I I ! I LOCAL D AND PERSONAL O IT E M S Q AND Q OTHER CI NEW S Q OF IN T E R E S T Pacific Meat & Produce Co. (It. 1). Werschkul, Prop.) ♦— H. A. Miles, of Woods, was in town We Inesday. Sale of Holiday Gift Goods An epidemic of grip is keeping the doctor l>nsy. N O W ON Remember the Slogan, “ SHOP EARLY.” By so doing you get See A. 11. Harris’ Christmas jewelry the choicest selections. Our line of Holiday Gift Goods Will be the nicest assortment of such ad in this issue, goods that have ever been shown here and equal to any you will find Ed McGlinchy, of Meda, was a busi­ elsewhere. ness visitor here Wednesday. Phone orders filled. Deliveries made North and South. Cash Paid for Hides and Young Calves. The line is too extensive too enumerate the various nice things. If you have a calf you can’ t kill call Suffice to sav that we have something for everyone and just the things Phone, Shop, 13-S-fi. up th* butcher. lie will pay yon cash. that will please you. We invite you to call early and look the line over, enjoy the Take the old reliable White stage for pleasure of seeing whether you wish to buy or not. You are always n comfortable, safe and sure trip to welcome. Tillamook. Miss Mildred Ford is quite ill this week and narrowly averted an attack of pneumonia. Take a look at the Ivory Pyraline at High’s, if you wish a nice gift for moth­ er, wife, sister or sweetheart. (let yourself a new Suit of Clothes for Christmas. $5.00 down, $5.00 a month. See Geo. Worthington, Cloverdalo, Ore. If desired packages will be laid aside to be delivered later. WM. A. HIGH, Druggist and Stationer CLOVERDALE, - OREGON Dr. Wendt fits glasses. Tilla­ mook, Ore.. I. O. O. F. Bid. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMliimillll Plasker Bros, for all kinds of plumb­ Thera is nothing surer or safer than a ing, hath room outfits and fixtures. Til­ FARMERS’ AND HOME-MAKERS’ WEEK trip on the old reliable White stage. A lamook, Ore. and RURAL LIFE CONFERENCES comfortable ride and courteous treat­ January 3 to 8 , 1916 An interesting letter from L, M. ment. Kraner will he found on one of the in­ £ iv e Inform ation, Practical H elp for the H om e the Farm , the C om m unity. The biggest house of the Henson wit­ side pages of this paper ■ Conventions o f O regon ’ s G reatest Industries C onferences on O regon ’ s Most Vital P roblem s nessed the moving picture show last When in Tillamook and you want a LEC TU RES—D E M O N ST R A T IO N S— Saturday night. Another good show good meal at a most reasonable price E X H IB IT IO N S —E N T E R T A IN M E N T S tomorrow night. call at M. Oleson’s in the Ramsey Hotel Have arranged with the Brownsville dining room. Woolen Mills so you can get good You would look good in one of those clothes $'».00 down, $.">.00 a month. See hand tailored Suits made to measure by (ieo. Woithington. the Brownsville Woolen Mills. $">.00 Clarence Hushbock is able to navigate down, $5.00 a month. See Geo. Worth­ only with the use of crutches. He stuck ington. hi* foot under a gasoline sngine while The literary club meets tonight. The in motion and had the top of his foot gentlemen who attend will he auctioned badly lacerated. off to the highest bidder not to exceed Teuchtrs’ examination for State Cer­ ten cents. The ladies will do the hid­ tificates will be held In the court house, ing and tho money M ill lie used to buy Tillamook, commencing Wednesday, treats for the crowd. December, 15, and continuing until A postcard from J. 0 . Foster, dated Saturday afternoon. Wheeler, Illinois, November 22, Mas re­ Ualp Dunn and Miss Esther Johnson ceived by the Courier. Mr. Foster says were married at North Yamhill on the they are well and thinking of Clover­ 10t.h and came over to the Nestucca dale. He also added that the weather valley last Saturday to make their home was getting cold there. here. Best visties from many friends We are sorry to say that a very small are extended them. crowd profitted by the traveling school Dr. .1. G. Turner, formerly of Lowe A Turner, eye specialirts of Portland, will of tiie Oregon Agricultural College held be in Cloverdale again Monday, Decem­ her« this week Tuesday ami Wednesday. ber 20th, at Cloverdale Hotel. Don’ t The talks wore instructive and interest­ fail to consult Dr. Turner about your ing and much good have been had by eyes and glasses. Headaches relieved, attending. cross eyes straightened. No charge for The entertainment given by the or­ consultation or examination. chestra at the Presbyterian church Owing to a change in the time of the Wednesday evening M as well attended passenger train leaving Tillamook I will and much appreciated. Some changes leave Cloverdale with my passenger car had to be made in the program owing to every morning not later than 7:15. the illness of Miss Ford. Profs. Lamb Parties of four residing a short distance an 1 Larson ot 0 . A. C., with tlieir from town 1 will call for them, making stereopticon views and talk royallv only a reasonable additional charge.— made up the deficiency. The proceeds W. II. Jones. Of the entertainment More about $110. The Della went on the north spit l»-t Sunday in nn endeavor to make this Let George Do It. port. At low tide she wag high and Measure van up for that new Suit of dr> on the sand and her deck load and Clothes. Made up by Brownsville a «1 portion of her other cargo was Woolen Mills at Portland. Quick de­ taken off. A eable Mas stretched across livery. $5.00 down and $5.00 a month. the channel and n ith each high tide nn Sec Geo. Worthington, Cloverdale. effort was made to get her into deep Mater. The tide this morning was larger than the others and she was Great are those 25c dinners at the hanld into the channel without any Haintey Hotel dining room, Tillamook, difficulty. Ore. T w o thousand people attended last year. It is a great place to m ake friends—w ith live th in kers and live th ou ghts, good w orkers, and g o o d w ork. WINTER SHORT COURSE January 10 to February 4, 1916 A Practical Agricultural Course in a Nut Shell. A pp lied Science in Actual W ork o f the Harm and H ousehold. Courses in F R U IT R A IS IN G , F A R M CROPS, SO ILS, STOCK R A ISIN G , D A IR Y W O RK , P O U L T R Y RA ISIN G , G A R D E N IN G , CO O K ­ IN G , SE W IN G , H O USEH OLD A R T S, H OM E N U RSIN G , BUSINESS M E T H O D S, ROAD B U IL D IN G , F ARM E N G IN E E R IN G , RU RAL O R G A N IZ A T IO N S M A R K E T IN G . C orresp on den ce Courses W ithout Tuition. E x p ert In struction in Music. Reduced railroad rates. For p ro g ram w rite to The Colleys Exchange, Oregon Agricultural College. Corvaliis. (lw-12-1 to l-l) N om ’ is the time to buy a good Suit of Clothes. Prices right. See Geo. Worthington, Cloverdale. Res. 6-C-2 SHOP EARLY Christmas Novelties Gift Goods The Largest Assortment of Christmas Presents in the County. Your Christmas Shopping will not he complete without seeing our immense line. Drop in and look around. We have appropriate presents for every member of the family and the price always in reach of any­ one. DOLLS AND TOYS CHRISTMAS CANDIES Lamar’s Variety Store _________ Tillamook, Ore.________ Th® Arctic Summer. The arctic summer Is brief, but for weeks together there Is nothing to dis­ tinguish day and night Once at L>vor- nik two naturalists had left their ship at different hours. When later they met one said. “ Good morning,” the oth er, “ Good evening.” Both agreed that the hour was 7, hut while oue traveler held that It was 7 tomorrow morning the other maintained that It was 7 o’clock Inst night. On returning to the ship they settled that It was last night, so they dined and went to bed again. _________________ Special Low Prices offered on Ladies’ and Gent’s Watches for 30 Days. Buy While They a re ^Jh e a p Eggs of Crabs and Lobsters. Crabs and lobsters are hatched from eggs, resembling upon birth nothing so Also a Beautiful Line of Jewelry much ns the anlmnlculae shown by tin mlcrosco|>e in n drop of ditch water. of all kinds. I assure you the They are ns unlike the shellfish they are to become In mature life as a grub best values possible. Ls unlike n butterfly. In the case of the crab the egg clusters are attached beneath the animal after extrusion, while with the lobster they become fastened to the tall, which by Its fan I nlng motion increases the stream of j JEWELER AND 0PTICI0N oxygenated nlr through mul among thn | ova. I A. H. HARRIS TILLAMOOK. — OREGON