to the French place nor the Italian piazzo nor to the German platz. Nowhere on the continent do we find any assemblage o f private houses the inhabitants o f which have a proscrip­ tive right to the ground on which their residences abut. Tho London squares, according to their historian. E. B. Chancellor, “ number about 200, and their characteristics are curiously di­ verse. Ilardiy any o f them are In form square at all. There are some which are triangles, some with only three and many with unequal sides and a few < » mere wedges and excrescences from < I adjoining streets.” —London Tit-Bits. PACIFIC ABSTRACT CO. H e rb e rt Sponcer W a s H u m a n . 0 ♦ f 1 > (I < I < » o »0 those who wish to get a better K O ­ D A K this season, we have made arrange­ ments whereby we can take in a few good old style machines in trade on new ones. N o m in a tin g C ardinals. t < > ♦ S leep w alkin g . || T\otofi£feamnganî> i Qftepmrmg. I I ' 1?---------- L ___ L' ___ ." E _____ ■ 1 1 - 111 11 ------ B i l l i n g s g a t e and Fish. F.Mliiq s ate is noted for more than Its pi< fu!os,;ue language, for it is the WOI-I i s gieaiost middleman's fish mar­ ket. London devours over 1,000,000 pounds of fish every day in normal times 2"o.uoo tons a year that means. Eleven railroads bring about 009 tons a day. ami the remainder comes by wa­ ter Before being offered for sale the fish at Billingsgate are inspected by a commission o f tlie Worshipful Compa­ ny o f Fishmongers, which holds letters patent granted it by K ing Edward I. at the beginning o f the thirteenth cen­ tury. Tliis ancient society represents, through the North Sea Protective asso­ ciation. more than fifty o f the leading fishing companies of Great Britain. A H i n t to M o th e r. A tiny girl o f four was permitted to The ceremony o f nominating cardi­ nals, which takes place at Rome, is not ! make her first call aloue at a neigh- without its picturesque side. The con. : bor's home. She was gone a long time. sistory of tlie Sacred college meets in When she returned her mother said: secret, though particulars o f the pro­ “ Yon made a long call. Catherine. ceedings are afterward given to the Ybu must have had a nice time.” press, and following upon a brief ad­ "No. 1 didn’t " dress the poj>e names the persons he "D idn't have a good time?” wishes to elevate to the purple. His "N o." nomination is final, hut In accordance with the old custom when the cardi­ "W h y?" nals voted for the election of their “ Because I told thorn a story.” comrades he asks. “ What is your de­ "W hat did you tell?" sire?" Tlie cardinals then silently lay “ They asked me If I take music les­ down their rod silk caps, rise and bow. ! sons and I told them ‘ Yes.’ And you it is tile formal assent, and the new cardinals are declared elected —London know, mamma, that I d o n 't” —Indian­ Standard. apolis News. — ------ -------—» Trouble Saver. T h o L im i t . * " l i e was always trying to save htin “ W e girls bad hardship« when we self trouble.” camped out only one drinking glass DRUGGISTS ? “ And did he succeed?" ** among five girls!” - Oregon. "Yes. He has saved up a whole lot ‘ Ilorrors!” more than he can tnke care of.” — “ And only one mirror.” Washington Star. “ Good night!” —Kansas C'itv Journal 0. I. CLOUGH, BELIA l BLE I itlnmcok. ----- 2------------ --- It pays to advertise in the Cloverdale Courier Abstracts on Short Notice by the Somnambulism has been n mystery and a matter of discussion to the med leal profession since the days o f the ancients. They knew as well as we all now know that there Is such a thing as somnambulism, or walking In the sleep. They attempted to explain It Just ns modern medical science has I k ' cii endeavoring to explain it ever since. But as It was then so It Is now There are so many explanations that even the physician Is puzzled to decide which to accept. I Ask local agent for fares. Phone orders ' Katlli-s, North American Indians and ] the fat boy In “ l ’ ickwlck" may well W ith Rollie Watson i be quoted as fearful examples o f vo- 1 ruclty, but even their grnstronomlc feats are exceeded by tho full grown j | Eskimo, who will dally eat twenty < pounds o f flesh and oil if lie 1ms the 1 chance, while on the authority o f Ad- ________ ______ _.___________________ ___ X_ 1 nilral Snrltclieff a Yakut tof Siberia- lias , been known to consume in twenty-four L. V. EBKKHARD, Manager. hours "the hind quarter o f a large ox. 1 twenty pounds o f fat and a quantity Complete Sot of Abstracts of the Record* * of Tillamook County, Oregon. o f melted butter for his drink." T IL L A M OOK. - - OREGON \ Herbert Spencer In the attitude of superintending his household affairs was practical niul amusing. A t one time the poulterer had not been giving satisfaction, so Mr. Spencer called Ills housekeeper and gave her directions to transfer his custom to another tradesman whose shop faced the de­ linquent's. "And, Miss Smith,” said the author of "Synthetic Philosophy,” "be particular that the first poulterer sees you giving your orders to the sec­ ond poulterer!" •