Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 24, 1916, Image 5

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    Cloverdale Courier
NMMfeed Every Thursday
Prxafc Tiyhjr_ Editor and Publisher.
‘‘fcateM # * 0 second-class m atter, Nwr-
MjahavnML. 1905 a t the post'offiee a t Clo-
KlDamook County, Wrtgon, un-
d<*f A n At Congress, March i 3rd. ISTI.
On« Year, in advance................ ll.QG
Shi M onths .............................................. 50
Three M o n th s........................................... 26
Single C opy................................................OS
A d v e r t is in g R ates
Displayed A dvertisem ents, 60 cents per
inch per m onth, single colum
n. n All
lo c a l R eading Notices, 6 cents per
lijie ipr each insertion.
Tim ber lapd notices
Hom estead notices
Political A nnouncem ent Cards
10 Per Gent Discount
Painters’ Paint
J ob D e p a r t m e n t
My Job D epartm ent is com plete in every
respect and I am able to do all kinds
Commercial Job P rin tin g on short
notice a t reasonable prices.
TH U RSD A Y . AUGUST 24. 1010
The greatest error a city or county
governm ent can m ake is to let com­
m ercialized vice and crookedness go u n ­
muzzled. An unrestrained city soon gets
beyond control, like a way ward child.
It is m uch easier to hold crim e and its
kin under check a t the s ta rt th an to a t­
tem p t to bridle it after it has gained a
foothold. The city th a t is careless and
neglectful of its own in te re st will reap
its n atu ral harvest.
Fads oi Fashion
G etrelia has
Passed up her “ r a t ”
Because it w on’t
Go in her h at.
—Youngstown Telegram.
Flerella, who
Was out of date
Moved w asit line up
And Now looks great.J
—B irm ingham Age Herald.
H er h at is green ,J
H er gown is pink,
H er stockings red—
She’s d aft, 1 th in k .
—G rand Rapids News.
She now can walk
W ith m annish tread,
No m ore tight gowns
For her to dred.
—Mansfield Shield.
She cut off short,
W ith cunning ruse,
H er sk irt to show
H er snow-white shoes.
—O rchard and Farm .
Sally looked but sweet sixteen,
H er sk irt was short and nifty
But h o rro rs ! when you saw her face,
She was nothing under fifty.
—P o rtlan d Live Stock Exchange.
This spinster lives in Tillamook
And nary a feller has ever shook.
She m ilks th e cows and feeds the
And sh e ’ll cath a sucker if you give
her tim e.
How a girl does dislike riding in a
buggy w ith a one-arined m an.
We hav en ’t m uch use for misers, but
it is far b e tte r to freeze on to your
money th a n to burn it.
T here are two distinct classes of col­
lege g ra d u a te s: Those who accept po­
sitions and those who h u n t jobs.
W hen a m an does a fool thing th a t
gets him into trouble he is sure to say
th a t “ accidents will happen.”
C om paratively little work can con­
vince a m an th a t he needs a rest.
Before Some preachers condemn a sin
th a t investigate its financial standing.
The optim ist cheers, but the pessi­
m ist saves his breath for ths purpose of
letting out a calam ity howl later.
10 Per Gent
10 Per Gent
It costs as much to paint with inferior
paint as it does with quality stuff and
you save but little on the original cost
and lose heavily on the lasting quality.
Paint for all purposes
House Paint
Floor Paint
Roof and Bridge Paint
Buggy and Auto Paint
Varnishes, Japans,
Dryers, Oils and
Turpentine, Glass and Putty
Windows and Doors
10 Per Cent discount for the next 15 days on all
Paints, Oils, Doors, Windows, etc., to close out the
Season’s stock.
Come while there is a selection.
10 Per Cent Discount
Cloverdale Mercantile Co.