Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 03, 1916, Image 3

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    so 1 came out to get the niau that •<
fJB • (
murdered my brother. I didn’t see
any use in a gun tight when we could
settle the matter by a game. Hands
The last two words were spoken at
seeing in Ilawkius’ eye a change. The
murderer had been in doubt whether
In ever line of Merchandise, but none
he was not talking to the ghost of the
man he had killed till he learned that
more especially than in
he was flesh and blood. His eye iu-
dlented that he had regained some of
Lis equanimity, and he was about to
put up a fight. The avenger saw it,
and his own eye indicated that at the
slightest motion to draw his weapon
Our large stock is in every instance the hes< that can be had
he would be shot, lie sat Immovable.
“Gentlemen,” said the stranger, “I
and our aim will be to keep the high standard up.
would much prefer that you would re­
lieve me of a disagreeable duty. I was
very ill when the news of my brother's
death reached me and have not yet re­
covered. Don’t you think that your
town would be well rid of this fiend
and that as respectable citizens it is
up to you to do what is not a fit task
for a sick man? Say the word. Shall
I shoot him, or will you take him out
and swing him?"
A man standing behind Hawkins,
who had suffered from him. but feared
him. Jerked Hawkins’ gun from ids
hip. then said to the dozen men stand­
ing ubout:
"Gents, will you let this sick boy do
what it has long been our duty to do?
This desperado lias killed five men in
four months, and for uo good reason
Ami everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and
Come on."
all goods are of the best quality.
The speaker pinioned Hawkins’ arms
to his side; the others sprang forwnrd,
and the murderer was hustled out. the
crowd assisting or following.
“Give me a bracer,” said the man
who had called himself Death, and
when liquor was set before him he •«
drank it off and. setting down the
glass, said:
“That's the first liquor that has ever
passed down my throat, and It will be
the last 1 needed It."
When the crowd returned they thank­
ed the stranger for having accomplish­
ed what they had never dnred to do
The stagecoach drew up In front of
a tavern in New Mexico. A young
man with light hair and a mild blue
eye alighted and was going into the
house when a man with a red bloated
face covered with a stubble beard stop­
ped him and said:
“You’re the purtiest boy we ever seen
in these parts, and them clothes air
Jist too beautiful for an angel. Come
in and have a drink.”
“Thank you. I've never touched a
drop of liquor in my life.”
“Well, it's time you begun. Come
lie took the young man by the arm.
The youngster resisted and struck the
ruffian in the face. There was a re­
port. and the youngster fell.
Two weeks after that the man with
the red face and stubble beard was
standing on the tavern porch when the
daily coach drove up at the same time
of day that the blue eyed boy had ar­
rived. The door opened, and the same
boy got out. Fie was very pale, but he
lnd the same light hair and blue eyes
ns the other. The man with the red
beard gave back a step or two as
though he had seen a glrost.
“I'm looking,” said the new arrival
in a voice that seemed to come from
the tomb, “for a man called Hawkins.
Can any of you gentlemen tell me
where I can find him?"
The stranger's attention was direct­
ed to the man with the red beard.
“Would you like to have me drink
with you. sir?" asked the newcomer.
Hawkins seemed tongue tied. A
pallor stood on his usually red face,
nrnl he was trembling.
“I don't feel like a drink jlst now.”
he said.
“Ferhaps yon would like n game
My name Is Mors. It's a name taken
from a dead language. I've come to
this country for the man who killed
another two weeks ago because lie
wouldn’t drink with him. Either Mors
or Hawkins must cease to live. Card»
are an easier way of settling the mat­
ter than guns. Come; let’s have a
game of euchre.”
Taking Hawkins by the arm. he led
him into the barroom. Hawkins seem­
ed bereft of the power to resist and
seated himself at the same table with
the stranger. A pack of cards was
produced, and Mors fixed them for
euchre, mixed them, cut them and
dealt a hand for himself and the man
before liim. Hawkins took up ids
cards mechanically, but did not see
them, n is eye was fixed on the man
who had come hack from the dead, he
doubted not, to drag him dowu into
the grave.
“The best three in five wins,” said
the stranger.
The first game he won, for Hawkins
played without giving any attention
to the game. The second Hawkins
made an attempt to pull himself to­
gether, but did not succeed. The
stranger won again. In the third game
nawkins played his cards without
looking at them. He lost
Mors delilierately pulled a pistol from
his pocket, keeping his eye on the
other, and as deliberately pointed It
at Hawkins, who seemed paralyzed,
making no effort whatever to draw his
weapon. The stranger, keeping his
eye fixed on him. said:
“Y'ou've played a game with death
and lost My twin brother came out
to this country to locate here, and you
killed him. I was told that there was
no law In this country except gun law,
Quality Counts
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Stoves Runges, Farm and
Garden Tools
Ilex McNair & Co., Tfilamook, Ore.
9 9 i
The Evening Telegram, daily,
and the Cloverdale Courier, both
papers one year for 83.50.
W ise# Massey
! Tillamook-
Clo verdate !
- FOR—
And Owners of
is a college graduate in
Dentistry, registered in
Oregon, has had several
years experience, and
has come to Tillamook
county to make it his
future home.
d * »« w ,S e
is the Hume Dr. \V ise w ho
practiced Dentistry in
Tillamook countv a few
m n u m n i m i / years ago, and will be
I'h'HHci who
“> again
I I J h - f i i l U 1 1 l l l Y those
desire wait his
We have Dental Offices in Tillamook, Bay City, Bar View and
Cloverdale, and are equipped to do all kinds of Dental
Work as good as it can be done anywhere.
Safe and Comfortable
Dr. Wise has had thirty years exper­
guarantees all his work
Leave Cloverdale daily at Dr. and Massey
ience in plate work and guarantees
can bs consulted at any time.
7:30 a. m , arriving at Tilla­
what hs says.
Ca'.l up bv Telephone.
mook at 10 a. rn—in time for
morning train to Portland.
Leave Tillamook at 3 p. na ,
j arriving at Cloverdale at 6 * OUR BRIDGE WORK has been brought up to the highest state of
• p. m.
perfection. The teeth on the bridge are interchangeable at will
J M. TRAXLER, Prop ^
without removing from the mouth.
PLATES WITH FLEXIBLE SUCTION.—The very best and latest
iu modern dentistry. No more falling plates. If you are having
troubles, get Dr. Wise’s advice as to what should be done
Great are those 25c dinners at the
cost of doing it FREE. We can extract your teeth abso­
Ramsey Hotel dining room, Tillamook.
lutely without pain—free where plate or bridge work is ordered.
For sale—One registered Holstein
bull. Chas Kay, Cloverdale.
Will be at Cloverdale Hotel Every Tuesday