CLOVERDALE MERCANTILE CO Fancy Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Mill Feed, Grain Dry Goods, Shoes, Etc. CLOVERDALE, ORE. Great Clean-Up Sale In order to make room for our new Spring Stocks, we are making extra special reductions in many lines of staple goods. Come in and make your selections before the stocks are depleted. The following are samples of the prices we are making: The best grade Calicoes, regular 7c values a t ............... Apron Ginghams, all good patterns, reg. 9c values at Outing Flannels, all colors, regular 12^c values at. . Japanese Silk, all colors, regular 30c values a t ........... All Wool Challies, a number of good patterns, regu­ lar 60c values a t.......................................................... Mohairs in Red, Brown, Blue and Grey, regular 50c values a t ........................................................................... Best grade Serges in Blue, Green and Brown, regular $1.25 values a t .............................................................. $1.05 Wool Knap Blankets, regular $150 values a t.......... 1.28 Ladies’ and Children’s Handkerchiefs, regular 5c values...........................................................................3 for 10c W. T. Corsets, regular $1.50 values a t .......................... 123 W. T. Corsets, regular $1.00 values a t ............................ 78c 6c 7c 11c l23c 48o 42c A few pair Men’s 15 in. Logger Shoes, reg­ Men's Work Shirts in Blue, Tan and A lot of Men’s Hats, values up to$8.00 at $1.05 Stripe Chambray....................................... 42c ular $8.50 and $9.00 at........................$5.15 pr SHOES, SHOES, SHOES. Men’s heavy knit wool sox......................... 22c A lot of Women’s Black Yici Blucher Don’t fail to look over our shoe stock. Men’s Cotton Work sox............................... 7c Shoes, good lasts, regular $1.00 values We are distributors Men’s Black Cotton sox................................. 10c at............................................................ $2.05 pr and Bergmann Loggers. for the Star Brand M en’s $1.50 Negligee Shirts, soft colars. .$1.23 A lot of Children’s Shoes values up to There are more Star Shoes sold than any Children’s Hose, regular 15c value, now 10c $2.50 at..................................................$1.00 pr other brand in the world.—“There’s a reason.” FOR THE LADIES Our Family, Calf Blucher $2 50, b u tto n ........................ $2.75 G reatest, in Gun Metal and Vici, lace or b u tto n ........... 3.00 Mayflower, Gun Metal and Tana, lace or b u tto n ........... 3.50 Society, the best yet, all sty les......................................... 4.00 Society, in Patent Colt Cloth top, b u tto n ........................ 4.00 Oxfords, Tan Calf, button....................................................... 3.00 Patent Colt pum ps................................................................... 3.00 Black Velvet, button............................................................... 3.00 FOR THE MEN. Our Family, Calf, Blucher and B u tto n ............................ $3.50 Pilgrim , in Gun Metal or T a n .............................................. 4.50 Patriot, in Gun Metal, all styles......................................... 5.00 Special for tender feat, Pilgrim in Vici, blucher cut cushion soles...................................................................... 4.50 Chippewa, black, Soo Calf, 6 in. top.................................. 3.50 F an s use, chocolate calf, ammonia proof, for barn u se. . 4 50 The old reliable Bergmann, in 12 and 15 in. tops for heavy work. These are all genuine bargains# FOR THE BOYS Stronger than the Law, for hard wear........$2.75, $3.00. $3.25 O ur Fam ily, for school and dress wear, button and lace.........................................$2.40, $2.60, $2.75 FOR THE GIRLS. Tess and Ted, school and dress Shoes, all styles............................................................ $2.00, $2.25, $2,50 Our Fam ily, for a heavier shoe...................$1.75, $2.00, $2.25 Foo Culture, in heavy tan, spring heel........................... $2 25 FOR THE BABIES. Soft Soles, Star Brand ............................................................ 60c P each.............................................................................................. 35c S u n b eam ...........................................................................$1.00, $1.25 Come in and let us show you. Yours very truly, Cloverdale Mercantile Company