CLOVERDALE, TILLAMOOK COUNTY, OREGON, DECEMBER 3, 1915 VOL. 11. M M d O NO. 21 X Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight though we have done business by mail with them for years. We believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can give you the same satisfaction. THOMPSO DAVIESS Mail us Your next Check or Checks AUTHOR OF "THE MELTING OF M O L l^“ It saves you time, and TIM E IS MONEY, especially at this season of the year. No need to come to the bank in person. SECURITY AND SERVICE our Motto Copyright, 1913, by the Century Company. CHAPTER 5—Continued. “I’ll tell you. Evelina,” he continued stealthily. “A man just can't yea erallze the creatures. Apparently they are craving nothlug so much us emo­ tional excitement, and when you of­ fer It to them they want to go to housekeeping with i t Love is a busi­ ness with them and not an a r t ” “Would you like to try a genuine friendship with one. Polk?” I asked, and ugain struck from the shoulder— with my eyes. “Help! Not if you mean yourself, beautiful.” he answered promptly and with fervor. “I wouldn’t trust myself with you one minute off guard like th a t” “You could safely.” “But 1 won’t!” “Will you try?” "N o r “Will you go over 1 sit In that chair while I tel! you something calm ly. quietly and seriously? It’ll give you n new sensation, and maybe it will be good for you.” I looked him straight In the face, and the battle of our eyes was something terrific. I had made up my mind to have It out with him then and there. There was noth­ ing else to do. I would be frank and courageous and true to my vow and accept the consequences. He slid along the railing of the porch and down into the chair in al­ most a daze of bewilderm ent “rolk,” I began, concealing a gulp of terror, “I love you more than I can possibly”— “Say. Polk. I let the pup git hung by her apron to the wheel of your car out In the road, and her head is dan- gersome kinder upside down. It might run away. Can you come and get her loose for me?” !a 3 a 2 2 3 2 3 3 a 3 3 3 3 3 » :2 S 2 3 Q S 5 S 3 5 S :S S S ! N e s t u c c a V a lle y D a n k CLO VER D ALE , OREGON Pay bills by check and Avoid all Li= ability of Dispute. Open an account with this Bank and keep your money in your own locality. NESTUCCA VALLEY BANK E. L. McCABE, Cashier. C H A P T E R VI. Deeper Than Shouldere and Ribs. ENRIETTA’S calmness und.r dire circumstances was a les sou to both Polk and me. for with two gasps that sounded as one we both raced across the porch, down the path and out to the road where Polk's ruuubout stood by the worn old stone post that hud tethered the horses of the wooers of many gen­ erations of the maids of my house. But, prompt as our response to Hen­ rietta’s demand for rescue had been. Cousin Jam es was there before us. He stood In the middle of the dusty road with the tousled mite In his arms, soothing her frightened sobs ugainst his cheek with the dearest tenderness and patting Sallie on the back with the same comforting. “Oh, Heuriettu. how could you nearly kill your little sister like this?” Sallie sobbed. “Please say something posi­ tive to her. Jurnes!” “Henrietta.” began Cousin James with a suspicion of embarrassment at Polk's nud my presence at the domes­ tic scene. Polk choked a chuckle and I could have murdered him. “Wait a minute.” said Henrietta, in her most commanding voice. “Sallie. didn’t you ask me to take that pup from Aunt Dllsle, 'cuuse of the phthisic and keep her quiet while the kit got a nap and didn’t I ask you if it would be all right if i got her back whole and clean?” “Yes, Henrietta, but you”— “Ain't she whole all over and clean?” “Yes, but”- “Couldn’t nobody do any better than that with one of them twins. I won’t try. If I have to ’muse her it has to be In my own way.” And with her head in the air the Bunch marched up the walk to the house. At this Polk shouted, and the rest of us laughed. “Polk, please don't encourage Hen­ rietta in the way she tn*nts me nud her little sisters.” Sallie tagged be­ tween her laughs and her half swal- lowed sobs. “I need my friends’ help with my children, uot to have them make It hard for me. Henrietta Is de voted to you. and you could Influence her so for the best Please try to help me make a real woman out of her and not some sort of a terrible—terrible suffragette.“_____________ _____ t Continued on latt page) H His Reason W E asked a friend of ours why he ic- variably insisted upon buying Bran degee, K i n c a i d & Co. Clothes. lie said he wanted to he absolutely sure ot satisfaction. If his reason sounds good to you, come and see our new Fall Styles. A. A. Pennington Tillamook, Ore.