Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, February 04, 1916, Image 1

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    VOL. 11
NO. 30
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight
though we have done business by mail with them for years.
believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can
give you the same satisfaction.
Mail^us Your Next Check or Checks
It saves you time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season
of the year. No need to come to the hank in person.
Copyright, 1913, by the Century Company.
CHAPTER 18—Continued.
And as for the daytime, I am so busy
all day long providing for this perpet­
ual bouse party that I am dead to even
friendship by night .lane Is doing
over Glendale from city limits to the
river, and I have to spend my time
keeping the dear town from finding
out what is being done to it.
She is hunting out everybody’s |>et
Id®« or ideal for some sort o. vL.,ngc
or improvement to his. especially his.
native town, and then leading him
gently up to accomplishing it so that
he will think he has done it entirely
by himself, but will tell the next man
he meets that there is nothing in the
world like a fine energetic woman with
good horse sense. In fact, Jane ta
courting the entire male population in
a most scandalous fashion and they’ll
be won before they know it.
“ Now. that Confederate monument
ought to have been built long ago out
of that boulder from the river Instead
of hauling in a slicked up granite slab
that would er made the Glendale vol­
unteers o f sixty-one feel uncomfortable
like they would do in the beds in the
city hotels. Great idea of mine and
that Yankee girl's—great ideu—hey?”
sputtered Uncle Peter, after Jane had
spent the evening down with l ira _ '
Aunt Augusta.
“ It is n fine idea. Uncle Peter,” I
agreed, with a concealed giggle.
“ I've subscribed the first $6 of the
$50 for hauliug, setting up and inscrib­
ing it. and we are going to let the wo­
men give half of it out of the egg mon­
ey they have got in that Equality
Quilting society. Some kind of horse
sense epidemic has broken ouX in this
town—horse sense, Evelina, hey?” And
he went on down the street perfectly
1 INestucca V alley
We Want Your Banking jjjj
And can give you all the advantages that
any other can give you.
You need the Bank
we need your business.
MUTUALITY, That’s all
Bank with your home bank and enlarge 0
the Business scope of the Nestucca Valley.
e æ æ æ îK 233333323532 2232 3SSS2SE
delighted at having at last accomplish­ ed to the man o f my choice In this
ed ills pet scheme. He thought o f it strong minded book, adding a few
as exclusively his own by now, of words of sage advice for the live, lock­
ing it and handing it. key and nil, to
And the monument is Just the begin­ Jane, with a dramatic demand that she
ning of what Is going to begin in Glen­ put her $ 1 OO.IXX) in the trust company
and begin to choose the five from those
dale. Jane says so.
"There could be no better place than she bus had in mlud.
Then before she lias had time to read
this rural community to try out a
number o f theories I have hud in po­ it I am going sneakily to get it back
litical economy as related to the activi­ and blot or tear out some of the things
ties of women. Evelina.” she suid to I have written. I can decide later
me today, looking at me in a benign what will be data anu what will be
and slightly confused way from be­ dangerous to the cause.
“ And you will be glad to have me—
hind her glasses. “ Mr. Hayes and l
were Just talking some o f them over come and live for a time in your home
tonight, and he seems so interested in life, dear?" Jane recalled me to the
seeing me institute some of the most question In hand by saying wistfully.
important ones How could you have “ I feel that I have never had such
ever thought such a man as lie is lack- good friends before, anywhere, as
these of yours are to me. Evelina." she
lug in seriousness o f purpose, dear?"
“ I feel sure that it was just my own added.
That’s one time I got Jane complete­
frivolous streak that called out the
frivolous in Polk, Jane dear.” I an­ ly in my arms and showed her what a
swered. with trepidation, hoping and really good hogging means south of
praying that the inquisition would not Mason and Dixon’s line. From Inter
go much further and trying to remem­ developments 1 am glad she had that
ber Just what I had written her about slight initiation. It must have been
serviceable to her New England dispo­
“ It may have been that.” Jane an­ sition.
Then. Justus I was going to ask some
swered in a most nnively relieved tone
o f voice. "But you don’t know bow o f tlie plans she— and Polk had made,
happy I am. dear, to see that that over came Cousin Jasmine, with Cous­
streak is only an occasional charming in Annie nud Mary, with Mrs. Hrtr-
vein that shows in you. but that you grove pulling along behind them. They
are now settling down Bteadily to your had come to seo Jane, but I was al­
I feel sure that when lowed to stay and have my breath
these garden drawings are done you knocked out by their mission.
It seems Jane hud got a groat big
and Mr. Hall will have found your
correct places in each other’s lives, book from some firm in New York that
and it will lie just a glorious example tells nil ubout herb growing and how
o f how superbly a man and woman difficult it Is to get the ones needed
can work together at the same pro­ for condiments nnd perfumes and o f­
fession. Mr. Hardin und I wero talk­ fering to buy first class lavender and
ing about it Just last night out on the thyme and bergamot and sweet fern
side porch, and, though he said very s ■ ml things o f thnt kind in any quanti­
little. I could see how gratified he was fies at a good price. Rho had shown
at the honors that had romo to you 1 it to the little Indies, who had been
secretly grieving at the separation
and how much he likes Mr. 11811."
That settled It. and I made up my from their garden out on their poorly
mlud that when the harvest lady left rented farm, and tho leaven had work­
us tonight to sink tiehlnd old Harpeth ed—on Mrs. Hargrove also. They go
she wasn’t going to leave me weakly back to the fnrm and she with them.
She doesn’t set until 2 Sho had decided on raising mint to
o'clock, and I’m going to take all the both dry nnd ship fresli because he of
the gay pajamas always liked to have
time I need.
And ns serious and solemn as I feel It strong and fresh for the Julep of his
over taking such a step for two as I ancestors. I hope she won't forget to
am deciding on I can’t help looking take that pattern of Jnpaneae extrac­
forward to scribbling a terse and Im­ tion with her nnd make some for Crag
personal account of my having propos­
(Continued on last page)