Cl overdale Courier PabUatod Every Thursday frank T»yh>r, Editor and Publisher. “ Entered »e second-class m atter. Nov­ ember 18th, 1905 at the post office at Ch>- verdale, TUiamook County, Wreuron,un­ der Act of Congress, March 3rd. 1878. S dbm ckiption K a ' ìmb One Year, in advance........................ 81.00 k it M o n th s............................................... 50 Three M onths.............................................25 Single Copy.............. 05 AnvKRTisiNO R ath » Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per inch p a month, single column. All r ocal Reading Notices, 5 cents per line for each insertion. Timber land notices $ 10.00 Homestead notices 5.00 Political Announcement Cards $10.00 J ob DKrAKT’wKNT My Job Department is complete in ey'ery respect and I am able to do all kinds Commercial Job Printing on short notice at reasonable prices. THURSDAY. JULY 27. 1»10 f If the inventive genius would devote half as much time to instrum ents of peace as he gives to war machinery this might be a happier old world. W hether babiea have starved in Ger­ many is no longer an oper, question. Switzerland on the west and Holland on the north, both neutrals and both milk and cheese producing countries, have been free to send in all the milk needed. A report from the United States embassy at Berlin, quoted as of­ ficial, sav« there is no truth in the statem ent that German children are suffering from lack of milk. It appears that provision was made to insure an adequate supply of inilk for babies early in the war. The agitation over the Bay Ocean road has reached high water mark and there are as many opinions as there are people to express them. While we would like to see Bay Ocean have the road she has so long sought, yet the fact she was unable to live up to the agree­ ment made with the county places her in a very awkward position. The County Court would have carried out its part of the agreement had Bay Ocean came through with the am ount she agreed to and no one can blame the County Court for refusing to carry out its part in the m atter. In fact, had the County Court went on and expended the amount it proposed to spend, regardless of the fact that Bav Ocean did not meet her part of the obligation, would have placed the County Court in a position to be criticised for lack of business ability. Bay Ocean pays a considerable amount into the treasury of the county and should have due consideration, but where Bay Ocean made her gravest mistake was when she agreed to put up a like am ount with the county to build the road. THE SLAB CREEK SAGE SAYS Occasionally a man rolling in wealth loses his equilibrium and rolls oat of it. Its a case of love’s labor lost unless it gets into the union. Being popular consists largely in re­ membering what to forget. It takes more than a visit from a wife’s mother to make a man happy. It’s as riskv to praise a woman’s hus­ band to her face as it is to criticise him. You may not get all that is coming to you in this world, but look out for the next. O L O V E R D A L E M E R C A N T I L E GO. D C A L 5 IH» UN (Beneraf QYlcrclJantoec C L O V E U D A L G , OUD. a What w o u l d you think if you should go into a store, buy pair of Shoes or some Dry Goods, priced at $5.00, (actual value $5.00) and af­ ter paying for the goods you bought, the olerk should hand you a re­ ceipted bill and also 75c in cash? Would you not think that this store needed your business and was willing to pay you a big cash discount in order to get it. From July 1st to July 31st we will give you this follows: ca sh discount as 51.00 Purchase we pa; you 15c in cash Slo.oo Purchase we pay you $1.5o in a cash 2.00 “ “ 30c “ 2o.oo “ “ 3.oo u 5.00 „ “ 75c “ 5o.oo “ “ 7.5o SlOO.oo Purchase we pay you ls.oo in cash This cash disoount will be paid to you on the purchase of Shoes, Overalls, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shirts, Dry Goods of all kinds, Dress Goods, Muslins, Calicos, Ginghams, Notions, etc., every article on the east and south side of our store at Clover- dale. • Your account must be paid in full in order to get this cash dis­ count but if paid on or before August 10th we will allow you the above discount« We carry a full line new and up to date Hats, Shoes, Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishing goods, Shirts, Hose, Collars, Dress goods, Cal­ icos, Ginghams, etc. You will be surprised if you LOOK OVER OUR STOCK. We are local distributors for the celebrated Star Best Calicos, all colors............................. 7c Brand Shoes—a Shoe for every need. Amoskeag Apron Ginghams.................. 9c For the Ladies Dress Ginghams ....................................... 12Ac “Greatest” ¡Star in Gun Metal Button $3.00 Zephyr Ginghams..................................... 25c Mayflower '* “ “ .. 3.50 Hope Muslin, Blenched and Unbleached 10c Society Star in Gun Metal, Vici and Lawnsdale................................................... 20c Tan, Lace............................................. 4 00 Outing Flannel. White und C olors.... 12$c Patent Colt Pumps, High Heel................ 3.00 All Wool Challies....................................... 60c Tan, Black and Velvet Oxfords .3.00 to 3.50 Crepe, Blue and White Flowered.......... 20c Our Family Calf, Blutcher and White Flaxon barred.............................. 20c Button .....................................2.50 to 2.75 Blue Stripe Flaxon.................................. 20c Wilson’s Comfort Nurse’s Shoe, White Pique............................................... 30o Rubber Heel Oxford.......................... 3 00 China Silks, all colors ............................ 30c Old Ladies’ Comfort, Soft Sole, Vici, Velvets and Messaline..................H5c to $1.00 Lace....................................................... 2 00 Percales, 12^c; Gallatea, 18c; Chambray, 12^0 Cinderilla Pumps, White Canvas, Rub­ Laces, Embroideries, Allovers, Corset ber Soles............................................... 1.75 Covers, Ribbons, etc., all prices. •For the Men. W. T. Reducer Corsets, $1.00; La Rose, $1.00 Star Patriot, in Tan, Gun Metal, Button to $1.50. Lakies’ Hose, 10c; 15c and 25c, black, tan and Lace............................................... 5.00 and white. Star Pilgrim ............................................... 4.50 Ladies’ and Children’s Union Suits, Vests Star Our Family Calf, Lace.................. 3.50 and 2-piece Underwear. Farmuse Chocolate Tan, Ammonia proof, 6 in. Top ................................. 4.50 Men’s Overalls, Blue, Striped, Kahki, Olive Chipewa Black Calf, 6 in. Top.............. 3.60 Bergman, 12 and 15 in. Tops, Green; Wai6t and Bib, from $1.00 to $1.50. Loggers................................... 9.50 to 10 00 Golf Shirts, new stock, assorted For the Boys. patterns.............. ........................ 1.00 to 1.50 Star Our Family, Button and Men’s Union and 2 piece Underwear in B lutcher.....'...........................2.25 to 2.75 Porousknit and Balbrigan for Star Stronger than the Law. ...2.75 to 3 25 Summer Wear. Tennis Shoes in Black and White.......... 90c Men’s Hats, Conqueror Brand, in Men’s White Sport Shoes .......................1.75c Black, Blue and Greys, all the For the Girls. latest shapes............................................$3.00 Tens and Ted, in Tan, Gun Metal Other brands at from...................1.25 to 2 00 and V ici...................................2 25 to 2.75 Boys’ Hats at from . .................50c to 1.00 Onr Family, in Calf...................... 2.00 to 2.75 Men’s and Boys’ Caps, all prices. Infants, Soft Soles........................... 50c and 60c Men’s Hose, Block, Cotton, 10c, 15c and 25c Infants. Button and Lace..............65c to 1.00 Men’s Work Sox..............................3 pr for 25c Men’s Summer Tics .....................................25c We have a full line of Dry Goods, Shoes. Men’s Four-in-Hand»..................50c; 75c Furnishing Goods, Notions, etc., on which All new snappy stuff. you can make a great saving during this sale. Would ask that you call and look oyer our stock during the month of July. Come as soon as you can after June 30th. Hoping to see you soon, we remain Yours truly, Cloverdale Mercantile Co.