Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 26, 1915, Image 1

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    VOL. 11.
OF M O U ^ "
NO. 20
Several of our customers are people we do not know by sight
though wt have done business by mail with them for years. We
believe we have given them satisfactory banking service and can
give you the same satisfaction.
Mail us Your next Check or Checks
It saves vou time, and TIME IS MONEY, especially at this season
of the year. No need to come to the bank in person.
Copyright, 1913, by the Century Company.
couraged by our resolution af last to Be
: her best self while In his presence, as she
Sweeter When Tamed?
• had not had the courage to do last year.
see, Evelina? And also, you are right
WONDER if men ever melt sud­ 1 : in You your
that there is not enough
denly into little boys auil try to : ab stract conclusion
love in this world of brotherhood
squirm and ruu back to bide their and sisterhood;
th a t the doctrine of di­
beads In tbeir mothers' skirts. It vine love calls us to give m ore and more
it. W e cannot give too much! But,
is an open secret that starchy, modern of
for the advancem ent
women often long to wilt back into of the considerations
world call for experim ents by the
firoopy musk roses that climb over more illumined women along more defi­
and concrete lines How old is this
gates and things, but they don't let nite
H ayes on whom you have chosen to
each other. When I feel myself get­ Mr.
the reactions of sisterly affection?
tin g soluble I write it out to Jane, and A note
re you sure th a t he Is not a fit subject
I get a bracing cold wave of a letter for your consideration In the m atter of a
for a m ate? Remem ber to be as
in reply. The one this morning was choice
in your expressions of regard for
on the subject of love. or. at least, frank
as he is in his of regard for you
that is what Jaue would have said It T him
hat Is the crux of the whole m atter. Be
frank, be courageous! Let a man look
was on.
freely into your heart, and thus encour­
She wrote:
aged he will open hls to you. Then you
Tcs, tt Is gratifying to know th a t M ary will both have an opportunity to judge
what rests on you in this m atter. The 1
destinies of m any women are involved.
1 don't say this I d a spirit of levity,
bat I do wish Polk Hayes and Jane
Mathers were out on the front steps in
the moonlight after a good supper that
bus made him comfortable. Jane to be
attired in something soft that would
float against his arm whether she
wanted to or not 1 believe it would
be good for Jaue and make things
easier for me. Be frank with Polk as
to how much he asphyxiates me? I
know better than to blow out the gas
like th a t No, June!
lint what is a woman going to do
when she is young and hearty and
husky, with the blood running through
her veins at a two-forty rate, when her
orchard is in bloom, the mocking birds
Elizabeth is so happily engaged to tha each other with reference to a lifelong are singing the night through mid she
young teacher who has been in her work union. It is tile only wav. and remember is not really in love with anybody?
w ith her. She w rites th a t she w as en-
Tbe loneliness does All her heart full
of the solution of love, and she has
got to pour off some of it into some­
body's life. There Is plenty of me to
be both abstract and concrete at the
same time, and 1 thought of Uncle Pe­
INestucca VaSsey B an k
Uncle Peter Is the most explosive and
crusty person that ever happened in
Glendale, and It takes all of Aunt Au
gnsta’s energy, common sense and
force of character to keep him and the
two chips lie curries on Ills shoulders
as a defiance to the world In general
from being in a constant state of com
bastion. He has been ostensibly the
mayor of Glendale for twenty-Uve
years, and Aunt Augusta has done the
work of the office very well indeed,
while he has blown up things in gen­
eral with great energy. He couldn’t
draw a long breath without her. but
of course he doesn't realize it. He
thinks he is in a constant feud with
her and her sex. His ideas on the wo­
man question are so terrific that I have
always run from them, hut l concluded
that it would be a good thing for me
Open an account with this Bank and keep your money in
to liquefy some of ruy vague huraaul-
tarianism and help Aunt Augusta with
votir own locality.
him while she wrestles with the city
council on the water question. Any­
way. I have always had a guarded
for the old chap.
1 chose a time when I knew Aunt
Augusta had to he busy with his re
port of the disastrous concrete paving
E. L. McCABE, Cashier.
trade the whole town had been sold
(Continued on last page)
Pay bills by
check and
Avoid all Li=
ability of
His Reason
a friend
W E of asked
ours why he in­
variably insisted upon
buying Bran degee,
K i n c a i d & Co.
He said he wanted
to be absolutely sure
of satisfaction.
If his reason sounds
good to you, come and
see our new Fall
A. A. Pennington
Tillamook, Ore.