Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 18, 1916, Image 5

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    C ioverdale Courier
Published Every Thursday
Prank Taylor, Editer and Publisher.
“ E ntered as second-class m atter, N v-
m lM tlS th , 1905 at the p ort office at ( I
vet dale, Tillamook County. Wregothun­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd; 1878.
S ubscription R a v ««
One Year, in advance........................$1.<V
Aix M ouths . . . . .................................... SO
Three M o n th s........................................... ¿5
Single C opy...............................................OS
A d v e r t i s i n g R ates
Displayed A dvertisem ents, SO cents per
inch per m onth, single colum n. All
1 ocal Reading Notices. 5 cents per
line for each insertion.
Tim ber land notices
Homestead notices
Political Announcem ent Cards
J ob D e p a r t m e n t
My Jo b D epartm ent is complete in every
respect and I am able to do all kinds
Commercial Jo b P rinting on short
notice at reasonable prices.
Some fellows down in Texas got hold
of hair lotion, but intead of using it ex­
ternally, swallowed it, a t least th a t is
w hat th e coroner says.
The Filipino people are divided on
the question of independence and until
they are nearer a un it, th e United
States governm ent will take no decisive
One group of Filipinos would have
the U nited States vacate p H public
offices, th e adm inistration of affairs in
the Islands and move out all govern­
m ental m achinery.
This is exactly
w hat th e United States will do event­
ually. It has promised the Filipinos
independence, and believing in inde­
pendence and freedom, the United
States cannot be consistant before the
world if she retains a throttling hold on
a foreign people.
But fu rth er action on Phillipine inde­
pendence will not be taken until 1018
or 1920. Represenative Fillipinos in
W ashington have gone over the m atter
carefully and they sav th a t independ­
ence for the Phi'ipines a t this tim e is not
desired. Instead of being an advantage
to th e islands it would be disastrous.
They say they need the helping hand of
th e U nited States a few years longer,
and when they are positive they can
take up the reins of governm ent and
adm inister the political affairs of the
islands, they will say so and will be
glad to welcome th e independence
which the U nited States has assured
them will be theirs.
T here was a reference in the last note
of G erm any to two occasions when she
announced her willingness to consider
th e restoration of peace in Europe. If
we recall these occasions, the references
were not broad enough to be taken as
direct offers to talk peace. There was a
»ugnest .on of a willingness to consider
th e question, but Germ any wanted to
designate the term s under which it
should he made.
A correspondent at R otterdam , Hol­
land, savs th a t Em peror William sent
an autograph letter to Pope Benedict at
E aster tim e expressing a hope th at tiie
pontiff with the king of Spain’ would he
able to coi atruct a scheme with the ob­
ject of bringing, under the auspicious
em blem of the dove and olive branch, a
confcienee of belligerents for ronsidera-
tion of an im m ediate arm istice, in the
fervent hope of securing an early peace
without detrim ent to the legitim ate
aspirations of the nationalities.
Possibly the latter may he w holy w ith­
out foundation, yet it would not be su r­
prising if Ciermany wanted peace. It
would not be surprising if Englaud
wanted peace, if France, Italy , A ustria,
and all the belligerents w anteifpoace.
Not one of the European nations
know w hat they are lighting for, nor
why they should have engaged in this,
the w orld’s greatest of all wars. They
have nothing to gain and everything to
lose. Not a nation over there will have
gained anything after all have worn
themselves out by sheer necessity to
stop the shedding of hum an blood.
Scores of thousands of inoffensive men
have met their death through a war oc­
casioned by some im aginary grievance
coupled with jealousy, suspicion and in­
dustrial hatred. I t will take a century
for Europe to recover from th e waste­
fulness of this war. And future his­
torians will work late into th e night to
find any just cause or reason why civil­
ized nations should hurl them selves at
each other in such a terrific conflict
It is easy to get into war, but a h u n ­
dredfold more difficult to get out of one,
and save a country’s honor. K itchener
once said th a t the European war would
last four years. Two years have gone.
If tliu next two years are to see life and
property sacrificed to the same degree
as in the past, the calam itous harvest of
blood and treasure will be difficult to
approxim ate.
If any of tin; nations of Europe should
seek peace, it would be an evidence of
returning san ity and a desire to atone
for past misdeeds and unw arranted
slaughter of precious hum an life.
C hron o m eters A bo ard S hip .
A ship’s chronom eter is the most
wonderful and accurate tim ekeeper
made, for upon its accuracy depend
the lives of all on board. So accurate,
indeed, is a ship’s chronom eter th at it
does not vary u second a day. An er­
ror of only a fewr seconds may put a
captain of n vessel miles out of his
reckoning a t ¿ u and run the ship into
great danger. For th a t reason every
ship’s tim epiece goes through the most
thorough tests before it is pronounced
perfect. It is set going in a very hot
room and then transferred to a cold
one, for it may he used in any p art of
the world, from the polar regions to
the tropics, and it m ust alw ays keep
good time.
Most large vessels have three chro­
nom eters on board in case of accident,
and whenever a vessel goes into port
they are sent on shore and tested to
see if they are still accurate. On board
ship the chronom eter is kept am id­
ships, because there are the least
motion and the sm allest variation of
tem perature.
How Japs Play Ken.
In its m ost widely practiced form the
basis of the Japanese gam e of ken is
th a t the fully outstretched band signi­
fies paper, the fully closed hand a
stone, and tw o fingers alone extended,
the rest being closed, scissors. Each of
the players, counting one. two. three,
throw s out liis hand a t the moment of
pronouncing three, and tho oue whose
m anual symbol is superior to th a t of
the others, according to the theory of
the game, w ins the trial. Superiority
is determ ined on the hypothesis that
whereas scissors cannot cut a stone
they can cut paper and whereas paper
is cut by scissors it can w rap up a
stone—consequently scissors are infe-
rior to stone, but conquer paper: stone
is inferior to paper, but conquers scis­
sors, and paper is inferior to scissors,
but conquers stone. T here are Innu­
m erable varieties of the game.
For County a n d Other Ojjiees.
To th e V o te rs of T illam ook County.
1 hereby announce th a t I am a can­
didate for the nom ination on the repub­
lican ticket for the office of County
School Superintendent a t the primary
election to be held in May.
Geo. IS. Lamb.
To th e Voters of Tillamook County.
Acting on the advice from friends
from all parts of the eountv and the
urgent request of m any, l announce
myself a candidate for nom ination for
County Clerk on the Republican ticket
at the prim aries in Mav
Erwin Harrison.
P e r C ounty T re a su re r.
1 hereby announce myself as candi­
To the Voters ol Tillamook Couuty.
date for the ortice of county treasuer of
hereby announce myself as a candi­
Tillamook county, subject to the will of
for th e nom ination by the R epub­
the republican voters a t th e la id prim ­
party for the otfice of District At­
ary election.
torney, to be voted for a t the next regu­
B. L. Beals.
lar prim ary election. If elected to the
F o r S h eriff.
office, I will perform the duties of such
office faithfully and conscientiously.
To tho Voters of Tillamook County :
T. 11. Gov no.
1 hereby announce myself us a candi­
date for tlie nom ination for the office of
For County Commissioner
Sheriff on th e Republican ticket. If
announce myself as a candi­
nom inated and elected 1 shall endeavor
to enforce the law with efficiency and date for the nom ination for the otliee of
County Com m issioner (N orth End) on
W. L. Campbell. the R epublican ticket at the prim ary
election to be held May, 191(1.
To th e V o te rs of T illam o o k C ounty.
D. F. Thompson.
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
date for nom ination for the otfice of
To the Voters ol Tillamook Couuty.
County Clerk, on the Republican ticket,
I am a canpidate for the Republican
at the prim ary election to be held in nom ination for D istrict A ttorney at the
May, 191
prim ary election to be hold May 19th.
.1. C. Holden.
William Marx.
To th e V o te rs.
To th e V o te rs of T illam ook County.
C andidate for nom ination, second
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
date for th e office of county sheriff on term , on Republican ticket, at prim ary
the Republican ticket a t th e prim aries election in May, for County Assessor.
to be held in Mav.
C. A. Johnson.
Fred II. Minich.
For Couuty Commissioner.
To tho Vclers, Nineteenth Judicial Dis­ To the Republican voters of Tillamook
C ou n ty :
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
I am a Democratic candidate for the date for the nom ination for County
nom ination to the office of Circuit Judge, Commissioner on the Republican ticket
N ineteenth Judicial D istrict. If nom i­ a t the prim aries to be hold May 19.
nated and elected, 1 shall try to do iny
VV. B. lia-uis.
duty and m aintain my independence.
8. S. Johnson.
For Joint Reprosantativo.
I hereby an notice myself as a candi­
Notice to Voters.
date at the Prim ary Election to be held
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
in May for the Republican nom ination
date for the office of County Sheriff at
for the office of J o in t Representative for
the Dem ocratic prim aries to be held on
th e Counties of Tillamook and Yumftill.
May 19, 1910.
Frank A. Rowe.
N. J. Myers.
To th e V o te rs of T illam ook C ounty.
I hereby announce myself a candi­
date for sheriff on the Republican
tiedet, subject to your approval a t the
Mav prim aries.
Jo h n Aschitn.
To th e
R epublican V oters of T illa ­
mook County.
I am a candidate for the Republican
nom ination for Circuit Judge of the 19th
Judicial D istrict, comprising Tillamook
and W ashington counties, a t the Mav
19th, 1916, prim aries.
Geo. R. Bagiev.
To the Voters ot Tillamook County.
I herew ith announce myself as a can ­
didate to succeed myself as County Sur-
vor. If nom inated and elected I will
continue to. enforce the same policies
practiced hv my office in the past, th a t
of conducting it on strictly engineering
basis, efficiently and economically.
It. L. Shreve.
To the Voters ol Tillamook County.
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
date for the office of County Com m is­
sioner, Tillamook County on the Demo­
cratic ticket at the prim ary election on
May 19, 1918.
Guo. R. McKiuienn
F'>r Circnit Judge.
I »m a candidate for C ircuit Judge
for the 19th Judicial D istrict, com pris­
ing Tillamook and W ashington Counties,
subject to the Republican convention
May 19, 191(1. l.ess litigation, less ex­
pense, less delay and more justice will
be my m otto. Your support respect­
fully requested.
W. H. Hollis, Forrest Grove, Oregon.
When in Tillamook and you want a
g<Kid meal at a most reasonable price
call ;it M. (Meson’s in the Ramsey Hotel
dining room.
Take the old reliable W hite stage f"i
a comfortable, safe and sure trip to
T h e C i ov e rd a l e C o u r i er ♦! a ye ar,