C ioverdale Courier Published Every Thursday Prank Taylor, Editer and Publisher. “ E ntered as second-class m atter, N v- m lM tlS th , 1905 at the p ort office at ( I vet dale, Tillamook County. Wregothun­ der Act of Congress, March 3rd; 1878. S ubscription R a v «« One Year, in advance........................$1.r Circnit Judge. I »m a candidate for C ircuit Judge for the 19th Judicial D istrict, com pris­ ing Tillamook and W ashington Counties, subject to the Republican convention May 19, 191(1. l.ess litigation, less ex­ pense, less delay and more justice will be my m otto. Your support respect­ fully requested. W. H. Hollis, Forrest Grove, Oregon. When in Tillamook and you want a g