Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, March 16, 1916, Image 5

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    v Cloverdale Courier
Published Every Friday by
Prank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ E n tered as second-class m atte r, Nov­
em ber 13th, 1905 a t the postoffice at Clo­
verdale, Tillamook County, O regon,un­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878.
One Y ear, in advance........................ $1.0C
Six M o n th s................................................ 50
Three M o n th s............................................25
Single C opy................................................05
A dvertising R ate »
Displayed A dvertisem ents, 50 cents per
inch per m onth, single colum n. All
lo c a l Reading Notices, 5 cents per
lipe for each insertion.
Tim ber land notices
Hom estead notices
Political A nnouncem ent Cards
J ob D epartment
My Jo b D epartm ent is com plete in every
respect and I am able to do all kinds
Commercial Job P rin tin g on short
notice at reasonable prices.
TH URSDA Y. MARCH 19, 1910
T h e m an y persons who are
a lw a y s q uick to spread evil r e ­
ports ab o u t o th e r persons should
ponder these w ords of H e n ry
van D y k e : “ N e v e r believe a n y ­
th in g bad about anybody unless
you p o sitively know it is tru e
and n ever te ll even th a t unless
you feel th a t it is ab solu tely
n e c essary/’
■.................................................. - - •
There are more freight cars in the
U nited States today th an ever before in
th e history of th e world. There are
more cars in active use today th an in
anv m arch in m any years, says an ex­
change. All railroads are doing a re­
m arkable business for this period of the
year, which is usually th e dullest. Some
of th e large m anufacturing centers are
already ham pered for the lack of cars.
W ithin th e past six m onths railroads
have been p utting in orders for new
equipm ent. Since the boom started,
th s dem and for cars has increased until
about all th e em pties are now doing
Railroads are like other concerns.
They act on th e stien g th of present bus­
iness. W hen h e ig h t traffic was slack a
year ago, and the car works were idle
or running w ith a decreased force, the
railroads could have bought cars at a
m uch lower figure th an they have been
obliged to pay since th e boom started.
But they procrastinated ane are now
paying the additional cost.
A good sign of future business is th a t
private concerns have recently ordered
th ree thousand freight cars.
hace put in the order w ith the idea
when they w ant cars to move their pro­
ducts they will have them . These con­
cerns, too, like the railroads waited until
business began to improve before p u t­
tin g in th e order, and they are paying
increased prices for th eir rolling stock.
Car shops say it will be six m onths
!>ef"re they can deliver the recent or­
ders. The big concerns expect to have
th eir orders tilled by the tim e the a n ­
nual car shortage comes next fall.
adays. It is not only the autom obile
owner who is interested in this com ­
modity. Thousands of farm ers who
have installed gasoline engines on their
premises are interested. The clothes
cleaners are another class of people who
have complained of the high cost of gas-
o ine.
We have been told th a t the big in ­
crease in the price of gasoline was the
demand for gas arising from th e Euro­
pean war.
W hen anyone wants to
justify the raise in tire price of some
staple he finds the war a handy goat.
But when it is known th a t 45,000,000
barrels of crude petroleum were placed
in storage in 1914 and th a t there are
now 200,000,000 barrels in storage, it
looks as if someone was purposely keep­
ing it off tlie m arket so th a t a scarcity
of gasoline will boost the profits of the
producers. It takes a lot of money to
satisfy the appetite ot Jo h n D., and th e
purchasers of gasoline are considered
legitim ate prey.
AH users of gasoline will u tte r a wish
th at the governm ent investigation of
the increased prices will be speedily
carried out and th a t the probe will be
sent to the bottom of the question.
In Memorum.
Alone on the depot platform .
Bathed in th e cold w inter’s breeze,
Stands an em pty eight-gallon beer keg,
W ith nothing in it to freeze,
Shorn of its lost form er glory,
Drained of its last am ber dreg,
Beerless, bungless and friendless,
Stands an em pty eight-gallon keg.
Any N ew Methods?
“Ain't it stran g e tli' way Jack beats
his wife?” “ I dunno. How does he do
It?”—Cleveland I-eader.
H e C an ’t.
Blob—W oman is a conundrum .
Slob—And m an never seem s to w ant
to give her up.—Philadelphia Record.
W a rn e d .
The Poet— It’s but a step from the
sublim e to the ridiculous.
The G irl—W atch your step!—Judge.
To th e V o te rs of Tillam ook C ounty.
I hewelty announce th a t I am a can­
didate for the nom ination on the rep u b ­
lican ticket for the office of County
School S uperintendent at the prim ary
election to be held in May.
Geo. B. Lam b.
To th e V o te rs of T illam ook C ounty.
I hereby announce myself a candi­
F c r C ounty T re a su re r.
I hereby announce mvself as candi­ date for sheriff on the Repub!jean
date for the office of county treasuer of tiedet, subject to your approval at the
Tillamook county, subject to tlie will of Mav prim aries.
tHe republican voters at the laid p rim ­
ary election.
John Aschim.
B. L. Beals.
To th e R epublican Voters of T illa ­
F o r C ounty School S u p e rin te n d en t.
mook County.
I hereby announce mvself as a Dem­
1 am a candidate for the Republican
ocratic candidate for th e oltice of County
nom ination for C ircuit Judge of the 19th
School Superintendent subject to the
Judicial D istrict, com prising Tillamook
prim ary election to be held in May,
and W ashington counties, at the May
H . I I . Croat.
19th, 1916, prim aries.
F o r S h eriff.
Geo. R. Bagiev.
To the Voters of Tillamook County :
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
1 herew ith announce myself as a can­
date for the nom ination for the office of
didate to succeed myself as County Sur-
Sheriff on the Republican ticket. If
vor. If nom inated and elected 1 will
nominated and elected I shall endeavor
to enforce the same policies
to enforce the law w ith efficiency and
practiced bv my office in the past, th a t
W. L. Campbell. of conducting it on strictly engineering
To th e V o te rs of T illam o o k C ounty. basis, efficiently and economically.
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
R. L. Shrove.
date for nom ination for the office of
County Clerk, on the Republican ticket,
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
at the prim ary election to be held in
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
May, 1916.
date for th e ofiice of County Com m is­
J . C. Holden.
sioner, Tillamook County on the Demo­
tick et a t the prim ary election on
To th e V o te rs of T illam o o k C o u n t' .
Candidate for nom ination, second
Geo. R. McKimens
term , on Republican ticket, a t prim ary
election in May, for County Assessor.
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
C. A. Johnson.
date for th e nom ination by the R epub­
To th e Voters of T illam ook C ounty. lican party for the ofiice of D istrict A t­
Acting on the advice from friends torney, to be voted for at the next regu­
from all parts of the county and the lar prim ary election. If elected to the
urgent request of m any, I announce office, I will perform the duties of such
myself a candidate for nom ination for office faithfully and conscientiously.
T. H . Goyne.
County Clerk on the Republican ticket
at the prim aries in May.
Dr. W endt fits glasses. T illa­
mook, Ore.. I. O. O. F. Bid.
Erw in H arrison.
P ro o f o f It .
“Jack Is spoons on Gladys."
“Yes, and she sees to It th a t he forks
o u t " —Baltim ore American.
Spiced Cake.
T h e F ir s t W e K n o w of A re T h o se o f
th e A n c ie n t E g yp tian s.
The first almanacs— that is to say,
When m aking spiced cakes alw ays
sift the spices w ith the flour. They the first historical—were of Arabian
will be more evenly distributed.
origin and reflected the local genius
H e re d ity .
of the people in a very striking way.
Eugenia—Rut dou't you believe In They served as models in other
heredity? C larence—Sure! T h a t’s how countries for hundreds of years.
I gut all my money.—Exchange.
The oldest known copy of such a
Tam e.
"F lare you a Sporting Life?"
Bookstall Clerk int lonely country
station)—Not very.1—Punch.
S team F ire Pum ps.
The first tire engine in which steam
was used to drive the pumps was that
of B ralthw alte in 1829.
A uthors.
The num ber of poor authors Is ns
g rea t as the num ber of authors who
are poor.—Om aha W orld-Herald.
Geodesy Is the name given to the
science of m easuring the surface of the
B u rn in g Glasses.
The use of the burning lens to gen­
era te tire was known to the ancient
A e ria l N a v ig a tio n .
Researches Into the principles of aeri­
al navigation date back to the four­
Nearly everybody usej gasoline now­ teenth century
To th e V o te rs.
I hereby announce myself as a candi­
date for the office of county sheriff on
the Republican ticket at th e prim aries
to be held in Mav.
Fred H. Minich.
work is preserved in the British Mu­
seum and dates back to the times of
Kamcses the Great of Egypt, who
lived 1,200 years before the birth of
Christ. It is written on papyrus in
red ink and covers a period of six
The entries relate to religious cer­
emonies, to the fates of children
born on given days and to the regu­
lation of business enterprises in ac­
cordance with planetary influences.
“Do nothing at all this day,” is one
of the warnings. “If thou sccst
anything at all this dav it will he
fortunate,” is another entry. “Look
not at a rat this day,” “Wash not
with water this day,” “Go out not
before daylight this day,” are some
of the additional cautions.
This almanac was found in an old
tomb and is supposed to have been
buried with its Egyptian owner when
Ijc was converted intQ a mummy for
future explorers to dig up and dis­
sect in the interest of science and
Next after this in point of age
among the existing specimens of an­
cient almanacs are some composed
in the fourth century. They aro
Roman church calendars, giving the
names of the saints and other reli­
gious information. The Baltic na­
tions, not being versed in papyrus
making, had calendars engraved on
ax helves, walking sticks and other
articles of personal use. The days
were notched with a broad mark for
Sunday, and the saints’ days wero
symbolized in various devices, such
as a harp for St. David’s, a gridiron
for St. Lawrence’s, a lover’s knot
for St. Valentine’s, and so on. The
Saxon almanacs are numerous and
contain historical as well as ecclesi­
astical entries.
It is possible to trace in these
ourious records all the changes of
popular belief and taste. They wero
prepared to meet the current de­
mand and to constitute u systematic
story of what took place in succes­
sive periods and how knowledge in­
creased with the revolving years.
We owe to them most that we know
of the people for whom they wero
mnde and by whom they were in­
dorsed.—Christian Ileruld.