Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 03, 1916, Image 6

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    “But you haven’t spelled It right
You haven’t got tlio coweumbers In at
all. W hat you have got Is ’kueumbers,’
when It should be cow’cumbers. You
can’t hold Sol on a w arrant like that.”
“Look here, elder," said the judge us
he rose up and puffed out h's bosom,
“have you come hero to teach me how
C opyright, 1918, by th e M cC lure
spell or to get a w arrant for Sola
N ew sp ap er S yndicate.
mon Graves?”
| “But you probably made a slip of the
In every village In the land almost pen,’’ lamely explained the man who
every house owner has a lot big wanted Justice.
“There are no slips in my Inw, sir.”
enough to make a garden and raise “But
they are coweumbers.”
the most of his vegetables. It Is a "1 never
heard of such things, ab
custom that may have descended from for kueumbers,
1 have a hundred In
the pilgrim fathers that when the my own garden. That w arrant will
crop Is bountiful and there are cucum­ send Sol to the county Jail as fast as a
bers and tomatoes to waste to Invite horse can gallop. I want no man to
the neighbors less fortunate to open come hero thinking he can tesch me
the gate and help themselves. This my business.”
custom hud prevailed In the village of The sehoolma'am was finally called
to settle the question of spelling.
Kernstown for ranuy long years. There In The
wondering teacher came, and
was one exception to It, however, and when the
case had been stated to her
that was the case of Elder Wleksbaw she hesitated
and then snld:
and his wife. lie had been elder of a I "I can decide a moment
the question at issue,
church since a church had been estab­ j and I hope neither of you will bear me
lished In the place, and he had long any hard feelings for so doing. You
been known for his stinginess.
I are both of you wrong. The nam e of
The elder’s wife would have been the vegetable you aro disputing about
open handed with the neighbors, but Is ‘cooeumber.’ and you pronounce the
I ‘coo’ softly.”
her husband had said to her:
"Iil be durned If I do!" shouted his
“If we have got any neighbors who honor.
haven’t coweumbers, onions and toma­ “And I’ll be durned In the sami
toes In plenty It Is due to their shift­ way!”
the elder, making use
lessness and they shan't have any of ! of a sw shouted
ear word for the first time la
“But they are going to waste,” would j thirty
few hours the wiiole village
reply the wife.
heard of the dispute and was split
"No, they ain't. They will enrich 1 Into
factious. T/iere were the “cows"
the soil for another season. Even If and the
“kus" and the "coos," and there
they won’t i am not going to encour­ , wns a row
that didn’t quiet down for a
age shiftlessness In anybody.”
than fifty packet
Among those w hom he denominated dictionaries were More
for and consult­
ns shiftless was Solomon Graves. He
and although they settled the pro­
w asn’t exactly lazy, but yet he might ed,
nunciation for some, others continued
have had more energy. He had a small to
hang out and are hanging out still
garden, but It was hostile soil. He
passed and repnssed the Ciller’s house But perhaps the main point of the
many, many times, and always stop­ I whole affair was that Solomon Graves
ped and looked over the fence, but the 1 wns never urrosted for the heinous
elder never m ine out and Invited him I crime he committed In Elder Wick
to help himself. At length, when Solo­ shaw’a garden that lummei night
mon saw that things were going to
wnste, ho determined to help himself
without the Invitation.
In walking In the garden at sunset
one evening the elder particularly no­
ticed six large cucumbers on a certain
vine. He walked out again soon after
sunrise and there W’ere no cucumbers
(K. D. Weracbkul, Prop.)
thero. In place of them, In the soft
soil, were the tracks of the villain who
had visited the spot during the night Phone orders filled. Deliveries
and despoiled the vine. He hastened
roads North and South.
Into the house to say to his wife:
"Marlnr, there Is an unhung villnln
In Kernstown.”
“Good gracious!” she exclaimed, with
a start of surprise.
“And that unhung villain entered our
garden during the night and picked Phone, Shop, 13-8-0. Re». 6-C-2 j
and carried away six of our choicest
Fell Phone 53-J
Ground Floor
And after a hasty breakfast the elder Office Todd
P. O. Box 147
took the trail so plain in the soil amt
followed It over the fence Into the alley
W ith Rollie Watson
and from there to the house of Solo­
mon Graves, a quarter of u mile away.
In ten minutes more he wns at the
house of the Justice of the peace for
the village, one Hiram Brown, before
whom two lawsuits had been tried In
nlnuit eight years. He felt all the dig­ ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------______
nity, however, of his official position
L. V. EBEltHARD, Manager.
and was r.ot to be gainsaid as to legal
Complete Set of Almtractaof the Recordt
"Judge,” said the elder ns he entered
of Tillamook Count?, Oregon.
In haste. "Solomon Graves has stolen TILLAMOOK.
six eoweiiTiil>ers from my gnrden. I
want a w arrant for his arrest, and I
want him sent to Jail N>fore sundown.’’ FRANK TAYLOR,
When the w arrant had been tilled out
Ills honor handed It over to the elder to
rend, ami it was but a moment before
the latter exclaimed:
Notary Public
“Here, Judge; this won’t do. I told
you Solomon Graves had stolen six
cowcnnilH'rs out of my garden.”
"But the w arrant says so.”
Cloverdale, Ore.
Pacific Meat & Produce
Cash Paid for Hides
Abstracts on Short Notice
by the
Bi^^er and Better
than Ever
riving Machine
Remember the date
August 22,.23, 24 and 25, 1916
Round Trip Tickets are
on sale daily with limit
of two days from d.ite
of sale.
Play Golf or Tennis
Nea Kah-Nie
Bathing is Fine
Fort lier information can be
secured from
or write to
John M. Scott, General Pa«aenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
It Pays to advertise in the Cloverdale Courier