Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 17, 1916, Image 2

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Wise & Massey, Dentists.
I*. M. Stiverson for photo work.
FM Worthington and family autoed
to Mohler Monday.
Mrs. Chas. McKillip and children
are visiting relatives in McMinnville.
Mrs. Irene Stiverson returned Satur­
day from a visit with Amity relatives.
(juite a {tarty of Cloverdale people
enjoyed the «lay at Ne-kah-nie Sunday.
The Misses Wilson are enjoying a
visit from their cousin Pearl Bailey, of
Chester W orthington and family
visited with home folk at Tillamook
Take the old reliable White stage for
a comfortable, safe and sure trip to
Samuel Ray, of Hutchinson, Kas., is
• guest at the Chaa. Ray home. The
gentlemen are cousins.
Max Traxler returned to Cloverdale
Monday evening from Portland, accom­
panied by his son, Leslie.
Mr. and Mrs. It. R. McKimena, of
Mohler, were in town over Sunday,
guests at the A1 Boon home.
After a lapse of a couple of weeks
carpenters are again working on ttie
bridge across the river at this place.
Joe Lowrance has rented the Chris­
tensen ranch at Orctown and will move
on the same the fore part of September.
Mrs. Chaa. Blum entertained a num ­
ber of little girls at a fine dinner Friday,
gi' an in honor of her In tie daughter’s
The old plank off the bridge are to be
used for a walk on the north side of the
river. Those interested expect to build
it next week.
Frank Worthington and wife, ac­
companied by Rev. Gittins, of Tilla­
mook, were guests Tuesday of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Webb.
William O’Connell and Larry, his
partner, luf- for Wheeler Tuesday to
work on the road. They expect to be
gone about a month.
The Montgomerv-Northrup band will
hold meetings Sunday at the Woods
school house afternoon and evening.
Come out and hear them.
Attachment procee«lings were insti­
tuted Monday againt the Dennis mill
"» claims for wages. A bond was given
Wednesday to release the mill.
Mrs. Hubert Smith, formerly of
Cloverdale, is camping at Three Rivers.
We are informed Mr. Smith has a good
position in Seattle with a railroad com­
F'. L. Buel and wife, of Tillamook, nc-
companii'd bv Prof. Moore, wile and
two children and Mrs. Alex Watt,
wore guests at the W. A. High home
Better build now and profit by the
saw mill disaster. Lumber cheap and
Montgomery A Northrup will build for
you very reasonable Address them at
L. M. Krnnor, D. T. Werschkul and
Mr. and Mr«. Bid good and children,
were in Tillamook Tuesday, the two
former on business connected with the
Countv Fair.
Chaa. Ray, accompanied bv Mr. and
Mrs. Rank and Miss Brown, left Tues­
day for Portland via McMinnville in
hi* automobile. From Portland Mr
and Mrs Bank and Mis* Brown will
leave for their home in Seattle.
According to report submitte«l bv
District Sealer Jones, he last week con
dimmed 18 scales used by creameries
and cheese factories in Tillamook
County. Twenty-five scales were ad­
justed and 125 scales corrected and
*o:iled. During his t :;:r of Tillamook
county lie made a total of 6ik) insjvec-
“New York Clothing
Hus rented the well known
Chas. I. Clough building and
will gladly welcome all old
customers as well as new.
You will find an up-to-date
line of
“ Catching the Big Ones” may be pis­
catorial or it may not. Come out Mon­ O u tin *
day night and hear J. F,. Snyder define
the subject. He may tell us of the big N e c e s s i t i e s
fish, the gleat big one, that was almost
landed but got off the hook.
Rev. Hornschuch, of the Castle Rock
ranch preached a splendid sermon at
When you go on an outing you
the Presbyterian church Sunday m orn­
ing to a fair sized audience. He will be
need Cups and Plates.
here again next Sunday morning. Rev.
Just step into our store and get a
Hornschuch is late of Salem but on ac­
package of Paper Plates, Drinking
count of throat trouble has taken up
Cups or Outing Package.
They’re just the thing for an out­ J. GLICKMAN and M. FARMER.
Willamina Times—A. L. Applewhite
ing. trip. Saves bothering with
and wife, of Salem, who have been with
the girls industrial school there for some
and are perfectly sanitary.
time, but who will be principal of the
Tillamook, •
- Oregon.
W illamina school this winter, was here
Saturday getting acquinted with people
Notice of Completed Contract.
and looking for a house to live in when
Premo’s for the youngsters or a
they move over about September first.
Notice is hereby given, that the
Kodak for the older ones. You’ll County
Surveyor for Tillamook Countv,
Rev. Snyder preache*! to a full house
certainly need one.
Oregon, has filed in this office his cer­
Sunday evening and Miss Snyder
tificate for the completion of the con­
ren«lered some fine vocal selections.
tract of Mallory, Haas and Blum, on the
Friday he will deliver two lectures as
Blaine bridge No. 5, in accordance with
advertised; in the afternoon to the
the plana and specifications, and any
latlies and in the eveuing to the men.
person, firm or corporation, having ob­
Monday evening he will be here and CLOVERDALE.
OREGON jections
to file tQ the completion of said
tell us about “ Catching the Big Ones.”
do so within two w’eeks from
Commissioner Owens last week made It is reported that Mrs. George Wells the date of the first publication.
a trip over the roa«l leading out of Tilla­ was taken to McMinnville today where Dated this 10th day of August, 1916.
mook countv to Seaside. Mr. Owens she will undergo an operation.
J. C. Holden, County Clerk.
reports the road not in very good shape The Messners are entertaining this First publication
August 10, 1916.
for nuto travel hut states that he went week as their guests, Mrs. Messner and Last publication August 24, 1916.
over the worst part of it and could have
of Spokane, Will Messner and
driven on to Seaside ¡ d an hour or so. daughter,
Notica of B >ard of Equalization Meeting.
of Klamath Falls.
With this road completed another gate­
Notice is hereby given, that on Mon­
way is opened into Tillamook County
Auto Collides With Horse.
day, September 11th, 1916, the County
beaches and dairy country.
While returning home from Pacific Board of Equalization will meet at the
Sheriff Crenshaw and Attorney Marx, City ij his auto Saturday night Harry Court House, in Tillamook City, Oie-
of Tillamook, and Conrad Krebs, of Thomas collided with a stray horse on gon, and public examine the assessment
Portland, and a friend from Seattle, also the road which crippled the stearing roll for said year, and correct any error
in valuations, description of land, lot, or
F'red Krebs, of Salem, were in Clover­
of the machine. The car shifted to other
Said hoard will con­
dale Saturday. The sheriff empantdled gear
on the opposite side of the road tinue in property.
day to day until
a jury to determine the ownership of a a and hank
toppled over. Mrs. Thomas and Mr. the examination, correction
and e«)ali-
donkey engine in controversy. The Haglund
jury decided that the title of the engine while Mr. and Mrs. Thomas were not zation of tlie assessment shall be com­
rested with Conrad Krebs and the injured Mr. Haglund was not so for­ pleted. All persons who may he inter­
sheriff sold the same under attachm ent tunate He received quite a cut on the ested in the assessment of their prop­
erty should appear at said time and
to satisfy a judgement issued out of the
circuit court. The engine was bid in by knee.
place, as no changes can be made after
the attorney for the plaintiff.
the adjournment. All protests must he
wrecke«l an<1 the top and one wheel will file«!
with the board the first week.
The possibilities of berry culture says need repairing.
Date«! at Tillmnook City, Oregon,
a shert article in the Telegram, are well
August 8th, 1916.
Viewing the Roads.
illustrated by the success this year of
C. A. Johnson, County Assessor.
Mr. Bentley, of Woo<lburn, who has 14 The County Court spent the fore {.art
acres of loganberries. He has receive«! of this week in this end of the county
$5000 for his berry crop. Wood burn looking over the roads. Monday a trip
formerly had a cannery but so little in­ was made to Woods and also to Ore- To the surprise of all Roy Searcy, of
terest was taken in it by the producers town. The judge savs there are some Condon arrived Monday evening. His
that it failed. The business men took rough spots all right.
wife was expectiug to leave for Tilla­
it ¡over, threw out the canning ma­
School B‘<ard Meeting.
mook Tuesday morning on her wav to
chinery and started a juice plant. It
has since then been a huge success and The school district hoard of Dist. 22, return. They will make their future
it was selling his berries for the making Cloverdale, met last Monday evening home at Tillamook.
of juice that Mr. Bentley realized the and transacted routine business. A call Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Knudson.of Walla
$5000 this vear.
for bids for furnishing wood for the Walla, came Tuesday to make her
coming year was issued.
Mrs. William Galloway a
Dr. Turner, the well known the Principal
Bidgood was authorized to «laughter,
returned Satur­
eve specialist of Portland, will gather exibits and arrange a booth at day, but she Kuudson
the summer
be in Cloverdale again, Monday, August the lair.
-1, at Beaver, Tuesday, August 22, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons have
About the Movies.
Tillamook, August 23 and 24. Don’t
tail to consult him about your eyes and Saturday night a five part photo play, this wreek. from Portland visiting them
glasses. Be sure and let him show the Grace W ashburn in “ When It Strikes
new invisible Bifocal, without lines or Home,” from a scenario by Chas. K. Mrs. Diamond went to Tillamook
seams t<. catch «lirt, strain the eyes or Harris, the author of the well known Tuesday, returning Wednesday ac­
companied by her daughter Bernic«*
cau*• effort. One light, solid piece of song, “ After the Ball.”
glass that looks like a single pair vet Grace W ashburn, one of the most who will spend some weeks visiting
answers the purpose of two, enabling beautiful young women of the theatri­ here.
' oil to read or do close work an«l see cal firmament, is the star of the drama. The new roa«l from Sandlake to Hem­
distant objects perfectly. Don’t forget The story relates how Dick Hartley lock which ha* been planked is now
marries on a dare. The angry father, a , open for travel.
the «late,
wealthy man, sends the boy to South A number of the neighbors, among
Moves Carap.
America. A series of dramatic events them being Mr. anil Mrs. Searcy. Lester
Mallory, Haas and Bloom, theClover* gives a new turn to affairs.
and Marv Edwards ami Mrs. Warden
dale contractors, who have just com­ A greatcast supports Miss Washburn ; camped
night at Cape Kia-
pleted building a bridge at Blaine for and the story makes a powerful photo­ wanda. Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson joined
the county, moved their camp this play.
the party Sunday and all s{»ent an en­
week to a point on the Little Nsstucca Cloverdale, Saturday evening.
joyable day, returning in the evening.
mad where they begin a new contract.
Notice to Horse Owners
Miss Allen, who has been visiting her
These contractors have also succeed« <1
in landing the contraot for the Compton F’. E. Cross, of Heho, has purchase«! parents for some time, returned to
trestle. The new trestle will !*> sonic the Percherein horse “ Liberal” an«l will Walla Walla Saturday.
what shorter than the old one and the keep him at his barn on the place. Im ­
Bids Wanted.
•lt^act pries for the work is ba«cd on prove your stock by the use of this
tin» number of feet of lain her used and registered Percheron.
Sealetl bids will be received up t«i
s to be $15.45 per thousand feet.
August 25th for furnishing 15 cords or
When in Tillamook and von want a 45 ricks of Alder, Fir or Harilwood for
Plasker Bros, for all kinds of plumb- good meal at a most reasonable price
school, Dist. X<>. 22 Leave
>g, hath room outfits and fixtures. Til- «•all at M. (Meson’s in the Ramsey Hotel Cloverdale
Webb, at Cloverdale
aiiiook. Ore.
dining room.
Mercantile Co.’s store.
W m . A . H IG H
Men’s Women’s and Children’s
Ready to-wear Garments
at Lowest Prices.