Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 25, 1916, Image 1

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    VOL. 11.
Miss Hitty’s
A Story of the “Movies”
In the village o f E dgew ood were
m any straitlaced persons. T o visit
that tow n and becom e acquainted w ith
the inh abitants w a s lik e going back a
century, w hen the theater, playing
cards and all m anner o f am usem ents
w ere considered w icked. T h ere is a
story o f a m an w ho paved th e w a y for
the enjoym ent o f th e gam e o f billiards
in the God fearin g tow n o f P hiladel­
phia du rin g the e a rly part o f th e last
century. H e said th at m arbles were
not considered w icked— w h y billiards?
M arbles w ere stone, w hile billiard
balls w ere ivo ry. M arbles w ere shot
by the hand, billiard balls by a stick.
M arbles w ere played on the sidew alk
out o f doors, w hile billiards w ere play­
ed on a level bed in the house. W h ere
in lay the difference?
T h e good people o f the Q uaker C ity,
w hose children could not be prevented
from p layin g m arbles, concluded a fte r
this disco very had been made th at bil­
liards w ere no m ore sinfu l and w ith ­
d rew th eir opposition, and th ereafter
billiards becam e fashionable.
I t w as the fa te o f M iss H itty to
m ake a sim ilar discovery In “E dgew ood.
Miss H itty met LMck H edges a t a
church sociable. H ad she not m et him
a t a church sociable she w ould prob­
ab ly never h ave m et him at all, for
dancing w as frow ned upon in Edge-
wood, and w ithout dan cin g you n g peo­
ple’s parties are considered dull. T h e
consequence w as that, no one ca rin g to
go to the trouble o f gettin g up a party
th at w as sure to be dull, p arties w ere
not given.
B u t it would h ave m ade no differ­
ence w here these tw o happened to
meet, for at once both recognized that
th ey wrere m ade for each other, and
a fte r th at they provided th eir ow n
places o f m eeting, and very soon they
w ere engaged. U n fortu n ately H edges
w as poor and but one opening appear­
ed for him; th at w a s a position in an
A m erican tea house in China. D ick
availed him self o f it and tore him self
a w a y from his betrothed.
W eeks,
months, even years, passed, and he did
not return.
W hen the P ala ce m ovie th eater open­
ed its doors in Edgew ood the house
o f entertainm ent w a s looked upon w ith
disapproval by th e church members.
A t first m any o f them declined to
even penetrate the m ysteries beyond
the w h ite painted doors and th e m any
• posters outside, but g ra d u a lly one by
! one the villagers w ere lured inside un­
til th e ven ture prom ised to be a profit­
able one. E ven the m inisters o f the
different churches visited th e th eater
from tim e to tim e to censor the plays,
but on the w’ hole it w as decided that
it w a s a harm less diversion.
A fte r Miss H itty Morton made her
im portant discovery E dgew ood took the
P ala ce th eater to its heart.
E v ery one kn ew that H itty Morton
w ould have been m arried long ago if
D ick H edges hud ever returned from
his long voyage to China. B ut Dick
had n ever returned^ and it w as be-
IN e stu cca V a lle y
t5 ank
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight
though we have done business by mail with them for years.
give you the same satisfaction.
Mail us Your Next Check or Checks
It saves you time, and TIME IS M O N E Y , especially at this season
of the year.
No need to come to the bunk in person.
lieved that he had died. Due by one
his fam ily had died or m oved a w ay
from Edgew ood until there remained
! only his old sw eetheart, H itty Morton,
who lived on llo n ey p o t road, in a little
red cottage near the bay. Som e people
whispered that D ick had been fuith less
to H itty.
The first tim e H itty entered th e w alls
of the P alace she w as bew ildered by
the crow d of silent people, the fiash-
ing pictures on the screen, the novelty
o f It all. for she had never been In a
theater in all her sim ple life.
B ut the screen pictures laid their
m agic si>ell upon her, and she becam e
a devotee of the movies. Tw’ice a w eek
us regu larly as the program w as
changed Illtty Morton could be found
sittin g In the sam e seat h a lfw a y dow n
the room, her bright eyes ea gerly fo l­
low ing the stories told by the screen.
D eacon Peddle, w ho passed the cot
lection plate In church, a lw a y s scru ­
tinized H itty ’s contribution to detect
w hether or not she w as en joyin g the
sem iw eekly am usem ent at the expense
of the church, but Invariably Hltt.v's
silver dim e would drop Into the plate.
Perhaps Ilim e D ayton, the butcher,
m ight have told another sto ry —th at
I H itty w as skim ping on her food. She
And can give you all the advantages that P3
any other can give you. You need the Bank f t
vve need your business.
believe we have given them satisfactory bunking service and can
We Want Your Banking: $
MUTUALITY, That’s all
NO. 46
Bank with your home bank and enlarge m
the Business scope of the Nestucca Valley.
w as eating meat only tw ice a week
now instead o f three times.
One night in particular the posters
w ere m ore alluring than ever. Th ere
had been a change of program tliut
fa y . but there w as a m issionary meet-
|lg , and I lltty had postponed her going
to the follow in g night. N ow she paus­
ed iu fro n t o f the b rightly lighted en­
trance and studied the colored posters.
“ A ll F or Isive." T h a t sounded th rill­
ing. w ith a rescue at sea. P ictures of
the sea a lw a y s a ttracted her.
“ Visits to Strange Lan ds.”
thrilled w ith anticipated pleasure, for
she dearly loved these travel pictures,
giving glim pses of stran ge lands and
s trin g e people, perhaps the countries
th at IMck H edges hud visited.
used to say tliut w hen lie got a vessel
of ills own he would take iter w ith him
to the far east. H itty still lived these
voyages in her day dream s.
She glanced up and down the village
1 Yonder w as the church. T h e base
rnent w as b rightly lighted, for there
w a s to be a m issionary barrel packed
th at n ig h t In H itty's arm s w ere h a lf
a dozen w h ite sh irts she had stitched
fa r some unknown m issionary in Asia.
(Concluded on page five.)
before vou protect vour property
with a policy of (ire insurance.
You have no assurance hut that
tonight a fire may come, and to­
morrow will be too late. T O D A Y
is the right time to get insured.
When you have read this adver­
tisement, come right to our oilice,
ank let us write you u policy.
Don’t delay an hour.
Write Us
Phone Us Call on Us TILLAMOOK
ROLLIEW . WATSON, The Insurance Alan