Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 10, 1916, Image 6

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Miss Emily Granger, u maiden lady
of thirty-eight and nervous, had never
been fifty miles from her quiet country
home. Then came the announcement
that nn nuut had died and left her a
house and lot In a distant city. There
xvus a mortgage of if 1,000 on It, which
Miss Granger desired to pay off. No
other way of doing this suggested It­
self to her than to take currency to the
person holding the mortgage and re­
ceive In return a release. So she drew
the money from her bank and started
on her Journey.
Now, the problem before her of tak­
ing care o f herself was quite enough
, without having to look out for her
thousand dollars. She arrived at her
destination at 11 o’clock at night and
was driven to a hotel. A night clerk
i received her and told her that the only
i room he could give her contained two
, beds, and one of them was already
I occupied by a ludy. Since there was
I but one other hotel In the place and
that was undesirable Miss Granger
, was obliged to accept a roomnmte.
I Being shown to the room, she no-
, tlced that the two beds were at op­
posite ends of it. On one side was
I the door, opposite which was n wln-
, (low. The roomnmte was apparently
i asleep. Miss Granger disrobed, and,
I taking the money from that part of
, her clothing In which she had pinned
' it, she put It under her pillow. Then
, she went to bed and to sleep.
She was awakened by hearing some
i one moving in the room and that
f which resembled a white cloud pnsslng
j across a dark sky passed without fur­
ther sound to the door and seemed to
,! go through without opening It. Miss
I Granger raised herself in bed und kept
h her eyes Used on the apparition, re-
pressing a desire to scream until It
I had disappeared. Then It occurred to
ii her that what she had seen was her
t roommate. This led her to thrust her
i; hand under her pillow. Her money
t was gone.
I, Getting out o f bed, she turned on a
t light. True enough, the woman was
it gone, and so was her clothing. Near
the door a stocking lay on the floor.
,, Miss Granger picked It up. A wad of
(| something In It was evident.
t Granger, with woman’s Intuition,
I, thrust In her hand and withdrew a roll
, 1 o f bills.
M Miss Granger was counting the roll
,i o f bills when she heard persons in the
hall. Hastily turning off the light, she
|t JunqHHi into bed. She had scarcely
^ done so when the door was opened,
k and the night clerk, entering, turned
on the light lie was followed by a
, ( half dressed woman.
'“This lady,” said the clerk, “ accuses
v you o f having stolen some money be-
() longing to her.”
“ That’s exactly what the horrid thing
„ did to me!" cried Miss Granger, trem-
, 1 bllug with excitement
w The clerk looked puxzled.
sl "She took It from under my pillow,"
, continued the lady, “ and put It In her
(|i stocking. Then she tried to steal out
o f the room without my knowing It
But she dropped ths stocking, and I’ve
mgot my money hack."
’Oh. my gvxHlneee gracious!” cried the
roommata. “ What a etory to back up
a theft! 1 hoenl you moving about
the room, and” —
n "You didn't hoar any stu b thing,” re­
torted Miss Granger. “ 1 didn't get out
of bo»l till after you bad left the room.”
"Maybe you wera nervous,” saUl the
clerk to the roommates
“ The last
person to occupy tins room complained
of mice In the walls.”
“ Why don’ t you make her show what
she’s got?" replied the roommate to the
“ Did you have money with you?"
asked the clerk of Miss Granger.
“ when you came here?”
“ Yes, a whole lot of It"
“ How much?”
“ A thousand dollars, besides money
for expenses.”
“ Let me see i t "
Miss Granger produced the roll she
had taken from the stocking.
“ What denomination?” asked the
clerk before making an examination.
“ Ten $100 bills and $30 In smaller
The clerk opened the roll and found
a ten. two fives and six one dollar
“ Oh,
heavens!" exclaimed
“ You coutemptlble thief!” snarled the
roommate triumphantly.
Miss Granger did not hoar. Without
remembering that there was a man
present and she was In her nightgown,
she Jumped out of lied and began to
pull It about While she was doing so
the clerk took up another roll of bills
from under the head o f the bed.
Opening them, he found that they tal­
lied with Miss Granger’s description
of her lost funds.
“ What rot,” he exclaimed Impatient­
ly, “ to make all this racket for noth­
ing! I’ll know better another time
than to put two women In the same
Ho gave each lady her funds and
was at »out to depart when the room­
mate refused to pass the rest of the
night In the same apartment with Miss
Granger, and he was obliged to put her
In another chamber.
Miss Granger
locked herself in. but there was no
more Bleep for her that night. The
next morning she paid off the mort­
gage and found herself infinitely more
contented and happy with a bundle of
canceled documents than with good
Pacific Meat & Produce
(R. B. Werachkul, Prop.)
Phone order«
T IL bftM O O K , O REG O N
B i ^ e r a n d B e tte r
th an E v e r
Plying M achine
Remember the date
August 22, 23, 24 and 25, 1916
r~* Coos
Railroad Jubilee
Aug. 24th
Band Concerts—Speaking Ceremonies— Dedication Simpson
Street Carnival — W ater Sports — Parade« — Driving Golden Spike
Aug. 26th
With Kollie Watson
Complete Set of Abstract« of the Reeori*
of Tillamook Countv, Oregon.
Trip« l>v rail and boat to Coquillo, Bandon, Myrtle Point, Powers, Coos
Bay, Mussel Reef, Sunset Bav, Cape Arago. Seed food dinner at
Charleston Bav. fishing at. Lakeside —Launch trips on Coo« Bav.
L. V. EBKRHARD, Manager.
Aug. 26fh
Industrial Parade— Water Sports—Anto Racing—Illuminated
Parade— Firework«— Horse Racing.
Low Round Trip Fares
On Sale Ang. '21 to 28 inclnalve.
Return limit Ang. 31.
Ask Local Agent
John ■ . Scott, Oen. Pass. Agt.
Notary Public
Clovffrdale, Ore.
Bell Phone 63-J
P. O. Box 147
Abstracts on Short Notice
by the
Coos Bay Country invites the world to
celebrate the coming of the railroad. Hos­
pitality is the Key note of this celebration.
Cash Paid for Hides
Office Ground Floor
Todd Hotel,
to r
The Greatest Celebration in Years
Kei 6-C-Ü:
Ang. 24, 25 and 26
made North and South.
Thone, Shop, 13-S-tï.
Portland, Oregon
It p «y*
Lines .
toadvertiso in the Cloverdale Courier