Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 10, 1916, Image 5

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    Cloverdale Courier
Pnbliabsd Every Thursday
rrssdk Taylor.
Editor and Publisher
“ Entered *• second-class matter, Nov
•labor lath, 1905 at the post office atClo-
vardftla. Tillamook County, Oregon, u n -!
dar Act ol Congress, March 3rd, 1*78.
One Year, in advance.......................$1.0C
Bi* Month« ............................................ 50
Three Months..........................................28
Single C opy..............................
AuvRRTJSiira R ates
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per
inch per month, single column. All
Local Reading Notices, 5 cents per 1
litre for each insertion.
Timber land notices
$10.00 ,
llornystea'd notices
Political Announcement Cards
J ob D e p a r t m e n t
My Job Department is complete in every
respect and I am able to do ail kinds
Commercial Job Printing on short
notice at reasonable prices.
A get-rich-quick sceme for Cloverdale.
Catch and fine autoists who violate the
speed limit.
Cleveland, Ohio, has asked its citizens
to use water sparingly. Come to Tilla­
mook county, we have lota to spare.
The County Fair needs you as an ex­
hibitor and as a patron. Its your duty
to give it all the assistance vou can.
Each and eyery citizen is a fractional
part of the county and the fair is a
means of advancing the interests of
every fractional part. You owe it to your­
self and to your neighbor to make the
fair this year better than ever. Give it
your hearty support.
Kansas penitentiary has just given
diplomas to 31 graduates who had taken
a college course in agriculture. Com­
mencement exercises were held in the
prison. Thla is probably the first event
of the kind in the history of the world.
The work done by the prisoners was
the same as that which the Kansas ag­
ricultural college offers to its home cor­
respondence students.
One hundred
prisoners availed themselves of the
chance to study. The 31 graduates were
students in steam and electrical en­
gineering, carpentry, blacksmitbing,
agriculture and motor engineering.
Some of the graduates will not be re­
leased from prison for several years, but
the state has already found employment
for those whose terms have nearly ex­
The existence ef this unique body of
college graduates indicates a pronounced
improvement in modern reform work
with criminals.
Not even the most enthusiastic re­
former can prove that education pro­
duces good character. But education
does create new abitions in any man. j
It proves the futility of crime. It makes
a man self-supporting and thus removes \
the temptation to many forms of law
Governments now spend more money
on their prisons than on their schools.
The success of the Kansas experiment
if an instructive exhibition of the eager­
ness with which even criminals will
eeize an opportunity to fit themselves
for dignified and responsible places in
tlie community. Perhaps some day so­
ciety will know enough to pay (or pre­
venting crime rather than for punish­
ing criminals.
10 P e r G e n t D i s c o u n t
P a in t e r s ’ P ain t
10 P er G ent
D iscount
IO P er G ent
D iscount
It co*ts as much to paint with inferior
paint as it does with quality stuff and
you save but little on the original cost
and lose heavily on the lasting quality.
Paint fo r all p u rp o se s
House Paint
Floor Paint
Roof and Bridge Paint
Bnggy and Auto Paiut
Dryers, Oils and
Turpentine, Glass and Putty
W in d o w s an d D oo r s
10 Fer Cent discount for the next 15 days on all
Paints, Oils, Doors, Windows, etc., to close out the
Season’s stock.
Come while there is a selection.
10 P e r C e n t D i s c o u n t
Cloverdale Mercantile Co.