Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals addressed to the Countv Court of Tillamook County, ! Oregon, and endorsed “ Proposals to i Complete a Fill or Trestie at the Comp­ ton place in Section 20, Townetiip 4 S., R. lO West, on the County Road be­ tween Cloverdale and Woods.” in ac- .cordance with the plans and specifica­ tions thereof on tile in tha otfice of the County Clerk, of Tillamook County, Oregon, w ill be received by the County Court ot said County, at Tillamook City, Oregon, until the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. on the 4th day of August, 19.16, and at that time opened and read. When you go on an outing you Each bid shall be accompanied bv a need Cups and Plates. certified check made payable to the Just step into our store and get a County Clerk, for an amount equal to 5 package of Paper Plates, Drinking per cent of the total of said bid, which shall be forfeited to the County, in case Cups or Outing Package. the bid is accepted and the bidder shall They’ re just the thing for an out­ fail, neglect or refuse for a period of five ing trip. Saves bothering with days after which the award is made to dishes and are perfectly sanitary. enter into a contract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court as required by law. Also take a look at those little The bids will be received for the Premo’ s for the youngsters or a Clearing, Grubbing and Grading from Kodak for the older ones. Y o u ’ll Station 0 |»lus 0 to Station 10 plus 92.8. Bids will be received also for a Trestle, certainly need one. all according to the plans and specifica­ tions on file in the office of the County Clerk. The County Court reserve the right to reject and all bids. Druggist and Stationer, Dated this 20th day of July, 1916. CLO VERDALE. - OREGO N J. C. Holden, Countv Clerk. L ocal and personal items a a a a a a and other news of interest ♦« Wise A Massey, Dentists. CLOVERDALE LODGE VISITED BY BIG GUNS P. M. Stiverscm for photo work. Arthur Foster, of Meda, left Monday Grand Master Westbrood and Grand Con­ for Illinois. ductor Wead Here for the Elbert Worthington and wife moved Evening. to Mohler Monday. Miss Alida Ray returned to her home in Portland Monday. Jennie Ward came in from mina Tuesday evening. W illa- Miss Emma Wilson is visiting home folk ut Meda this week. The warm weather of the past few days has brought in lots of campers. For sale— House and lot cheap. Terms to right party. Enquire Courier office. Plasker Pros, for all kinds of ulumb- ing, bath room outfits and fixtures. T il­ lamook, Ore. Elmer W ebb’s family are again num­ bered among Cloverdale citizens. Elmer is at the Mercantile Co. store. R. O. Woods, who has been trucking lumber to Tillamook from this place, moved back to Portland today. Adam Babcock, of Pacific City, left this morning for California, called there by the serious illness of his father. Ford cars will be sold by Ackley A Rosenberg, Tillamook, till July 1st, on easy payments, Touring car $493.25. The Cloverdale Mercantile Co. are ad­ vertising a 10 per cent discount on paints, oils, doors, etc. See ad on page 5. When in Tillamook and you want a good meal at a most reasonable prim call at M. Oleson’s in the Ramsey Hotel dining room. The pa9t few days has been ideal for hay making and those who were late in harvesting feel they have the best of it. Stiverson returned Wednesday from a few days' camping at Netarts. Mr. Kraner reports that Netarts is being well patronized this season and that it is with difficulty you find a tent to rent. They were visited by several of their Cloverdale friends while at Netarts. J Last evening the Oddfellows and Re- bekahs were entertained by Grand Master Westbrook and Grand Conduc­ tor Wead, of Portland. A large number of the members of the lodge were pres­ ent and several visitors from Tillamook and Beaver were among the guests. A special meeting of the Oddfellows was first held and the visiting officers were listened to with marked interest, after which the Rebekahs held their regular meeting and intiated three can­ didates. The grand officers compli­ mented the Rebekahs for their excellent work. After the meetings were closed a spread was bad and it was at the early hour of 1 o’clock this morning before all Have Your Guests Mentioned. had been served The meeting was a It is impossible for any newspaper to grand success and all report having had get the names of all visitors to his lo­ an exceptionally enjovable time. cality. Let us tip you off a sensible suggestion. When you have a guest "Sissies and Mollecoddles.” This is the title of a lecture to be visiting you from out of town kindly in­ delivered iu the Presbyterian church form the Courier so that it can men­ Sunday evening by Rev. Snider, of tion the fact. Your guests will appre­ ciate it, and their home paper will copy Pendleton. more than ever make Rev. Snider occupied the pulpit last it, thus them feel as though they had not been Sunday evening with a sermon and it neglected. A letter, postal card or a was one of the best the people have telephone message will do the trick. listened to for some time. His delivery is good and what he has to say he de­ Don’t wait until the paper has been livers straight from the shoulder with printed and then get a grouch because sush earnestness that you have no the paper did not mention the fact that you had visitors. The Courier is reason to doubt his siucerety. printed on Thursday afternoons and we His lecture Sunday evening, August can handle any item up to Thursday fith, "Sisjies and M ollecoddles" will be worth making a special effort to hear. noon. Paste this in your hat and al­ He requests a full house and we believe ways feel that you are doing the Courier the people w ill turn out to show him and your guests a favor when you send that his lequest is granted. There is tn an item of this kind. Wm. A. HIGH F. E. Rogers, McM innville druggist, n« charge and all are invited, especially passed through Cloverdale Tuesday for the young people. Neskowin, where he and his family will Made Short Stay Here. camp for a while. Cloverdale was thrown into consider­ Mr. Flinshaw and family, formerly of able excitement last Thursday afternoon Oretown, but now of McMinnville, when Wilburn Morrison, the colored autoed in town today They will camp man. leisurely walked into town. Mor­ for a few days at Neskowin. rison had been sent to the county jail Mr. and Mrs W alter Larson, of for prowling around in the night time Laurel, are registered at the Cloverdale and as he was thought to be demented Hotel. Mr. I.arson is one of the en­ an examination was made of his condi­ gineers of the crew surveying the Big tion and lie was taken to Salem for treatment. W hile at Salem be took Nestucea Drainage District. leave of absense on Wednesday and The bridge builders have completed hiked to Cloverdale. Sheriff Crenshaw work on the Blaine bridge and the came over Friday afternoon and took County Court is viewing the same Morrison to Tillamook, where lie was today. Should the Court decide to met by the Salem officials and escorted have the bridgo covered the builders back. Morrison is a husky negro 35 will remain another week. years old, and having the liabit of Don't mien the picture shotr Saturday prowling around nights the citizens evening, “ The Master H an d ," featuring here are more less afraid of him, Nat Goodwin, the leading actor of the especially the women folk. A demented l nited States. Positively one of the negro is not the safest creature to have best sbsws ever in Cloverdale. Dane# around and it is hofied Cloverdale is rid of him for all time. after the show. Everybody come. Mr and Mrs. L. M. Kraner anil Arha O uting N ecessities Will Remove to Portland. W. M. Owen, who has been connected with the Cloverdale Mercantile Co., for the past tP e vears, w ill remove with his familv to Portland the first of next month. W e regret that Mr. Owen has decided to make this change as when the family leave, Cloverdale K»ses *ne of its best families Lloyd Peck to Move to Arksnsas. We regret to inform our readers that another of our respected citizens is to take up his abode elsewhere; Mr. and Mrs. Peck will move shortly to A r­ kansas where they will purchase a farm. Mr. Peck has been working on Commissioner Owens’ ranch the past summer. The Evening Telegram, Portland’s best daily paper, and the Cloverdale Courier, both papers one year for only $3.50. Crossing the Channel. What landing at Sandwich was like In 1533 we learn from nubertus, the envoy o f the Palsgrave Frederick to Henry V III., whose story Is given In Mrs. Henry Cust’s “ Gentlemen E r­ rant.” nubertus was detained for a week at Calais by stormy weather and had a terrible time when he finally hired a ship and crossed. A young Englishman compelled the sailors to do their duty by ropes’ ends and threats o f death, and taught Hubertus, who was “ middling seasick." to pump out the water, which he did "till at the break o f morning the winds fell, and we saw the mountains of England spread out before us." They found themselves oCT Sandwich (that moun­ tainous district) and were taken off the ship 1n small boats and carried “ on neck or back" to land.—London Chron­ icle. T h a Moth and the Flam e. A naturalist spates that a moth—and for that matter many other insects— will fly toward a flame for the same reason that a plant seeks the light. Insects. It stems, move in the direc­ tion o f the light rays that fall upon them. But the light must be o f con­ siderable Intensity to produce a mark­ ed result. Tow ard a feeble glare, the Insect would move but leisurely, but In the case o f a concentrated light like the flame o f a candle or lamp the In­ sect travels with great rapidity to Its death. T iger Sharks. When a Hawaiian sees a shark near the surface with eyes which shine red, as though they had red glass in them, he w ill not go In the wuter or even on the w ater or If he Is on the w afer he will get to shore, for the red eyed fish Is the tiger shark, and It does not hesi­ tate to attack. They w ill not only at­ tack a man In the water, but they will A M onorail Ride. Butftnsky, who heard some traveling follow' n fisherman in a canoe after he men talking about the monorail, adopt­ has taken a lot o f fish aboard, and It is said they will attack and overturn a ed his usual tactics. “ 1 rode on one of those once.” he canoe If they are very hungry. Men who know fish do not want to pi pis 1 tn. have anything to do with the rice,* “ Rode on what?” shark. “ A single rail.” A shark does not turn on Its back to • T il bet yyu did." replied one o f the bite, as is the common opinion o f those drummers, “ and I ’ ll also bet there was who have not lived near shark infested a man carrying each end o f the rail.” waters. It turns on its side and when -Judge In tills position can travel almost as fast and handle itself almost ns well a i It is speculation if you happen to win, when it Is in its natural position.— but it is gambling if you lose. Honolulu Star. Notice to Horse Owners E. E. Cross, of Hebo, lias purchased the Percheron horse “ Liberal” and will keep him at his barn on the place. Im ­ prove your stock by the use of this registered Percheron.