Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, April 20, 1916, Image 1

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    VOL. 11.
NO. 41
Tillamook Counly Agricultural
sava he has found many instances in the
state where much money has been
wasted by the improper planning and
of tile diains.
By Roy C. Jones, county agriculturist.
in position to benefit by Mr.
About a year ago »he sales of tile were
stay in the county can call me
very light, but at the present time deal
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sighi
phone and we will arrange
ers having more or less trouble in keep
to give help to all those that time will though we have done business by mail with them for years. We
ing up with the orders.
This indicates progress toward the
believe we have given them satisfactory hanking service and can
Prairie Soils.
betterment of Tillamook county. There
are some 6000 acres that can be im­ Anything that will throw any light give you the same satisfaction.
proved and their productive capacity upon the question of what will make
Mail us Your Next Check or Checks
increased from 25 to 100 per cent by the our black prairie soils as productive as
use of tile drains that will cost much they look like they should be, is not only
less than they will add to the value of of interest but is of some thousands oi It saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season i
dollars worth of value to the county. of the year. No need to come to the hank in person.
B. L. Beals is putting another 20 Chemical analysis show that these soils
acres under tile. Last year he took 115 are very acid and lacking in some of the
tons of hay from 30 acres, drained a year plant food elements.
ago. This land was previously too wet Last year pot tests were made supply­
to make good meadow. These figures ing lime and the various plant food ele­
offer a basis for meditation upon the ments. with very good results in some
subject of whether it pays to drain land instances. These tests will be repeated
or not in Tillamook county. There is this year and will be tried out on a
no question about it in this case. The larger scale on the county fair grounds. office open during the forenoon of each
Artichoke Seod For Sale.
acre cost was approximately $20. The We hope, by the end of the season, to day of the week as well ns on Saturday Anyone desiring artichokes for seed
same results may be expected from 000 be able to give a practical solution for beginning Monday, April 24th. Watch can secure same by calling on Clius.
other acres in the same drainage dis­ the prairie soil problem.
the papers for all items of interest re­ Ray, Cloverdale. Price, dug 2c per lb.,
trict. Carl Hunt and Geo. Williams are
garding agriculture in the county.
Change in Office Arrangements.
in the ground 1 Lc per lb.
al o putting in considerable tile this Up to the present, field work has de­
sp ing.
— ,
n » a a s H H w n « m a 'i s
manded the attention of the county ag­ ~ ~ ~
0. A. C. Drainage Here.
riculturist to such au extent that it has j
•T. E. Larson, soils and drainage been impossible to keep the office open j
s(i < ialist of the Oregon Agricultural more than one day during the week, j
College, extension service, is h e f o r a We have been unable to answer or «-- 1
stuc of about two weeks. We are now respondence as promptly as it should be
working on the plans for the drainage done, too few articles, of interest and
of the proposed district composed of the information to the people, have been
lan Is between Cloverdale ami Woods on published in the papers, onr state li­
The fact we wish to hammer is that Alex McNair it Co.’s
the south side of the Nestucca river. brary books have not been accessible to
store gives more quality, service and satisfaction than any other
We will also give aid, ¡-o far as possible, the people, except on the one day. We
store in Tillamook county.
to individuals who are interested in believe that this part of the work is im­
pu ting in private systems. Mr. Larson portant and have arranged to have the
Oar Phenominal Success Demonstates that Fact.
Don’t Hurt a Fact
Hammer it.”
Ei H3?5?3iS23332SÎSe3S3333i333:?iS03
IN estsJCca V a f i e y B a n k
We Want Your Banking
And can give you all the advantages that
any other can give you. You need the Bank
we need your business.
M UTUALITY, That’s all
Bank with your home bank and enlarge
ness scope of the Nestucca Valley. j
Remember Alex McNair it Co. for Builders’ Hardware,
Euve Troughing, Farm Tools, Shelf Goods, Cutlery, and every­
thing kept in a fully stocked hardware store.
Ilex McNair & Co., thi —*,»». I
before you protect your property
with a policy of fire insurance.
You have no assurance but that
tonight a fire may come, and to­
morrow will he too late. TODAY'
is the right time to get insured.
When you have read this adver­
tisement, come right to our office,
ank let us write you a policy.
Don’t delay an hour.
Phone Us Call on Us Write Us
ROLL J E VV. W A T S O N . The Insurance Man