fcC JU U II — IT M IIT T T >>-',*^~~n. ^_yj» • , ? ST A T E P A R A G R A P H S ? INTERESTIN» ï HITS OF COWBEKSED NEWS GATHERED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES IN OREGON s,m i1 v r< "»p —~ y ^ ■ 1 “It Don’t Hurt a Fact to Hammer it T ’ | The fact we wish to hammer is that Alex McNair & Co.’s & cx* store gives more quality, service and satisfaction than any other While; attempting to board a Southern Pacific train at Salem Saturday, Clif­ ford Bussey,"aged 17, fell under a ear a.ul was killed. Two inches of enow full in the district south of The Dalles one night this week. The Klickitat hills across the Columbia are covered with a white blanket. Confectionery and ice cream parlors in Albany are running notices in local papers, announcing that their estab­ lishments will be clostd Sundays, in ac­ cordance with the Sunday closing law. wore nearly swamped in the high seas, store in Tillamook county. before calmer water was reached. T. S. O’Connor, master of the launch, who had with him Lloyd O’Connor, George Remember Alex McNair A Co, for Builders’ Hardware, Brown and J. A. Phelan, hail attempted E ave Troughing, Farm Tools, Shelf Goods, Cutlery, and every­ to get a line around a drum of oil, adrift I from the wrecked steamer, Santa Clara, thing kept in a fully stocked hardware store. but the line fouled in the launch’s rud­ der and Brown stripped and went over­ board to cut the line. By the time the rudder was cleared and the engine started, the boat was Helpless, being un­ O ffiB £ £ £ 3 3 •O CK SK XL'C » able to stem the tide, running like a millrace through the narrow neck and the boat was carried swiftly toward the bar before Capt. Britt brought his life­ saying crew to the aid of the men in the launch. Our Piienominal Success Demcnstates that Fact. 3 Alex McNair & Co., TilTainook, Ore. | Four men drifted helplessly into the breakers of the Coos bay bar Sun­ day atternoon before their launch could be reached by the big power boat ot the coast guard, and the launch v, is saved Protesting against the action of his at a time when death for its crew seemed attorney, who had waived a preliminary but a few seconds away. Both boats hearing in the municipal court at Port- CLOVERDALE HOTEL j CLOVERDALE, ORE. Home for I Travelers and Visitors I Meals 35e and 50e 4 I t lieds 50c and up, f ♦ © e ♦ c « E ver v thin g l i rst-class Your Patronage Solicited I ♦ i j£ ri J a % Get “ More M oney” i^ryour Skunk lies— with a nibble of the Real Tobacco Chew tucked into their cheeks they are happy on their beats. N o launches to disfigure the face. T h e little chews mean the pouch lasts a long time and saves coin. A little c h e w o f p u r e , rich , m e llo w t o b a c c o — rea son ed and s w e e te n e d just en o u g h — cu ts o u t s o inucti o f the grinding and spitting. ASK YOUR DEALER FO p W*B C U T C h e w in g t o b a c c o . it is t h e n e w R E A L T O B A C C O C H E W -C U T LONG SHRED. Take less than one-quarter the old size chew. It will be moro satisfying than a mouthful o f ordinary tobacco. Just take a nibble o f it until you find the strength chew that suits you, then see how easily and evenly the real tobacco taste comes, how it satisfies, how much less you have to spit, bow tew chews you take to be tobacco satisfied. That’ s why it is The R eal Tobacco Chew. That’ s why it costs lr»s in the end. The taste o f pure, rich tobacco docs not need to be covered up. An excess o f licorice and sweetening makes you spit too much One small chew takes the place o f tw o big chews of the old kind. f (Notice bow the salt brings out the rich tobacco taste.)J WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Union Square, New York Citj Coyotes, Muskrat, Foxes, W hite W easel and other Fur bearers collected in your section S H I P Y O U R F U R S D I R E C T to “ S H U B E K T ” the largest house in the World dealing exclusively in NOTH AHERfCAN HAW F .IS a reliable—responsible—safe Fur House with an i ui ihedrcp- utation existing for "m ore than a third of a cental y ," a lonT su c­ cessful recoid of sendimi Fur Shippers prompt, SA TIS FACTORS’ A N D P R O F IT A B L E returns. W rit- for "ttu- 'Min', it ¿ t ipper," the only reliable, accurate m arket report and price list published. W riie for i t - N O W —it*. F R E E A . R S H IJ R F R T In r 25-27 V. 1 ST AUSTIN AVE. D . O n U O L R i , I n c . D eptlO S zC H IC A G O ,U .S . A. land, for his client, Clyde Wood, aged 22, insisted on pleading guilty to a charge of robbing the American apart­ ments, and the judge sentenced him to serve 60 days in jail. Wood was married but a month ago. His wife sat weeping in the [court room when her husband was led back to the cell. He stole the jewelry in order to get money to pur­ chase a marriage license and give the of­ ficiating minister a fee. Although it had been eix years since he had been in the stable, Frank, the family horse of Professor C. I). Thomp- of Hood [River, suffering from an at tack of illness Saturday night, pushed open a pasure gate ami came to his old quarters in the barn of the Transfer A Livery t o. The horse attracted attend­ ants at the «table by his moans. A veterinary was called, and Frank was ctired. Dr. Wendt tits glasses. The Todd Hotel T illam ook, Ore. Rooms 50 and 75 Cents, Special Rates by the Week. Clean rooms. Comfortable beds. Make this your resting place. Mrs. Romero, Manager. FRANK TAYLOR, Notary Public 1 ilia - raook, Ore.. I. O. O. F. Bid. Ciò vendale, Ore.