Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 19, 1915, Image 2

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Melvin High is reported quite ill.
M tb . Getchel, of Hebo, was a Clover-
dale visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. Beckwith and son, Oliver, of
Meda, were in th e city W ednesday.
I>r. W endt fits glasses. Tilla-
inook, Ore.. I. O. O. F. Bid.
G reat are those 25c; dinners a t the
Kaniaey Hotel dining room, Tillamook,
Pete Schoppert, of Dolph, was a
Cloverdale visitor W ednesday and
T hursday.
His Reason
County Courts Get $9,000.
The County Courts of Tillamook and
Y am hill counties have been successful
in securing state aid on the Sour Grass
road to the am ount of $9,000. The
county courts m et th e state officials
Owing to delay in freight
and m ade an effort to secure $20,000, but
we are com­
of course they hardly expected to secure
th a t am ount, and realizing th a t they
part of our display of Holi­
would not get more th a n what they
day Gift Goods.
We hope
asked for, aim ed high, aud should be
to have the balance of these
com plim ented on securing the $9000.
goods in a few days and
This will help th e county courts of
have them on display by
Tillamook and Y am hill to com plete the
Nov. 25th.
the road next year.
It will cav you to defer your Holi­
Plasker Bros, for all kinds of olumb-
Stages Consolidate.
ing, bath room outfits and fixtures. Til­
To better facilitate business the two
lamook, Ore.
auto stages running between Cloverdale
Mesdames Ed and E lbert W orthing­ and Tillam ook have consolidated and in
ton retu rn ed W ednesday from a few the future the W hite stage will carry
passengers only and th e mail stage will
days visit a t Tillamook.
handle th e m ail and local freight. The
W hen in Tillamook and you want a through sacks of m ail will be handled
good meal a t a m ost reasonable price by the W hite stage and dropped off at
call a t M. Oleson’s in the Ramsey Hotel the i>o8toffices, thus giving th e post­
dining room.
m asters an opportunity to sort the mail
Jam es Morgan, wife and small son, of and have the sacks ready for th e mail
n o rth ern California, were guests the stage upon its arrival. U nder this a r­
first of the week of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. rangem ent both stages will arrive at.
th eir destinations earlier, by m aking
W orthington.
Mr. Gustaffson is in Cloverdale this the tim e on the road shorter. Having
no freight to bother w ith the W hite
week from the Sour Grass road. He
stage can leave Tillamook im m ediately
says there is a half m ile of grading to be
upon the arrival of the train .
done yet.
This new service we believe will be
If you have not attended any of the appreciated by patrons of both stages.
popular Sunday »evening services you The aim is to give to the people the
don’t know w hat your missing. You best service possible.
are welcome.
Owing to the fact (w hich is recognized
everyone who knows th e up-keep
There will bo a Turkey Shoot at
of autom obiles) th a t in the w inter
Cloverdale Tuesday, November 2fl. Wo
is m uch greater th an in sum­
will have a turkey for you, come and
price charged for carrying pas­
get it.—V. F. Learned.
sengers will be slightly increased on
Estrayed—From th e home of Albert
and after the 1st of December.
Darby, near Tillamook,, a.yellow Russian
Later on cards will be printed and
bear hound with white breast. Reason­
posted announcing the fares between
able rew ard. R eturn to this office.
the different stations along the line.
The popular Sunday evening services
A Practice All Should Stop
at the church are a ttrac tin g the people.
don’t realize w hat a nervous
Good music by the orchestra. Good
are pu ttin g on the man in
singing. Short talk. You will find a
said a Southern Pacific en ­
gineer to an A shland autom obile driver,
R oy Estabrook and Alec Im lah re ­
"w hen vou dash up toward th e crossing
turned to Cloverdale last evening from
just ahead of his tra in . There he is in
a hunting trip a t N etarts. They leave
his cab and he ki\ows th a t be c a n 't stop
again tomorrow m orning in quest ot the
his engine. T here you are in your au­
festive duck.
tomobile speeding tow ard the crossing
Jeff Fleck and A ttorney Via with just ahead. You probably know th at
th eir families left last S aturday in their you are going to stop just nt the edge of
autos for the valley. They were pretty the track and look up and laugh a t him.
late In attem pting to get over the He doesn’t. He doesn’t know th a t you
m ountains but we hear they m ade the even see th e train . He doesn’t know
grade all right.
but what you are going to try to dash
fhe track shead of him . I t’s a
S. C. Woods, John llolgate, Edgar
to yon. To him it’s a few
G ilbert, Bud W allace A. F. S m ith, and
most intense agony. Why
Forest Ayers, of Beaver, Ed Anderson, |
W hen you see a train
of Hemlock, Frail Schcrzinger, of Ore- i
th a t you c a u 't m ake
town, and Jens Jensen, of Neskowin,
even intend to
visited Masonic lodge here last evening, j
try to m ake it, why don’t you slow
The high school students and t h e ! down and give the engineer th e assur­
teachers of the prim ary and gram m ar ance th a t his train is about to hurl you
rooms were entertained a t th e home of into ete rn ity ? ”
Mr. and Mrs. Bulgood last evening.
“ I never thought of it in th a t lig h t,”
The unique contests and games pro­ said the auto m an. “ I guess we do
vided for th eir am usem ent were heartily those things in a spirit of deviltry. I
enjoyed as were the delicious light re­ can tell von one thing, though, I ’m
freshm ents.
The young people d e­ never going to harrow up another e n ­
parted for their homes a t a late hour, gineer's nerves.”
all having agreed that th e ir host and
hostess had given them and evening's . “ I wish th e y ’d all q u it it,” said the
entertain m en t th a t would long be railroad m an. “ It happens a dozen
tim es a day.
pleasautly rem em bered.
day rhopping until you have
seen thesq Gift Goods.
Druggist and Stationer
W 1
E asked a friend
of ours why he in­
variably insisted upon
buying Br a n d e g e o ,
K i n c a i d & Co.
He said he wanted
to be absolutely sure
ot satisfaction.
If his reason sounds
good to you, come and
see our new Fall
Those of the Bacteriologist, A nthro­
pologist and Plant Doctor.
W hat m au leads the m ost peculiar
modern life? T he question is not an
easy one to an sw er offhand, but it is
doubtful If any one spends his days in
a more stran g e m anner th an the bac­
teriologist Day a fte r day, week a fte r
week, year a fte r year he w orks in the
laboratory, into which only the privi­
leged m ay enter, studying the microbes
of disease. H e m ay not open th e win­
dow lest he infect the whole neigh­
borhood w ith typhoid or diphtheria, or
any other diseases w ith which he is a t
close quarters all day. H e encourages
bacteria to m ultiply, and then through
a microscope, or som etim es w ith tlio
naked eye, he w atches how they spend
their time, in order th a t he m ay com­
bat their deadly Influence.
W hile the bacteriologist looks for­
ward, the anthropologist looks back­
ward. H e Is the m an who dashes off
Tillam ook, Ore.
to any place w hen he hears a deep
excavation Is made, and hopes
alw ays th a t he will find a skeleton, and
especially a skull, for he Is never so FRANK TAYLOR,
happy as when he unearths human
relics going back centuries.
Notary Public
The plant doctor is nkin to the bac­
teriologist, for, like the latter, he spends
much of his tim e In the laboratory, not
Cloverdale, Ore.
studying the enemies of the hum an
world, but the enemies of the plant
world, and he is very proud when,
Special School Meeting.
a fte r diagnosing and treatin g the v ari­
Notice is hereby given to th e legal
ous ailm ents of flowers, he runs across, voters of School D istrict N q . 22, of Til­
say, th e enemy of a rose, and finds lamook County, State of Oregon, th a t a
how it may be kept from doing barm .
special school m eeting of said d istric t
—London Tit-Bits.
will be held a t the school house on the
4tb day of Decern tier, 1915, a t 1 o’clock
in the afternoon, to vote on the proposi­
Spurgeon was Noncommittal.
The Rev. W. Williams, in his “ P e r­ tion of voting a sj>ecial d istrict tax.
sonal Rem iniscences of C. H. Spur­
The purpose for which the money to
geon,” tells an anecdote concerning be raised by th is le w shall be expended,
the great preacher as a smoker. Some are shown by the following item ized
gentlem an w rote to Mr. Spurgeon, say­ budget which is hereby m ade a p art of
ing: "H e had heard he smoked and \
could not believe it was true. Would this notice :
Mr. Spurgeon w rite and tell If It really Teachers’ salaries.......................... $1980.00
F u rn itu re ........................................
wns so?” The reply w as sent ns fol­ Apparatus, such as m aps, chalk,
lows: “ D ear ---- . I cultivate my flow­
erasers, stoves or c u rta in s . . . . 115.00
ers and bum my weeds. Yours truly, Library books...............................
C. H. Spurgeon.”
Repairs of schoolhouses, o u t­
buildings or fences................. 100.00
J a n ito r.............................................
Making It Clear,
“Now, my good man. before we sta rt Ja n ito r’s su p p lies.........................
out In your m achine let us understand Clerk’s sa la ry ...............................
each other i>erfectly.”
Dated this 19th day of Nov. 1915.
“ Well, w hat is It?”
“I am not desirous of seeing how A ttest:
Fred Briodv,
fast yon can drive this car: It Is the
D istrict Clerk.
W. M. Owen,
scenery 1 wish to see ”
C hairm an Board of Directors.
A. A. Pennington