Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, December 17, 1915, Image 4

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    * * » « ■ « » «_
1' 1 ' T
A Gift W ith E very Purchase o f $ 1.0 0 or Over on Monday and Tuesday,
D ecem ber 20th and 21st
Store Open Evenings, Monday, December 20th to Friday,
December 24th
Do Y o u
W ant a
Instead of distributing our Cal­
endars indiscriminately vve have
decided this year to give them
away only to those who ask for
They are too beautiful to risk in
the mail so wo shall only give
them to people calling at the store
for them on Monday, December
27th. If, however, you cannot be
here on that day we will, upon re­
ceipt of your request by mail either
reserve one for you or mail one
free of charge.
Make your reservation, however,
as early as possible. Calendars
like these won’ t go ‘‘a begging”
C o m m e n c in g
18 t h
o n S a tu r d a y , D e c e m b e r
w e s h a ll o f f e r th e f o l l o w i n g s e n s a ­
t io n a l S p e c ia ls as w e ll as a h o s t o f o t h e r
B a r g a in S p e c ia ls , m e n t io n o f w h ic h s p a c e
d o e s n o t p e r m it ,
,y, ,y,
Y o u r Ghoic© of
A n y Pall M a t
S i.4 8
An extraordinary opportunity for securing new Fall Milli­
nery at a fraction of the original price. Every Hat offered—
and there are actual values up to $10.00— was made in our own
workrooms and depicts absolutely the newest and most up-to-
date features in Millinery for present wear.
New Fall Coats
Squares and Runners
Coats of Velvet Cords, Tweeds, and Plush,
Generous hemstitched Squares and Run­
some fur trimmed, in sizes to fit ages 2 to 14
years and actual values to $7.95 Practical
gifts for the little ones.
ners daintily embroidered in a variety of de­
signs. Actual values to $1.25. Will make a
splendid gift for the home.
Boys’ and Girls’
Actual Values to $27.50
Women’s Fall Suits
Count Caspar Gotwald at twenty-one
came Into bis ancestral estates. As
for family respectability, his inher­
itance was large; landed property
and money were inversely small. In
bis father’s time the schloss that had
been in tbe family for hundreds of
years had passed Into the possession
o f an American millionaire.
Caspar received his inheritance it was
the remains o f everything the fam ily
had owned turned into money and in
American currency amounted to about
S o .0 0 0 .
Children’s and Misses’
.f. . .f. .f,
Urey Cotton,
I * . ,1. ,y,
I t . Unites a Pair of
1 9 1 6
y, ,y, ,y,
' J 1 V f '1'■ I* V V . • T •'V 4 i
An unusual offering of Smart, Stylish Suits
Pants, Drawers and Shirts in sizes to fit Boys
and UiHs up to 16 years of age. Actual val­
ues up to 50c garment.
in Serges, Velvets, Tweeds and Uabardniss.
A saving of nearly half is surely worth vour
while investigating.
Regular to $5.00
Boys’ Suits and Coats
To $4.00 Boys and Gir?s’
Mackinaw Coats
Suits in Urey and Brown Mixtures in sizes
6 to 17 years and Overeats and Balmacnnns
in Tweed Mixtures and Tartans in sizes 2$
to 9 years. Practical gifts that will he ap­
Practical Gifts for the Boys and Girls at
remarkable savings. Shown in just the right
patterns and colorings in sizes to fit ages 6 to
17 years. Actual $8.50 and $4.00 values.
D elivery
Gold B o n d
Tra d in g Stam p©
All orders of $1.00 and over sent
G iven w ith E v e ry
prepaid to any point in Tillamook
The young man concluded that be
might os well avail himself o f the
only other asset in bis possession—un
entry into the court circle o f Berlin.
The funds at his command would en­
able him to keep sueb a position
through one season, after which he
would go to some country where he
would not be known and make a liv­
ing the best way he could.
Had he realized that he would great­
ly need this money in the new field,
that its possession would be a great
advantage to any one knowing how to
handle It. doubtless he would have
foregone ibis plan o f a brief career In
the gay world at Berlin and held on to
his funds. Lint Count Caspar was ns
ignorant o f business as a child, and it
is quite probuble th at considering this
ignorance, had he retained his inher­
itance, he would uot have had the
slightest knowledge o f how to use it
to advantage.
So it was that one autumn Count
Caspar Gotwald appeared In Berlin,
presented his credentials and made his
appenranee hi that exclusive society
presided over by tbe kaiser and the
knlserin. He was the handsomest man
in tlie court circle that winter, the
most entertaining conversationalist and
the best dancer All the women were
in love*with him. Yet, singular as it
may appear, he seemed to have no fac­
ulty for bettering his financial condi­
tion by marrying a fortune, which be
might easily have done.
For this there was a reason. Among
those who entered Berlin society that
year was un American family named
W inifred Rathbone then
saw the gay world for the first time
as a young lady. Her father was n
retired banker and rich
The young
count met her and was conquered.
During the whole season he was sub­
servient to her beck and «•all.
when tlie spring opened lie was uot be­
trothed to her and had thrown over
half a dozen women any one of whom
would have been glad to marry him.
A fter the departure or the fair Wini­
fred. Huron Geralt, one o f Count Cas­
par’s intimate friends wtio knew o f
bis necessities, took him to tusk for
having wasted his opportunities.
"Since you could not get the Ameri­
can. why did you not take one o f the
other women who were dying for
“ I did not ask Miss Rathbone to
marry me.”
“Did not ask her?”
“ No
In America they do not make
marriages as we do here. It is con­
sidered beneath a man who has noth­
ing to ask a woman o f wealth to mar­
ry him.”