Passports. a nount $200,000,000 in gold was de- Cloverdale Courier near Passports are a very aucieut Institu­ ixjsited in the subterranean chambers To the Voters of Tillamook County. tion Some of the old monkish chron­ Spandau, each year there has CANDIDATE’S NOTICES. Published Every Friday by Frank Taylor* Editor and Publisher. “Entered as second-class matter, Nov- tmb«r 13th, 1905 at the post office at Clo­ verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon,un der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878. a Ided to this one million dollars in gold. I hereby annonnee that I am a can- This was the nest egg for the next war, «1 idate for the nomination on the repub­ and as the next war is here, it is pre­ lican ticket for the office of County sumed that the war chest has been J School Superintendent at the primary smashed and its contents distributed. | election to he held in Mav. Geo. B. Latuh. Fcr County Treasurer. THE SLA3 CREEK SAGE SAYS I hereby announce tnvself as candi­ S ubscription R ates date for the orfiee of county treasuer of One Year, in advance.......................$1.00 If a woman is homely she tries to per­ Six Months ............................................50 l suade herself that she has a classic face Tillamook county, subject to the will of Three Months..........................................25 the republican voters at the lt»16 prim­ Single Copy............................................. 05 Nowadays we hear more about the ary election. Respectfully, shiftless son-in-law than about the prod­ B. L. Beals. A dvertising R ates igal son. Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per inch per month, single column. All We never have much use for people For County School Superintendent. local Reading Notices, 5 cents per who 1 hereby announce myself as a Dein- are smarter than we are. lipe for each insertion. ociatic for the oflice of County Timber land notices $10.00 It takes a silly woman to make a fool School candidate Superintendent subject to the Homestead notices 5.00 of a smart man. primary election to he held in May, Political Announcement Cards $10.00 1916. H. M. Cross.' Folly and failure roost on the same J ob D epartment For Sheriff. My Job Department is complete in every perch. respect and I am able to do all kinds , Great men have many friends—and To the Voters of Tillamook County : Commercial Job Printing on short many more enemies. 1 hereby announce myself as a candi­ notice at reasonable prices. date for the nomination for the office of W is c o n s in . Sheriff on the Republican ticket. If THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1910 Wisconsin has from time to time nominated and elected I shall endeavor been an annex of various states. Aft­ to enforce the law with efficiency and er Ohio was admitted to the union. economy. Respectfully, Wisconsin from 1805 to 1809 formed a W. L. Campbell. part of Indiana territory. From 1S09 T H E SH A D O W S. to 1S18 Wisconsin was embraced iu the To the Voters of Tillamook County. territory of Illinois. When Illinois be­ I hereby announce myself as a candi­ D o not b o rro w tro u b le and do came a state all the country north of date for nomination for the office of not a n tic ip a te m is fo rtu n e s . W ere it, including Wisconsin, was Joined to County Clerk, on the Republican ticket, a m a n ’s s o rro w s and d is q u io - Michigan. After more than forty nt the primary election to be held in tu d e s su m m e d up at the end of years of shifting. Wisconsin was ad­ May, 1916. h is life it w o u ld g e n e ra lly be Respectfully, mitted Into the Union with her present fo u n d th a t he h ad su ffe re d m ore J. C. Holden. boundaries iu 1848.—St. Louis Post- fro m th e a p p re h e n s io n of s u c h Dispatch. To the Voters of Tillamook County. e v ils a s n e v e r h ap p en e d to h im Candidate for nomination, second th a n fro m th o se e v ils w h ich W h a t H e ld H e r. term, ticket, at primary had re a lly b e fa lle n him . Dinah Snow7 was a colored cook In election on in Republican May, for County Assessor. the home of Smith. One morning on Respectfully, going to the kitchen Mrs. Smith noticed C. A. Johnson. that Dinah looked as if she had been L0TAL TO AMERICA. up writh a road roller. To the Voters. So much emphasis has been laid upon tangled “Why. Dinah." exclaimed she. “what I hereby announce myself as a candi­ the hyphen lately that it should not be in the world has happened to you?” date for the office of sheriff on overlooked that the German spy, Ig- "Was me busbauY* explained Dinah. the Republican ticket county at the primaries “He done went an- beat me ag’in, an’ natus T. T. Lincoln, who had escaped Jes’ to be held in Mav. fo' nothin' too.” from custody in New York, has been re­ “Again.”' cried Mrs Smith, with in­ Respectfully captured through information furnished creasing wonder “Is he in the habit Fred H. Minich. the authorities by several naturalized of beating you? Why don’t you have To the Voters of Tillamook County. Germans. him arrested?" It is the most natural thing in the “Been thinklu’ of It sebcral times, I hereby announce myself a candi­ world that those of German descent missy," was the startling rejoinder of date for sheriff on the Republican eh >uld sympathize with Germany in Dinah, “but 1 hain’t uebab had no tiedet, Bubjcct to your approval at the Mav primaries. hei{trouble,hut when the country of their money to pay his Hue.”—Exchange. a loption is dragged in, in one way or Respectfully, G y p s ie s A n d D eath. John Aschim. another, the overwhelming percentage of them are going to be loyal to its The custom of placing the property To the Republiean Voters of Tilla­ voys and their adopted country. Both of the dead In their graves has always mook County. Americans in American and Germans been followed by the true Romany I am a candidate for the Republican iu Germany might as well understand gypsies. It is due to some old tradi­ nomination for Circuit Judge of the 19th tion of ill luck attending the possession that now. Judicial District, comprising Tillamook of an article whose former owner Is and Washington counties, at the May SOME WAR FIGURES. gone, and much valuable property Is The European war continues and the buried in this belief. There Is also a 19th, 1916, primaries. Geo. R. Bagiev. war debt to be inherited by future gen­ sentiment among gypsies against the erations is rising mountain high. |K)8sesslon of anything that has be­ To the Voters ot Tillamook County. Premier Asqnith’of Great Britain owns longed to a dond person, because it I herewith announce myself as a can­ up that the war is costing John Bull serves to remind the living of the de­ didate succeed myself as County Snr- tw ntv-two millions of dollars every parted and Inspire In them a dread of vor. If to nominated elected I will d i.v, and the house of commons has death The custom of burying their continue to enforce and the same policies voted the government a credit of $2,- property with gypsy dead dates from practiced by my office in the past, that 100/ 00.000 with which to carry on the the earliest history of the Romany of conducting it on strictly engineering war. This money will run the govern­ ‘rlbes. basis, efficiently and economically. ment until the last of May. The total in a B a d W a y . Respectfully, cost of the war for England in 1915 and “Is he hard up?” R. L. Shreve. 1916 to date is $6,677,000,000, and there “1 should say so. He can't even get is no telling what the total cost will be credit for his good intentions."—Judge. The Evening Telegram, Portland's best daily paper, and tlie Cloverdale at the end of the conflict. L e s s T im e . Courier, both papers one year fur only Ger.nauy needs money for the war “In what mouth do ladles talk the $3.50. and ia now endeavoring to raise $2,- least?” 00 i,000,M00 of new revenue hv means of “In February.”—Exchange Artichoke Seed For Sale. taxation. Anyone desiring artichokes for seed N o N ew s. After the Franco-UusGan war, France "They tell me your wife Is one of the can secure same by calling on Chas. was utilised to pay Germany an in­ cleverest women in town.” Ray, Cloverdale. Price, dug 2c per lb., demnity of one billion dollars. Of this "So 1 hear."—Judge. in the ground l*ac per lb. - 1 iclers mention as an achievement ou the part of King Canute that he ob­ tained free passes for his subjects through various continental countries, ou their pilgrimages to the shrines of the Apostles l’eter and Paul at Rome. Each pilgrim was furnished with a document in the nature of a passport called “Tracturia de Itlnere I’ern- genta." Hall In his “Cbroulele" makes refereuee to a system of passports in the time of Edward IV. ami the en­ forcement of this system Is known to have been very strict in the reigns of Elizabeth uud James. —l.ondou Chroul- ele. T h e R h o d u m S id u s. An amusing story told by Hood do- scribes how u country nurseryman made u (urge sum out ot sales of a simple little flower which lie sold un­ der the name of the Rhodum sidus. This charming name proved quite an attraction to the ladles, and the flower became the rugo of the season. It was one of those freaks of fashion for which there is no accounting. At length a botanist who found that the plant was not an uncommon weed re­ quested to know where the nursery­ man got the nume from. He elicited the following reply: “1 found this flow­ er in the road beside us. so christened It the Rhodum sidus." F i r s t C o lo n ia l A s s e m b ly . The first legislative assembly that ever met in America was at James­ town. Va. Governor Ycardley. feeling that the colonists should "have u liuiul In the governing of themselves," to use his own language, called the assembly together at Jamestown July 3U. 1619. It consisted of the governor, counell and “burgesses,” as they were railed, chosen from the various plantations. The laws passed by this body hail to be ratified In England: but. hi turn, the orders from London were not bind­ ing unless ratitled by the colonial as­ sembly. la 1621 these privilege* were embodied in a written constitution, the first of the kind In America. — New York American. F in in g E n g lis h S e r v a n t s In 1680. Nan Newton, for breaking u teapot In I’liiU's chamber, 2s. tkl Richard Knight, fur pride and slighting. 2s. 6d. William Hetherlugton. for not heltig reudy to go to church three Sundays, 10 shillings. Thomas Rlrdall, for being at Nunea­ ton from morning to night, b shillings. Cook, dead drunk. 10 shillings. Anue Adams to be wushinnid at Lady day. She went away the 29th of June for being wanton and careless. She lost five pairs of sheets and five pillowbeers, for which my wMfe made her pay £1.—Diary of Sir Richard Newr* dlgate. Animal Peculiarities. All animals, hens Included, have pe­ culiarities. and to obtutn the best re­ sults In working with them we must take this fact Into consideration. Not ODly Is It true that each class of ani­ mals has its peculiarities, but Individ­ uals In the same class have their dis­ tinctive traits. To illustrate this take for example two horses. One Is a heavy work horse, and when you speak to him It Is quite awhile before he obeys. Yet he may be as willing and obedient as the other horse, which Is of driving stock and quick In its thoughts and actions. In fact It Is wrong to both to drive such horses to­ gether.—Farm nnd Fireside. The Cloverdale Courier $ 1 a year,