Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 23, 1916, Image 1

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VOL. 11.
NO. 37
Large aid Enthusiastic Gathering Report of H. F. Keyes, of the Ore
gon Agricultural College.
—Splendid Program.
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight
though wq . have done business by mail with them for years.
believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can
(Evening Telegram)
The school rally, held a t Oretown
give you the same satisfaction.
and nine farm ers of T il­
last Saturday, March 18th, was a com ­
plete success in every way. The grange lamook county, average a surplus of
Mail us Your Next Check or Checks
hMl did not furnish seating room for all 1400 a year each after all operating ex­
who came. All showed a deep interest pense and 5 per cent in terest upon th eir j It eaves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season
from the first and m any joined in the investm ents are deducted according to j of the year. No need to come to the hank in person.
disci ssion of the several topics th a t figures compiled by H . F. Keyes, who
is employed by the Oregon A gricultural
were brought before th e house.
at Corvallis and the dep artm en t
The ladies provided an excellent d in ­
ner after which th e following program of agriculture to m ake farm surveys in
the different counties of th e state to |
was ren d e re d :
Song, “ My T rib u te” Neskowin School ascertain to w hat degree of success th e
farm ers are enjoying in th eir business.
R ecitation,
Mable Dunn
The average investm ent in th e 109
Evelvn Sm ith
farm s surveyed, says Mr. Keyes is $35,- mock county, but the form ers are pay­
R ecitation.
Ted Myers
000, and the average size of th e farm s is ing out, just the sam e,” continued
The kingdom of Siam covers an
R ecitation
Ona Bailey
Lyda Shoultz 80 acres. The average num ber of cows Mr.
Keyes. “ One m an whom I area of about 200,000 square miles,
R ecitation
A nna C hristensen owned by the farm ers is 29 each and m et there contracted to buy a farm for and the last census gave a total pop­
the average production is 224 pounds of $:’.0,000 and had only $1,000. R e p a id ulation of 8,149,487. The highest
Song, “ Teaching Public School”
Med a Bays b utter fat, which is about 60 pounds this down and in five years he had paid temperature of about 10G degrees P.
Pantom im e
Irm a Tatro above the general average in th e state. $12.000. You see in a verv few years in the shade at Bangkok is usually
W ashington Boy Arm y
Oretown Boys Five per cent in te rest on $35,000 is he will have his place paid for and he reached in April and May and tho
R jc iU tio n
Mabel W ilsoa $1750, which added to $400, m akes a has enough money to keep him and his lowest of about 52 degrees in De­
R ecitation'
H arvey Tatro total of $3150 which is th e average sum family in comfort. Of course, this is un cember and January, tho latter two
R ecitation
Russsll K>x m ade by these farm ers above expenses. exceptional case, b ut I cite this to show months being the most suitable for
“ The farm ers of Tillamook county w hat can be done in dairying along the tourists and commercial travelers to
R ecitation
Mrs. Red berg
nothing but h a y ,” says Mr. Kej es, coast of Oregon. This m an and a single visit northern Siam. Tho spoken
Sw eetpeas’ Drill
Oretown Girls
R ecitation
Mrs. W ard they feed all they raise and more hired man milk 51 cows daily, besides and written language is Siamese, but
R ecitation
Lawrence W hitem an too.” I t appears as if th is is a good i doing all the other work an the farm . for commercial purposes the Eng­
Song, “ Farew ell to T hee.”
Neskowin opportunity for the valley farm er to get | These two, w ith the assistance of a th ird lish language is in general use.
rid of th eir surplus of hay. They run m an who cost only $60 in wages pnt up
G reat are those 25c dinners a t the short of feed of th eir own, especially 80 tons of hay last sum m er. Every bit
Didn’t Awe Him.
Ram sey Hotel dining room, Tillamook, during a w inter like the past.
Tho members of a Greek letter
I of the other work on the farm is done
“ Land values are very high in Tilla- ) j by two m en .”
fraternity from a southern univer­
Portugal’s Decline.
I N estu cca
V a lley
We Want Your Banking 1
And can give you all the advantages that
any other can give you. You need the Bank
we need your business.
Portugal has not always been the
small affair that it is today. The
little country once meant a great
deal more than It does at present.
To Portugal belongs the honor of
having been the leader in fifteenth
century exploration and discovery.
Her great prince, known as “Henry
the Navigator,” may well be called
the father of deep sea navigation.
It was owing to his zeal that the
voyages began which were to end in
the circumnavigation of Africa and
the finding of the way to India. U n­
til well into the sixteenth century
Portugal was rich in colonial pos­
sessions and was not without great
weight in the diplomacy of Europe,
but by the close of the century her
decline began.
sity were being shown through tho
library of congress. They were ap­
parently stricken dumb with admi­
ration of the beauties of the build­
ing. But the utmosphere of awe
was dissipated when one of tho par­
ty, a red headed youth, exclaimed
“Gee, fellows, wouldn’t this make
a dandy frat house?”— St. Louis Re­
Thoroughly Pessimistic.
“Why don’t you announce your-
fcdf as a candidate ?”
“Because,” repl icd Senator Sor­
ghum, “ I don’t believe I could get
nominated. And if I did get nomi­
nated I couldn’t get elected. And
if I did get elected I couldn’t fill
the position properly. And if I did
fill it properly I wouldn’t get much
credit for it anyhow.”— Washington
Did They “ Hock" Them?
MUTUALITY, That’s all
Bank w ith your home bank and enlarge
the B usiness scope of the Nestucca Valley.
“In the olden days they had no
watches, you know.” said the father.
“ And how did they tell the tim e?”
asked the son.
“ By sundials.”
“Well, fa th e r,” said the young man.
feeling of his w atchless chain, "how
much could n fellow pet on u sundial,
do you suppose?”— Exchange
Our Friendships.
Our friendship* hurry to short
and poor conclusions because wo
have made them a texture of wrine
and dreams instead of the tough
fiber of the human heart. The laws
of friendship nre great, austere and
eternal—of one web with the laws
of moral* and of nature —Goethe.
The Cloverdale Courier $1 a year,