cloverdale courier . v o l . 11 . CLOVERDALE, TILLAMOOK OOUNT7, OREOOS. MARCH 30, 1916 Barrington’s Convert The Effort Was Discourag­ ing, but Succeeded at Last By JOHN Y. LARNED Bob B arrington w as one of those youngsters who are dead set against a hum drum lire. Bob’s fath er, w hen the boy was fifteen years of age. secured him a position In a frien d 's counting room, but the friend soon told Mr. B ar­ rington th a t Bob was uot fitted for a comm ercial life. “ W hat's the trouble?” asked the par ent “ Well, the life’s too cram ped. W hat we w ant a re young fellows for cog­ wheels. They should go through the sam e routine every day; never ask questions o r m ake suggestions, but do w hat they a re told to do and no more. If they see anything th a t looks to them a bit—well, shrew d, th ey ’re not to tlnre up and call it dishonest. Our business is a m achine, and every past m ust fit Into every other p art.” “ 1 see.” said Mr. Barrington. “ Bob Is not In your line.” Bob w as w ithdraw n and asked w hat be wished to do. lie said be thought he would like to get a breath of fresh air, which, being explained, m eant th a t he would like to go w here n atural in­ stin cts had a fuller play. To state the case more definitely, he proposed to go w est and be a cowboy. Ills father. thinking th a t If his son bad some ex- I perience In herding sheep d u ring a j blizzard he would be glad to come I home and go to w ork In a civilized way, assented. Bob w as well outfit­ ted, being given a thousand dollars, which he w as told m ust last him a year. He told his fa th e r th a t he d id n 't w ant any m ore than enough to tak e him to his destination and he w ouldn’t call on him for any more. So he hand­ ed back all but $200 and s ta rte d on his Journey. The new life suited him exactly. He made a cowboy of him self for aw hile, but, having displayed considerable nerve In several fracases, he w as elect­ ed sheriff, a t w hich calling he m ade a success. One of his exploits d u ring his term of office was th e h u nting dow n of a notorious desperado nam ed Donohue. The outlaw cam e into the region over which SherifT B arrington had Jurisdic­ tion and commenced a series of robber­ ies th a t terrorized every one. B arring­ ton m ade it his business to cap tu re the man w ithout killing him. Not th a t such a kindly act w as obligatory on him. Indeed, his constituents would have m uch preferred th a t Donohue should be taken dead, for. In th a t case, the territory would be spared th e ex­ pense of a trial. The tru th w as, B ar rington never quite succeeded in erad i­ cating civilization from his system and felt a repugnance against m aking an executioner of himself. One day th e sheriff w as m issed, and nothing wus heard of him till one day be reappeared, w ith Mr. Donohue In a wagon, bound hand an d foot. A m eet­ ing of citizens w as called and, a fte r a vote of th an k s to Sheriff Barrington, decreed th a t a com m ittee be appointed to bang the prisoner. Bob claim ed the captive as his ow n and insisted that he be tu rn ed over to a court fo r trial. T his excited m uch opposition, on the ground th a t there w as no evidence th at IN e stu c c a V a lle y Bank C LO V ERD A LE, OREGON W e W ant Your Banking B usiness And can give you all the advantages that any other can give you. You need the Bank we need your business. MUTUALITY, That’s all Bank with your home bank and enlarge the Business scope of the Nestucca Valley. M BANKING BY MAIL Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight though we have done business by mail with them for years. We believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can give you the same satisfaction. Mail us Your Next Check or Checks It saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season of the year. No need to come to the bank in person. SECURITY AND SERVICE Our Motto i i T il l a m o o k COUN t v * » ■ ( / ¡ BANK; T I L L AM OQK . OR E . Donohue had m urdered any one. Con sequently he could never be hanged. However, it could not be denied that the prisoner belonged to B arrington, and, since he would not consent to the hanging, th e m an m ust be se n t to a place w here there w as a court. Here, too, B arrington stood In the way of Justice. C ertain persons who knew of m urders com m itted by the accused of which there were no eyew itnesses kindly consented to perjure them selves th a t a proper punishm ent m ight he in­ flicted. T he sheriff would not consent to this, and when th e Judge proposed to give the convict all the im prison­ m ent th e law allowed Barrington stood o u t for tw o years. Tho Judge, being a stanch supporter of the sheriff, acced­ ed to his wishes. One would suppose th a t saving a m an’s life and cutting down a term of ten years a t hard labor to tw o would touch th e h eart of the subject of this m agnanim ity. Instead, when Dono­ hue was taken aw ay to serve his term be said: “Sheriff, e f ye hadn’t sneaked up on me and got the drop when I w asn’t lookin' for you you wouldn’t ’n’ got me. How som ever. I’ll git out o’ Jail in tw o y ears from this yere present time, and it’ll he you as'll have to look out fu r me.” “T hank you kindly for m entioning your benevolent intentions,” replied Bob. “ I’ll try and be In a position to Congratulate yr>u on having attain ed your freedom and keep from getting holed at the sam e tim e.” W hen Bob had been In the w est a y ear his fa th e r asked him If he didn’t wish to retu rn nnd tak e up civiliza­ tion again. Bob w rote th a t there w as too much of a m ixture betw een the good and the bad In civilization; he preferred the two separate, as they were In the west. The better class of people In the w est m ade no pretense to culture, but they treated one anoth­ er like C hristians. When a m an was bad he was bad all over nnd didn’t pretend to be anything else T he con sequence was th a t there wus no mis tak in g either the good or the bad. W hen Donohue had served some eighteen m onths of his term Bob’s m other w rote her son th at his fa th e r w as 111 and begged him to come home. Bob sighed, tum bled Into the flue Clothes he had worn when he reached N w M K H i NO. 38 the w est and started Tor home. He had not worn a boiled Bhlrt for a long time and felt In one now ns if he w ere being garroted. He found his fath er in very bad health, and his continued presence nt home was necessary. He therefore yielded to his parents’ re­ quest «and determ ined to rem ain with them. W hen Donohue w as released to re­ commence his preying upon the world th e first person ho proposed to prey upon was ex-Sherlff Barrington. Bob during the adm inistration of the du­ ties of Ills office had received a great m any threats, none of which had ma­ terialized. W hen the two years of Donohue’s term had rolled around Bob bad forgotten all about I t Besides, he had left his old stam ping ground and did not conceive It possible th a t a des­ perado In the w est would take the trouble or have the m eans to travel a couple of thousnnd miles to hunt him up. Donohue was a mnn w ith consider­ able pride, which bad It uot been mis­ directed m ight have been of advantage to him. H e had made a statem ent a t the time of his conviction nnd he pro­ posed to carry It out nt any cost. He had not been out of Jail long when he had accum ulated sufficient valuables and cush to pay his expenses east, * and having obtained B arrington’s ad­ dress set out to find him and tak e his threatened revenge. On reaching the city of his destina­ tion he realized th a t be would not have the sam e advantages in killing a m an ns in the west. It was pos­ sible there to do the deed, light out, seek other fields, and there was a chance of never being called to ac­ count for his crime. Not so In a city. To s ta rt gun play on a s tre e t would be to collect a crowd, followed by au officer, and there w as no chance of escai>e except by th e law ’s delays, and even then funds were required for the purpose. These im perfectlous In le­ gal Justice did not m ake It less desir­ able for honest persons than the code of the revolver or Judge Lynch. Donohue therefore decided to stent up on his enemy as his enem y had stolen up on him. But tills w as not so eusy In civilization ns In a new country. Bolts separated him from the m an he wanted, and be was not ti-M'd t<> thN (Concluded on last page)