CLOVERDALE, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 18, 1916 VOL. 11. MEETING OF HOLSTEIN BR EED ER S ASSOCIATION Interasng Afi»T Vail A a.* Talk? l>y M3Jiua*3—C-u i / Fair Board ¿ . » a to Chuaye iiam on P .jih 'i.m L i. Tuesday occurred the meeting of the Tillamook County Holstein Breeders’ association at the ranch home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schilds, about three miles east of Tillamook, and a fair rep­ resentation of the society was present. Before loach was served the members of the association made a tour of in­ spection of th e ranch, looking over the well-kept dairy barn w ith its modern improvements, and also viewing the herd in the fields. Mr. Schilds has 70 acres ot well improved land and is milk­ ing 32 cows. This ranch was at one time a portion of the Kunze homestead and was purchased by Mr. Schilds on tim e payments for $21,000 less than eight years ago and today Mr. Schilds has his ranch all pri 1 for, and if we were to judge would say th a t Mr. and Mrs. Schilds were in clover, so far as prosperity goes. After returning from the fields we found th a t during our absence the ladies had been busy and our eyes viewed two long tables erected in the orchard ladened with everything that could be thought of to tickle and ap- w IN e stu c c a j pease the appetite of the assembly. After lunch, Mr. Kunze, president of the society, called the meeting to or­ der and Mr. Noise, secretary, made his report. Mr. H athaw ay was then elected a member of the board of trustees. The chair stated th a t the county had an agricultural council, comprised of one member from each agricultural o r­ ganization and by unanimous voteC has. Kunzt was delegated to represent the Holstein association. A lengthy discussion arose regarding the county fair board listing grade sires. The board of trustees was instructed to interview the fair board with a view of having them change the list giving the prize for a full blood calf. Mr. Folk discussed the importance of a dairy sire. A good sire, said he, is the larger and more im portant part of the herd. Since the producing of large qt am ities of milk is not natural, but ac­ quired, it is only by constantly selecting the best types that this acliicment is re­ tained or increased. To retain th e m ilk­ ing qualities of a good grade herd a t a uniform level, it is necessary to use a bull better tired th a n the cows. E n ­ deavoring to save money in the purchase of a sire is not economical. D. T. Werschkul was called upon to give his experienc in the m a tte r of changing from a common herd to that of blooded stock. He gave figures to show th e great benefit derived from breeding up. He told of the tim e when he and his neighbors changed sires to improve their herd and wlmt little, if any, effect it had in the way of improve­ ment. T hat he soon conceived the idea that a fall blood sire was necessary and he purchased a t the Lewis & Clark fair a registered Holstein and proceeded to V alley B ank « CLO V BßD A LB, ORLGON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ m \ « W ft w ft And can give you all th e a d v a n ta g es th a t P-1 any other can give y o u . You need th e Bank w e need your business. W ft ft ft MUTUALITY, T h at’s all w ft ft ft B a n k w ith your hom e bank and enlarge ffl rh th e B u s in e s s scope of th e N estu c ca Valley. ft n a v e rvj uuue uu ciu coo uy m a n w u u u iciu lur yrtirB. believe we have given them satisfactory banking service nncl can give you the same satisfaction. Mail us Your Next Check or Checks It saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season of the year. No need to come to the bank in person. SECURITY AND SERVICE Our Motto Bring us your eggs. We pay 25c a build up bis herd. Since t h a t time he dozen. Cloverdale Mercantile Co. has purchased three registered Holstein bulls and th a t th e production of milk from their offspring has increased to a greater extend th a n could have been possible with the t.-rub herd. Manufacturers Agriculturist Jones was present and who bad been previously made an All Kinds of honorary member of j he association, Rough and gave a chai 1 talk on feeding which was Finished both instructive and interesting. At the close of th e meeting everyone Your bill for Mouse or Barn will present voted thanks to Mr. and Mrs. receive careful attention Schilds for the hospitable m anner in and lumber ready which they had been entertained. J. M. WEISS & SONS promptly on W anted — Bids for furnishing the Central Creamery with 100 licks of wood time. will 0e received by the secretary. Mail Leave Orders with Henry bids to Mark Bays, Cloverdale. W hen in Tillamook and you want a good meal at a most reasonable price call at M. Oleson’s in the Ramsey Hotel dining room. Take the old reliable W hite stage for a comfortable, safe and sure trip to Tillamook. Kump, at Cloverdale Hotel. R R BEALS REAL ESTATE Write for Literature. The Cloverdale Courier $1 a year. TILLAMOOK. W e W an t Your Banking 1 ft P4 FIRE! Business ft ft v* c NO. 45 OUF.OOX FIRE! DON’T W AIT UNTIL TOMORROW before you protect vour property with a policy of lire insurance. You have no assurance but that tonight a tire may come, and to­ morrow will he too late. 'IODAY is the right time to get insured. When you have read this adver­ tisement, come right to our oflice, ank let us write you a policy. Don’t delay an hour. Phons Us Call on Us Write Us