Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 24, 1916, Image 2

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Wise & Massey, Dentists.
P. M. 8tiverson for photo work.
Leo Norton, of Woods, returned from
the valley yesterday.
Charles Woolev.of Tillamook was in
Cloverdale Monday.
A. G. Schultz, of Meda, was a Clover-
dale visitor Monday.
Henry Gotild and T. H. Wilson, of
Meda, were in town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Carver, of Ore-
town, were Cloverdale shoppers Mon­
l.ula Thayer, of Tillamook, has been
the guest of Viva and Edith Owens
this week.
Almost every citizen of this end of the
county has attended the county fair
this week.
Miss Bessie Wilson, of Portland, is
the guest of her brother, Otto Wilson,
und his family.
Mr. Moon is having an addition built
to his garage. Dave Krake, of Beaver,
is doing the work.
Revs. Montgomery and Northrup
will hold services a t the Hebo school
house Sunday at the usual hour.
Tomorrow (Friday) is your last
chance to see the county fair. The ex­
hibits are good and the aeroplane flights
tine, so the report goes.
new s
Take the old reliable White stage for
a comfortable, safe and sure trip to
A good crowd turned out Monday
night to hear Rev. Snyder tell about
“ Catching the Big Ones.” His talk
was pleasing as was also the several
vocal selections by Miss Snyder. Miss
Ava Owen contributed to the program
with two delightful humorous recita­
tions. Fifty dollars was raised to help
pay off the indebtedness of the manse
property. Cake and coffee were served
and all seemed to enjoy the evening’s
entertainm ent.
Death of D. F. Richards.
D. F. Richards, formerly of Provo,
U tah, but for the past few years living
on a ranch with his wife and son near
H udson’s corners, died Tuesday after­
noon of paralysis, from which he had
been a sufferer for a num ber of years.
The remains were taken to Tillamook
yesterday afternoon by U ndertaker
Henkle and Mr. Minnich, and from
which place he was buried today. Mr.
Richards was a member of the Provo
Lodge, W. O. W. He leaves a wife and
four sons to m ourn his death. The
sons are Harry and Edward, of Provo.
U t a h ; Alfred, of Gold Hill, Col., and
A rthur, of this place.
Edward arrived here yesterday from
Provo to attend the funeral.
of in t e r e s t
N ecessities
When you go on an outing you
need Cups and Plates.
Just step into our store and get a
package of Paper Plates, Drinking
Cups or Outing Package.
They’re just the thing for an o u t­
ing trip. Saves bothering with
dishes and are perfectly sanitary.
“New York Clothing
Has rented the well known
Chas. I. Clough building and
will gladly welcome all old
customers as well as new.
You will find an up-to-date
line of
Men’s Women’s and Children’s
Ready o-wear Garments
at Lowest Prices.
Also take a look at those little
Notice oi Completed Contract.
Premo’s for the youngsters or a
Notice is hereby given, that the
Kodak for the older ones. You’ll
County Surveyor for Tillamook County,
certainly need one.
Oregon, has filed in this otiiiie his cer­
tificate for the completion of the con­
tract of Mallory, Haas and Blum, on the
Blaine bridge No. 5, in accordance with
Druggist and Stationer,
the plans and specifications, and any
OREGON person, firm or corporation, having ob­
jections to file to the completion of said
work, may do so within two weeks from
Plusker Bros. for all kinds of plum b­ the date of the first publication.
Dated this 10th day of August, 1916.
ing, bath room outfits and fixtures. Til­
J. C. Holden, County Clerk.
lamook. Ore.
First publication August 10, 1916.
Last publication August 24, 1916.
Bids Wanted.
Bids will be received up to October 1, Notice of B >ard<>f Equalization Meeting.
1916, for making cheese in the Clover-
Notice is hereby given, th a t on Mon­
dale factory for 1917. Right reserved to day, September 11th, 1916, the County
reject any and all bids. Mail bids to Board of Equalization will meet at the
Court House, in Tillamook City, Oie-
tne undersigned.
gon, and public exam ine the assessment
H. B. Lockwood, Secretary.
roll for said year, and correct any error
in valuations, description of land, lot, or
Two Good Lecturss.
other property. Said hoard will con­
Last Friday afternoon and evening tinue in session from day to day until
the Oregon Social Hygiene Society oc­ the examination, correction and eqali-
cupied the attention of the people here. zation of the assessment shall be com­
pleted. All persons who may be inter­
Re»\ Snyder gave a lecture in the after­ ested in the assessment of their prop­
noon to the ladies and at this meeting erty should appear a t said time and
there was a good turnout. In the even­ place, as no changes can be made after
ing the lectures were conducted Dr. the adjournment. All protests must he
filed with the board the first week.
David Robinson and Rev. Snyder. Dr.
Dated at Tillnmook City, Oregon,
Robinson comes to Tillamook county August 8th, 1916.
C. A. Johnson, County Assessor.
under the very best favorable mention
from Hosier, his former home town
w here he was its fiist mayor as well as
Woods Items.
its first physician. His talk had the
ring of sound logic and good moral a d ­
George Hoover left the first of the
vice. Dr. Robinson takes the practice
week to join the bridge crew on the
of Dr. W endt at Tillamook City, and
we bespeak for the medical man a b u n d ­ Little Nestucca road.
ance of success.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster, of McMinnville,
Rev. Snyder’s talk was pl*in and to! are spending several days’ outing with
the point. He gave out some very Mrs. Mary Wood. Mr. Foster is a
stirring remarks and his advice was brother of our esteemed citizen, Mrs.
along the lines of physical as well as Wood, and has been county treasurer of
moral benefits.
Yamhill county for a num ber of years.
Win. A. HIGH
Mr. Barber, of Sheridan, is in Clover­ State Sealer of Webjkts and Measures
dale this week the guest of Mr. Lamson
is Here.
and Carl Shortridge. Mr. Barber is a
sealer of weights
justice of the peace a t Sheridan and is a
candidate for the office of representative and measures, is in the Nestucca Valley
from his district.
today. To the Courier last evening lie
V. A. Spaulding and family returned stated that he hud fouud several scales
from their vacation Sunday morning in the county th a t were not up to the
and report haying had a finetime. They requirements. He said th a t no fault
were accompanied homo by Mr. ami could be found with the owners of the
Mrs. Montngne, of Roosevelt, Wash, scales generally, and th a t they were all
willing to have them corrected, es­
father and mother of Mrs. Spaulding.
pecially was this true with the scales
A. M. Commons and family, of P ort­
found in merchandise establishments.
land, have been visiting the last few
Eight scales in use in the creamery
days with relatives at Oretown. They and cheese factories were condemned
attended the fair at Tillamook and on for repairs, and 55 weights were foqnd
their return home today were accom­ to be light from
to '.j ounces, most of
panied by W. II. Christensen and Carl these being counter-poise weights where
Commons and their families.
the error multiplies one or two hundred
Petitions nre being circulated in an times. Practically all of these weights
endeavor to have u union high school were adjusted so us to conform with
standard. Such as could not l>e made
established at Cloverdale. Woods, with
st andard wore condemned permanently.
its usual loyalty, has signed the petition
Alder Wood Bargain.
One scale was discovered in use, the
almost to a person. The petitions call
All orders for alder wood given before
weights of which had been drilled out
for the unionizing of Meda, Union,
so th at the scales would at all times October 1, will be accepted at the low
Pacific City, Woods, Cloverdale and a
weigh light when used with such price of |1.25 per rick delivered.
part of the llebo district.
H. B. Lockwood.
weights. In one instance weights were
The sermon last Sunday morning by being used upon a scale different from
Rev. Hornschuch. was a masterly ad­ the one for which they were made, with
A Prayer.
windows of our splr
dress. His topic “ For it is a good thing
fill us full of light
that the heart be established In grace,"
of our hearts tha
was handled well and created among
entertain thei
his listeners deep interest. The Ri r.
adoration aui
Hornschuch will be with us again next
Sunday morning.
Auto Roll Over Grade.
A large auto with seven passengers
A num ber of young ladies met at the
Very Polite.
home of Erma Taylor Friday afternoon run off the grade at F letcher^ beach
Bill—You say he is indite?
te give a party in honor of the Misse-
Jill—Oh. very.
Dorothy and Edith Owen, who leave embankment. The party in the auto
“ Always gives up his sent In n car
next week for Portland. Games, music were tourists from Salem. The auto to a lady?"
and recitations were the pastimes. The odied over several times before re a c h -' “Always, and the other night nt the
delicious refreshments wej-e a credit to ing the bottom of the grade. No one : theater ho even got up and offered his
the young ladies au 1 were very much 1 • m injured more than a few bruises I sent to one of the lady ushers.”—Yonk­
ers Statesman.
enjoyed by all.
and a shaking up.
Among those who contributed to the
fair from Woods were Mrs.
Mary Wood, who sent flowers; H. A.
Miles, cheese; Gilbert LVlleque, honey.
M*\ Beal, of New berg, has been rusti­
cating at our beaches for the past week.
Mrs. Fisher, whose health has been
poor for seme time, is somewhat im­
Bids Wanted.
Sealed bids will be received up to
August 25th for furnishing 15 cords or
45 ricks of Alder,. Fir or Hardwood for
Cloverdale school, Dist. No. 22. Leave
bids with Elmer Webb, at Cloverdale
Mercantile C o.’s store.
Notice to Horse Owners
E. E. Cross, of Hebo, lias purchased
the I’ereheron horse “ Liberal” and will
keep him at bis barn on the place. Im ­
prove j'our stock by the use of this
registered Percheron.