Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 12, 1915, Image 5

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    and take advantage of the
20 Lbs Cane Sugar
Crown Flour, Bbl
Silver dale Tomatoes, case
Standard Corn, case
Special Sale on Shoes, Dry Geods, Dried Fruits
Teas, Coffees, Etc, Drop in and Look Around
5 i0
G l o v e r d a l e M e r c a n t i l e G o ., G i o v e r d a l e , O r e .
troleum pumped out. The same ex­ any shifting of earth or rocks should oc­ Office Ground Floor
Bell Phone 53-J
Todd Hotel.
P. O. Box 147
haustive removal of coal and oil had cur, the earth will find its center of
been going on for years before and has gravity and m aintain it even though the
Published Every Friday by
With Rollie Watson
been going on for years before and has
been going on since.
The removal of these two staples has
,led scientists to enquire if the loss of
weight in certain portions of the globe
would make the earth top-heavy so that
it would not whirl around as it had or­
dinarily. Other scientists have ven­
tured the belief that the removal of
these products from the earth is so
gradual th at if the earth were inclined
to lose its stability, it would gradually
learn to do its revolving just as if noth­
ing had happened. Moreover, the va­
cancy caueed by the removal of coal is
usually filled by water so th at if the
earth wanted to become lopsided, the
water would go a long way toward right­
ing things.
Tt is said that nothing in this world
can be destroyed. Coal can be reduced
and its form changed into heat and
ashes and gases, but it is not put out of
FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1915 the way. The same is true of pe­
troleum. The void that follows its
A national system of military roads is pumping to the earth’s surface may be
about the most im portant element in taken by water or some other member
preparedness. Besides these roads of the mineral kingdom.
would he of incalculable benefit to the Up to date the world is not wobbling
country in times of peace, and would any. It gets to shaking occasionally as
create prosperity on the farms aloDg the crust cools and we have quakes and
tidal wave disasters, but when the
their lines.
trouble is all over, the earth is found
revolving on its axis as if nothing out of
An exchange says in 1913 there were the ordinaro had occurred.
removed from the bowels of the earth
1,443.000,000 tons of coal. There were It is a safe bet that any monkeying
in the same jear millions of tons of pe­ with the bowels of the earth by man, or
Prank Taylor., Editor and Publisher.
“ Entered as second-class m atter, Nov­
ember 13th. 1905 at the post office at Clo­
verdale. Tillamook County, Oregon^un­
der Act of Congress, March 3rd, 1878.
' S ubscription R at vs
One Year, in advance........................ $1.0C
Six M onths.................................................50
Three M onths............................................ 25
Single Copy................................................ 05
A dvertising R ates
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per
inch per month, single column. All
Local Reading Notices, 5 cents per
line for each insertion.
Tim ber land notices
$ 10.00
Homestead notices
Political Announcement Cards $10.00
J ob D epartment
My Job Departm ent is complete in every
respect and I am able to do all kinds
Commercial Job Printing on short
notice at reasonable prices.
Rockies fall and the rivers dry up.
And lots of people are too slow’ to
make fast friends.
True love is alw ays able to dispense
with the valuable advice of outsiders.
And lots of people are too slow to
make fast friends.
Opinions and visits should never be
forced upon people.
After a man is married he seldom
buys a hammock built fe' two.
Some men can’t even blame cigarettes
for their failure to make good.
I t’s awfully hard to give away some
things you want to get rid of.
But instead of maarving a man to re­
form him, the average woman marries
him to inform him.
Satan smiles when a young minister
begins to congratulate himself on the
lieauty and eloquence of his prayers.
The average man has more ambition
than ability.
A man isn’t necessarily polished just
because you can see his finish.
But few men work overtime in an ef­
fort to make their wives happy.
The wrinkles caused by worry are the
result of worrying over something that
worry could not help.
Abstracts on Short Notice
by the
L. V. EBEKHARD, Manager.
Complete Ret of Abstracts of the Records
of Tillamook County, Orogon.
Pacific Meat & Produce
(R. D. Werschknl, Prop.)
Phone orders filled. Deliveries
made North and South.
w . --------
Cash Paid for Hides and Young
Phone, Shop, 13-S-fi. Res. 6-C-2
When in Tillamook and you wrant a
good meal at a most reasonable price
call at M. Oleson’i in the Ramsey Hotel
dining room.