Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, May 18, 1916, Image 4

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    A Successful
An ocean Mourner wus going to piece«
on the eastern coast of Canada. She
had struck during a storm and too far
out for u line to he shot to her by the
men o f the life saving station. And
now that the storm wus abating and
there was a possibility of a boat reach­
ing her it was too late. Persons were
struggling in the water, but few were
reaching the shore. The life savers suc­
ceeded, after a number of futile at­
tempts, in iauncbiug u boat and mak­
ing a trip toward the wreck and at
lust brought hack several persons,
among whom was a little boy about
five years old, who had been secured
to an improvised raft.
The child's identity was never dis­
covered. lie was adopted by a family
of country people living on the coast,
and when eighteen years old shipped
on a steamer as deckhand. But he had
some education, and it was not long
before he was made a subordinate offi­
cer. The steamer on which he was
wrecked was called the Alexander
Hamilton, and the boy took this for
Ids name, lie knew nothing of the
great statesman o f tliut name, there­
fore Ids act was not Immodest
It was evident front young Ilninil
ton’s personality that he was a child of
aristocratic Ifcicage. Those who knew
how he lmd been picked up from the
wreck wondered why those connected
with him by blood had not found him.
Before going to sen he had been ad­
vised to hunt up his origin, but more
than a dozea years bad elapsed since
lie laid been brought ashore, and lie
knew not where to begin.
The young man's idea o f going to
sea was that lie hoped for an oppor­
tunity to visit points o f interest in
different countries. When lie drew Ids
pay lie would invariably use It for tills
purpose. During a voyage ills ship re­
nin hied some time at Tangier, opposite
(Jibraltar, unloading and taking in
Arab goods. Hamilton obtained leave
to visit Seville in Spain. H aving ar­
tistic tastes, lie visited a gallery con
tabling some pictures, works o f the
old masters. Stopping before a Mu
donna and child by Murillo, he stood
looking at It. a feeling growing up
within him that lie had seen it before.
Presently lie felt assured that lie had
not only seen it. but that it had been
very near to him. The face o f the
Madonna was associated In his mind
with some loved memory.
"It may be.” lie said to himself, “ that
the picture is a key to my childhood."
If this were so it might lie possible
for him to find the look.
An object had come to the young
man. The clreuiustiinces attending ills
having been taken bv shipwreck from
his natural surroundings had east a
gloom over him. Now he brightened
up and resolved ttint he would follow
the elew on detective principles and
never give tip the search so long as
there was n ray o f hope. Sitting on a
bench before the picture, lie gave him­
self up to a mental investigation. Tilts
was the result: Either his parents had
brought him to Seville, where lie had
seen the picture, or he had somewhere
seen a copy o f it.
He went to every hotel in the city,
got -|Hwmlk.?Uui.-lu Took at the records
previous to tin* time o f the shipwreck
and asked every landlord whether lie
remembered lien ring o f any one who
had boon at Ids house being lost on
the steamer from which lie had boon
But this investigation lev I to
no result.
He next turned his attention to the
matter o f any copy that might have
been made o f the picture. A fter much
questioning lie found that but oue copy
had ever L'*eu made and that was for
a bishop of the Homan Catholic church.
Hamilton discovered who the bishop
was and went to the episcopal palace.
The bishop was dead, but u priest told
the searcher that the copy was intend­
ed for a rich Englishman, who as a
price for it gave a large sum to the
Hamilton s next move was to learn
the nume o f the Englishman.
priest examined papers back for more
than twenty years und found letters
written eighteen years before from the
man for whom the copy had been
rnude, one letter giving directions as
to where it was t" lie sent. The name
was John N. Boyington, ---- Harley
street, Loudon.
Hamilton had money enough to take
him to London, but no more. He de­
cided to make the journey, and if he
discovered no relative he would ship
on some vessel bound for America. On
Touching London he found that John
Boyington had been an eminent sur­
geon, but was now an old man and re­
tired. The sailor went to his residence,
was ushered into the drawing room,
ind there on the wall hung the copy
* f the Murillo “ Madonna and Child.”
When Dr. Boyington came down to
see him aud Hamilton told his story
the old man sat sileut for a time, then
“ I believe that you are my grandson
Your father married an American lady,
and a son was born in this house
That picture was placed in my daugh­
ter-in-law’s room shortly before you
were born that the mother might have
a fitting object before her. When the
boy was four years old my son aud
his w ife visited America. They were
lost on the return voyage on a ship
called the Alexander Hamilton.”
“ That was the ship from which 1
was saved."
Hamilton, or rather Boyington, is
now a wealthy Londoner.
Two Kinds of Emulsiono.
Milk and butter are both emulsions.
Professor F. G. Don nan of University
college, London, defines an emulsion as
a distribution o f one liquid In another.
A little oil shaken with much water
gives an emulsion In which the par­
ticles of oil have a diameter o f about a
thousandth o f it millimeter. Such un
emulsion Is milk. A little water in
much oil gives particles o f water even
smaller: such an emulsion Is butter.
Climbing the Ladder.
Quality Counts
In ever line of Merchandise, but none
more especially than in
Our large stock is in every instance the best that oan be hud
and our aim will be to keep the high standard up.
Builders’ Hardware,
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
Stoves, Ranges, Farm and
Garden Tools
And everything usually kept in a first-class hardware store, and
all goods are of the best quality.
Alex McNair & Co., Tillamook,Ore. 8 8
The Evening Telegram, daily,
and the Cloverdale Courier, botli
papers one year for 83.50.
“ Take a good look at this ladder, my
“ W hat for?"
"A m i then remember that if it were
possible to get to the top at a single
hound there would he no need for the
bottom rungs.” —Detroit Free Press.
Good Enough.
“ Do you think you can support my
daughter in the style to which she has
become accustomed ?"
“ No. sir, but I think I can support
Iter In the style to which her mother
had to become accustomed when she
got married."—Pittsburgh Press.
[ y e s ! oot
it t u c k e d L
Paradoxical Content.
“ I feel safe from accident on this
train ”
“ Why so?”
“ Because It Is In charge o f an en­
gineer who inis the reputation o f be­
ing a wreck less o n » ” — Baltimore
Corn Can Pop Only One*.
Ethel (munching atul chattering)—
How white corn gets when It pops.
Marie—Ye*: Just like some men wlteu
they iK>p.— Boston Transcript.
E used to switch tolîncco every few weeks. Then
a fri .n.l ;ave hint a little of \V-li G U T Chewing
—the R cj ! 1'oLacco C h e v , ne& cut, Ions shred. Steady
user now.
Quite tlie regub r thin£. A man is glad he found it, and just naturally
passes the good word along
Notice how the sait brings out the rich tobacco taste"
Made br WfYMlN-BRlITOH CO’.IPANY, 50 Union Square, New York City