Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, November 12, 1915, Image 2

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December 1. A corps of speakers from
Mr. Stuivenga and daughter, Mrs.
the Oregon Agricultural College will be Himes, and son John, of Tillamook,
visited at the Messner home Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. Joseph Steimnassl re­
turned Saturday evening from San
Francisco where they spent a couple of
weeks taking in the sights of the fair.
I'hev report having a splendid time.
Agriculturist Jones and L. V. Eber-
hard, of Tillamook, were in Cloverdale
Wednesday. While here Mr. Jones ex­
hibited postcards of the corn exhibit at
the corn show recently held in Tilla­
His Reason
Great are those 25c dinners at the
A boy was born Tuesday to Mr. and
Ramsey Hotel dining room, Tillamook,
Mrs. John Jenck at Beaver.
Fred Lewallen and wife, of Hebo, were
Chester Worthington was a Sandlake
in the city the first of the week.
visitor a couple days the first of the
Mrs. D. A. Bailey returned from an
extended Portland visit yesterday.
Popular Sunday evening service at
Come to church Sunday evening.
the church. Orchestra will lead the
Good music. You will be welcome.
Cranberries— Cranberries — Cranber­
Father Clarenbeck, of Tillamook,
ries, if2.75 a box. Cloverdale Mercan­
visited Monday at the home of Mrs.
tile Co.
Eugene Atkinson and E. K. Hayes
A. H. Forkner and son, of Beaver,
and wife, of Sandlake, were business
were Cloverdale
visitors in Cloverdale Tuesday.
Fred Briody and family have moved
Piasker BroH. for all kinds of ulumb-
from the fishing grounds at the cannery
ing, bath room outfits and fixtures. Til­
back to their home in Cloverdale.
lamook, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Kraner, Chas.
Messrs. Jerry and Claude Lewallen
Ray and neice, Miss Millie Iler, expect
Claude Lane, of Hebo, were in the
to leave Sunday for the San Francisco
Clyde Webb, of Sandlake, was the
Attorneys Marks, of Tillamook, and
of his sister, Mrs. C. J. Worthing­
Via, of Pacific City, with other citizens
ton, Sunday and Monday.
of the latter named place, attended
justice court here yesterday.
Mesdames Wilson, Gaines and Beck­
of Meda, were Cloverdale shop­
A two-day farmers’ institute will he
first of the week.
held in Cloverdale November 150 and
The sad news reached Cloverdale to­
day that Mrs. Fred Christensen, of Til­
lamook, wife of tiie cheese inspector,
who has been seriously ill for some time,
passed away last evening.
Rev. A. J. Montgomery, of Portland,
was in town from Saturday night to
Tuesday morning and delivered two
splendid addresses at the church on
Sunday morning and evening. Mon­
day evening was devoted to social and
musical features during which Mr.
Montgomery gave the people an earnest
heart to heart talk relative to standing
back of and supporting the church,
which if followed up should bring re­
sults that the church is much in need
Holiday Goods
are beginning to arrive .
and will have them on dis­
play by November 20th.
Watch this Space for our
Holiday Ad.
In the meantime let us take your
subscriptions for your Magazines.
Long winter nights are here and
you’ll need something to read. We
guarantee to save you money and
time on your Magazine orders.
Druggist and Stationer
E asked a friend
of ours why he in­
variably insisted upon
buying B r a n d egee,
The McMinnville Newa Reporter on the
Death of Charles Woolsey.
Mr. J. A. Hill, of this city, a brother-
in-law, received the sad news of the
drowning of Charles Woolsey on the
7th of October, while fishing for salmon
on the Little Nestucca bay. Deceased
was well known here, having lived in
Yamhill county for many years. He
stood high in the estimation of all who
knew him, was an honest and true man,
a gentleman in every respect. Sad, oh
so sad that lie should meet such a tragic
death. His body has not been recovered.
He leaves two sons and one daughter in
Colma, California, to mourn his death,
Not dead, but passed
Beyond the mists that blind us here,
Into the new and larger life
Ot that serener sphere.
And ever near us, though unseen,
His dear immortal spirit treads,
For all the boundless univetse
Is life; there are no dead.
Though the waves of the ocean
Roll on and on
Bringing not back
The form of our friend and brother
He will he with us still.
A Friend for many years.
He said he wanted
to be absolutely sure
of satisfaction.
I f his reason sounds
good to you, come and
see our new
& Co.
A. A. Pennington
T illam ook, Ore.
Two Hundred and Fifty Stories.
And every story .a good one. They
our subscribers statements of their ac­
art* entertaing, hut that is not all you
In the case of the Red Cross Co., a counts and ask as a special favor to the
can say about them. You know there
drink manufacturing concern, vs. Char- Courier that remittance be forwarded as
is hardly a periodical published that is
land & Deuel, of Woods, in the justice soon as possible as at present the pub­
not full of time-wasting stories, but not
court here yesterday, the jury returned lisher is in need of as much money as it
a single story in The Youth’ s Companion
a verdict for the plaintiffs and against will be possihlo for him to collect in.
is a time-waster. Take the stories of C.
the defendants for $70 and costs.
Don’ t think that liecause your bill is
A. Stephens. It would be hard to pick
That Smile.
out one froi« which you cannot learn
The Christian Endeavor has recently only a dollar or two that that little
For the past week Chas. Ray has
something useful and vet entertaining.
been reorganized ut the Presbyterian! amount will not help out much, hut
wearing a smile, the like of which
church and all are invited to attend consider that there are several hundred
Some of The Companion stories re­
has never been known to grace hits face.
these services. Meets every Sunday of these little accounts, and the aggre­
fresh your knowledge of geography,
Some suggested that it was because he
evening at 0:45. Edward Fogg, Presi­ gate is considerable, so let us have the
some tell you the mysteries of chem ­
the war would soon come to a
remittance, no matter how small, and
dent. Flmer Webb, leader Nov. 14.
istry, some reveal the secrets of forestry
the Courier will consider it a special close, others that an unknown some­ and of general farming. They cover a
The smiling countenance of Edward
thing was to hap;>en soon that would
favor at this particular time.
wide range. They are chosen with an
Knobloch was seen again in Cloverdale
make Cloverdale jump to a big city like
eve to tiie possible liking* of every mem­
Monday of this week. Ed has been in I
Portland, then there were others who
ber of a Companion family—stories of
Eastern Oregon for tlio past eight
thought it was on account of his renew- 1
vigorous action and stirring adventures
months and before returning here spent
ing friendsnip ties with Countersign
for boys, stories of college life ami do­
Remarkable Measuring.
a couple of weeks at the big fair at
at The Dalles, but thev
have) |
A marvelous Instrument Is the com
mestic vicissitudes for girls, stories
pound Interferometer.
With this In­ all shot wide of the mark. After many that range all the way from sheer
What in to ho known as the Hudson strument It Is possible to measure a efforts to ferret out the whys and where­ drollery to deep seriousness for men and
road was up for consideration of the distance ns small ns one-twenty mil­ fores of that smile the little bird of in- i women. There are no stories quite like
county court this month and Monday lionth o f an Inch. This instrument telligence that hovers over the domicile those in The Companion.
will In all probability In? the most dell of tin* deep thinker, soared low enough
the |K>tition was pussed upon and
If you are not familiar with The Com­
cute measuring instrument o f Its kind so that the discovery was made that the
viewers appointed, viz: James Baker
for many years to come. Some Idea j grin that 1ms been so prominent on his panion as it is today, let us send von
and Herman Farmer. The petition can be formed by the use o f compari- j
sample copies and tiie Forecast for 1916.
pra's for a road leaving the county road sons This one-twenty millionth o f an face was provoked by the fact that he
New subscribers who send $2.00 for
at the Daniel's ranch and run in a inch Is the apparent size o f tile head was a prize winner in the recent corn 1916 will receive free a copy of The Com­
panion Home Calendar for 1916, in ad­
southerly direction over the most prac­ o f an ordinary pin viewed at a dis show at Tillamook.
to all the remaining 19i5 issues
tical route to a point near the dividing tanee of 227 miles, or the size o f a
When in Tillamook and you want a from the time the subscription ia re­
line running between the Werschkol dime viewed ut a distance o f
and the Knobloch ranches. The aim is miles, or the size o f a human face good meal at a most reasonable price
to eliminate traveling over some verv viewed at a distance equal to twice cull at M. Oleson’ s in the Ramsey Hotel
Boston, Mass.
had lulls and a desperately crooked road. the circumference o f our mother earth. dining room.
New Subscriptions received at this office.
— Exchange.
We are sending out to a number of