J C LO V E E D A LE . T IL L A M O O K COUNTY. OREOOII. A P R IL 6, 1946 VOL. 11. NO. . 9 PARENT-TEACH­ SPLENDID EN­ ERS’ MEETING TERTAINMENT Saturday, April 8, Named as Clean- *■ Several of our customers are people we do not know by sigh It Was Highly Appreciated by the Up Day. though we have done business by mail with them for years. People. The Parent-Teachers’ Association at their regular meeting last Friday even­ ing discussed some important questions, among them, and of the most import­ ance was that of the organization of a Union High School. A commitee was appointed to formulate petitions to be circulated in the eight contiguous dis­ tricts. These petitions call for the ques­ tion to ba put before the District Boundary Board and voted on at the ■chool elections. In order to get it be­ fore the electors of each district the District Boundary Board after receiving the petitions with the required number of signatures, must instruct such dis­ tricts to vote on the same at their next annual school meeting. These petitions are now being circulated. Saturday of this week was set aside as clean up day on the school giounds and it is puposed to discard the old fr nt fence and plant some trees and scbrubs. The ladies are to furnish re­ freshments in the school building and how well the sterner sex use their brawn and muscle can better be told when vou see the school premises Sun­ day next. believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can The attendance at the musical and literary entertainment at the l’ resby - 1 terian church last Monday evening was : quite large and applause after applause j followed each number on the program, showing that those who attended highly appreciated the entertainment. The entertainment was given to meet j a financial deficiency occuring at the close of the church year, and netted for the society $18 55. “ What ?” “ Yes, ma’am. I have two half sisters and three half brothers.” — Philadelphia Press. 022-3322233333232333X033333232321 INestucca Valley Bank CLOVERDALB, OREGON W e W ant Your Banking Mail us Your Next Check or Checks It saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season of the year. No need to come to the bank in person. SECURITY AND SERVICE Our Motto « hat W You need the Bank H all the advantges OPENING COCOANUTS. nut contains. When the ground in cocoanut has been passed through How the Meat Is Made Ready For the the cooker it is ready for manufac­ Candymaker. ture into the various confections in In large candy factories many which cocoanut meat is used.— Los cocoanuts are used. In removing Angeles Times. the shells from these nuts there are Our First Cocoa. employed men who work at this reg­ The first newspaper notice that ularly, just as they would at any announced the sale of cocoa and other trade or calling. chocolate in America read: A cocoanut opener works at a “ Amos Trask, at his house, n lit­ bench. Back of him are stacked up tle below the Bell tavern, in Dun- on the floor large sacks filled with cocoanut3. At intervals he empties vers, makes and sells chocolate a sack of nuts on the bench in front which he will warrant to he good of him and then he continues open­ and takes cocoa to grind. Those who may please to favor him with ing. Ilis only tool is a heavy all steel their custom may depend upon be­ knife, like an all steel oyster knife, ing well served and at a very cheap with a heavy solid handle and with rate.” This notice appeared in the Essex the other end flattened and tapered into a round pointed knife, lie Gazette of Massachusetts on the holds a nut on the bench in front 18th of June, 1771, five years beforo of him and with one whack of the the signing of the Declaration of In­ Despite Mr. Trask s heavy handle he breaks the shell, dependence. opening it with irregular fissures, assurance that his rate was cheap, and then with the knife end of the chocolate was very expensive and tool ho pries ofE the 6hell and tosses beyond the purse of any but the the shelled nut into a basket at his wealthy folk. side. An expert opener can shell a Bids Want-ad. great mauy cocoanuts in a day. Sealed bids will be received by the But the cocoanut opener is not tho only person employed at the co­ undersigned until April 10, ’ 10, for coanut end of the factory. From building barn. Flans and specifications the opener’s bench the baskets of can be seen at the Courier ottice. The shelled nuts are removed to a table, right reserved to reject any or all bills. C. Otsen. Oretown. at which sit girls who remove the brown skin with which tho meat of Under New the cocoanut is covered. Knives Management made specially for this purpose are used, and quickly they cut off tho skin and toss tho nuts into other baskets, where you see them now, not brown, but milk white. Then the cocoanuts are dumped Tillamook, Ore. into a chute, down which they go to L. S. HUSHBECK, Proprietor. the floor below into the grinders, which break the cocoanuts up into the required degree of coarseness or Dining Hoorn run no Family 8t\le fineness, and from the grinders they Meals 2oc. go to the cooking kettles, for the cocoanut for candies must be cook­ ed before it is used. If it were used raw it would soon become sour or rancid from the oil that the cocoa- I H Business any other can give you. give you the same satisfaction. F ra c tio n s . “ And have you any brothers and sisters, my little man?” asked the kind old lady. “ Yes’m,” replied the little man. “ 1 have one sister and one and a half brothers.” Boss of a Laundry. “ What is your occupation, Ras- tus ?” “I ’se de manager ob a laundry, sah, an 1 makes a right comf’able livin’ .” Artichoke Seed For Sale. “ What is the name of your laun­ Anyone desiring artichokes for eeed can secure same by calling on Ohas. dry?” “ Hannah Maria Johnson, sah.” — Bay, Cloverdale. Price, dug 2c per lb., in the ground lt^c per lb. Boston Transcript. And can give yo \V we need your business. MUTUALITY, That’s all Bank with your home bank and enlarge the Business scope of the Nestucca Valley. W w M I ft W The Todd Hotel Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates by tbo Week.