j ¡ LOCAL AND PERSONAL ITEMS n a n an d a o th er a new s of O in t e r e s t Pacific Meat Produce Co. & (R. D. Werschkul, Prop.) Tho days are getting longer—have Mr. and Airs. W. A. Penter, of Ore- yuu nottced it? town, were Cloverdale business visitors yesterday. Christmas tree and program at the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worthington, of church this evening. Tillamook, accompanied by their Will Roenicko was in the city from daughters. Edna and Mrs. Elmer Webb, S.mdlako Wednesday. visited in Cloverdale yesterday. heater Uav and wife were in the city 1). A. Bailey has leased bis Uebostore from Oretown Tuesday. building and property to A. A. I)ixoa. Ole Redberg and wife were in the We understand that Mr. Ott will con­ city from Oretown Thursday. tinue to use the store building until the Elmer Webb went to Tillamook today new building he intends to build is com­ to spend Christmas with home folks. pleted. We’re too busy to w rite an ad, so here is wishing all our patrons and friends Phone orders filled. Deliveries made North and South. “A Merry Christmas” Wm. A. HIGH The river at this point Tuesday night Mrs. C. E. Trombley'and daughter was the highest it lias ever known to Sarah, of Tillamook, reached Clover­ Druggist and Stationer get. C L O V E RDALE, - OREGON dale Wednesday evening to spend A new crosswalk is being laid from Christmas with Mrs. Trombley’s par­ the hotel to the opposite side of the ents, Rev. and Mrs. F"ord. Editor road. Trombley will join them this evening. CLOVERDALE HOTEL SOLD: Cash Paid for Hides and Young Calves. Phone, Shop, 13-S-6. L arge A rm Res. 6 C-2 Rockers 82.50 Robert Watt of Tillamook, is assist­ During Monday night’ s storm a tree ing Mr. High in the drug store this on Dee Moon’s place fell, about ¡50 feet Henry Kanp Becomes Proprietor of th8 Children’s Rockers 50c wick. of the butt breaking off from the main Hotel. Everett Whelan left yesterday for body and rolling down the hill. It com­ to 83.00. Salem to spend the holidays with his pletely leveled his chicken fence and Friday last a deal was closed trans­ parents. coup, killing six of the twelve chickens ferring from Chas. Ray to Henry Karnp Will Christensen and wife and I>. II. in the coup. and wife the Cloverdale Hotel property. Children’s Ilighchairs Fletcher, of Oretown, were in the city Mr. and Mrs. Kamp have been cook­ Monday. S izin g U p Mis C ustom er. ing in the hotel for the past eight 81.25 to $5.00 A dejected, sallow, friendless look­ months and recently, upon the resigna­ Start the New Year right by deciding ing, low spirited man walked Into the tion of Roy Estabrook, Mr. Kamp took to build you a home in Cloverdale this grocery store. charge of the institution, and now they spring. " I want some clothesline,” he said are sole owners and managers. A. W. Hess, (¡rant Dawson ami Dell hesitatingly. They will make some needed improve­ TI LL AM OOK . - - OREGON Renter, of Mcda, were in the city “ Whateher want it for?” asked the ments in the building and will put down Wednesday. man behind the counter. a cement walk. They will make good, “ To hang clothes on. The old lady’s Mesdames Beckwith, Wilson and and make the hotel a success. Guinea, of Meda, were Cloverdale shop­ washing today." Plasker Bros, for all kinds of dumb­ “ She Is. heh?” said the shopkeeper, pers Wednesday. giving his customer the once over from ing, bath room outfits and fixtures. T il­ .1. .loosen and wite and Mrs. Winzent, head to foot. “ Well, you go hack and lamook, Ore. of Oretown, were business visitors in tell her to come down here and get it Our big line of choice wall paper has tlie city Satarday. herself. The ouly way a fellow look just arrived. Cheer up the home by re­ Full Line of Bath Room Outfits, Christmas tree and exercises were lug like you do can buy rope from me decorating the interior. Come and see Is on a prescription.” -S t. Louis Post- held in Mrs. Sowers’ room at the school the beautiful patterns.—Claud I. Myers. Dispatch. Plumbing, Eave Troughing house this afternoon. Tillamook, Ore. A C ostly W a te rlo o M ed al. The drugstore window with its Santa and Pipe Fitting. Mr. Steward has Included In “ War Claus, Christmas tree and toys is the Medals and Tlielr History" a special F R A N K T A Y L O R , admiration of the children. Your inquiry solicited. account of the famous Waterloo medal Mr. and Mrs. George Stiverson, and of Plstrucci. which originated from the N o ta r y Pu blic children, of Tillamook, are the guests of desire of George IV. In IS 1 9 to com­ TILLAMOOK, - ORE memorate the victory by the Issue of a Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Kraner. C loverdale, Ore. specially fine medal. Flaxnmn design­ Archie Gist and family left Wednes­ ed it. but Pistruoci. the chief engraver Special Low Prices offered on day afternoon to spend Christinas with at the royal mint, refused to cut the Mrs. Gist’s parents at Bay City. dies and was himself commissioned to J. M. Traxler left this morning by prepare n modeled design, which, be­ ing approved, be was instructed to cut wav of Dolph and Willamina to sjtnd iiiiiiiiiimimmimiiiiiimmmmiii the dies for a fee of £3.500. The dies Christmas with his family ut Portland. were not finished until 1849, and of the FARMERS’ AND HOME-MAKERS’ WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hadley, of Tilla­ men who wero to receive the medal in and RURAL LIFE CONFERENCES mook, are spending Christmas at the gold the Duke of Wellington was the January 3 to 8, 1916 home of Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Spaulding. only survivor when the Hrst Impres­ Live Information, Practical Help for the Home sion was taken. the Harm, the Community. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Map^s, of Til la­ for 30 Days. Convention« of Oregon's Greatest Industries in ■>« »k, are spending Christmas with Conferences on Oregon's Moat Vital Problems A S p in y M o n s te r. Mrs. Mapes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. For sheer ferocity of appearance, un- LECTURES—DEM ONSTRATIONS— E X H IB IT IO N S — E N T E R T A IN M E N T S rydiHMiUHl by any milder facial attri­ Lucas. Tw o thousand people attended last year. It is a | Buy While They are^ Cheap butes. a lizard called after "Moloch great place to make friends—with live II. G. Kinnaman. A. B. Conway, horrid king’’ Moloch horridus is pre­ thinkers and live thoughts, good workers, and good work. Marion Bailey and wife and A. E. Meyer eminent among reptiles. The body of and wite, of Oretown, were business this Australian reptile Is so covered Also a Beautiful Line of Jew elry W IN T E R SH O R T COURSE visitors in the city Thursday. with spines that, as it has been put. January 10 to February 4 , 1916 of all kinds. I assure you the On account of slides on the railroad nature seems to have endeavored to A Practical Agricultural Course in a Nut Shell. ascertain how many spines could be Applied Science in Actual Work of the last outside mail received here was Inserted ou a given nren. Rut. unlike the Harm and Household. best values possible. Tuesday evening. A bunch of Christ­ Us tutelary deity, who seems really to Courses in H Rl’ tT RAISIN G . HARM CROPS, SOILS STOCK RAISING D A IR Y WORK mas mail is tied up and may not reach have spelled himself Moloch, the lizard PO U LTRY RAISIN '., G ARD ENING , C O O K ­ ING, SEW ING, HOUSEHOLD ARTS, HOME does not demand the blood of children. here until next week. NU SING, BUSINESS METHODS. ROAD It Is. Indeed, vegetarian and only tiery B !" i PI NO. HARM KNGINKKR1NG, RL'KAI Harry and Frank Thomas left the fore ORGAN17.AT10NS. M A R K E TIN G . in that It has a curious faculty of ab­ part of thi* week to spend Christmas sorbing and drying up water. A speci­ Correspondence Courses Without Tuition Export Instruction in Music. JEWELER AND 0PTICI9N with home M r * at Garden Home. Mrs. men placed fn * (fflaTlow dish attract­ Reduced railroad rates. Thomas is spending Christmas with her ed the water like blotting pnper. For program w rite to Tbs College Exchange, Oregon Agricultural College. Corvaliis. (lw -12-l to f-1) TILLAM O O K , — OREGON parents in Tillamook. AM M ER FU R NITUR E CO. ZAGKMAN THE PLUMBER O. A. C. Ladies’ and Gent’s Watches A. H. HARRIS