Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, September 03, 1915, Image 5

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    a a . Jo rrn c p ^ w ^ c
CSoverdaie Courier
Published Every Friday by
Frank Taylor, Editor and Publisher.
“ Entered as second-class matter, Nov­
ember 13th, 1905 at the post office atClo-
verdale, Tillamook County, Oregon, un­
der Act o f Congress, March 3rd. 1878.
S ubscription R at vs
One Year, in advance............ .. .$1.0C
Six M ouths....................
Three M onths...................................... 25
Single C op y......................................... 05
d v e r t is in g
Displayed Advertisements, 50 cents per
inch per month, single column. All
r ocal Reading Notices. 5 cents per
line for each insertion.
Timber land notices
Homestead notices
Political Announcement Cards
J ob D epartm ent
My Job Department is complete in every
respect and I am able to do all kinds
Commercial Job Printing on short
notice at reasonable prices.
Eastern newspapers are complaining
because they have had no summer
weather. We would suggest that they
advise their readers to come west.
These Big Projectiles Carry a Thirty
Pound Explosive Charge.
High power projectiles are construct­
ed with cavities in their centers which
contain the explosive charge, the ex­
plosive curried varying with the size
of the projectile. A twelve Inch shell,
weighing 870 pounds, carries about
thirty pounds o f explosive. The cavity
o f such a projectile is about seven
inches in diameter at the base, and
gradually tapers In size toward the
point A fter the charge is placed in
the projectile a plug is screwed into
the base, thus sealing up the explosive,
and u fuse is inserted in the center
o f the plug extending into the explo­
sive within (he cavity.
The fuse, without which the explo­
sive is harmless, depends upon the
high, rotary motion o f the shell to be­
come active. This rotary motion is
imparted by the rifling of the gun. In
the smooth surface o f the tube are cut
the rifling grooves o f a width o f about
one-eighth inch.
Round the shell, near its base, in
a groove cut for the purpose, is com­
pressed what is known ns the rotat­
ing band. This band projects above
the surface of the shell and corre­
sponds with the rifling grooves, so
that upon Its discharge it is forced
into the rifling, where it acts as a
seal to prevent the escape o f the gas
formed by the exploding powder and
gives the shell the required rotary
motion, which keeps it on Its true
course with its point always in a di­
rect line ahead.—London Tit-Bits.
A Swiss newspaper some time ago of­
fered a prize for the l>est essay on “ How
to End the W ar.” Numerous papers
were sent in, and some of them were
from military experts of one kind or an­
Flasker Bros, for all kinds of nluinb-
other. But the prize was won bv a fel­ ing, bath room outfits and fixtures. T il­
low who knows nothing about war and lamook. Ore.
w ho makes no claim of being a writer.
Bell Phone 53-J
Also tin* paper that won the prize was Office Ground Floor
Todd Hotel,
P. O. Box 147
the shortest one submitted.
With Uollie Watson
The best way to end the war accoid-
iug to the prize winner, would be to put
Emperor W illiam and all menders of
the royal family, together with the
members of the Prussian diet and the
directors of the Krupp gun works in one
trench, and in another trench facing it
L. V. E B E R H A R D , Manager.
place the king of England and the czar Complete Set of Abstracts of the Records
of Tillamook Countv, Oregon.
of Russia and members of the French
senate. He claims the war would then T IL L A M O O K ,
end without another shot being tired.
And there isn’ t any doubt about it.
These men would send out a flag of
truce and get together in a comptomise
of some kind before the tiring began.
They would find eome way to end the
struggle “ with honor.” It would be
effective as would the prevention of
railroad collisions, as suggested by the
Irish section hand. It will be recalled
that the gentleman from Eiin once
stated that the way to prevent collisions j
would he to place the president of the
road on the cowcatcher.
Abstracts on Short Notice
by the
V V O M E N_
Love Th is M agazin e
A grass widow says .that the only
wav to reform a husband that really
needs reforming is to swap him for a
yellow dog— then poison the dog.
A man with a grouch is his own pun-
Ttie hopeless man is the
to live on hope alone.
who tries
M cCALL’ S If the Fashion Guide snd House­
keeping Helper of more women thin sr.y other
magazine in the world. All the late t strict
every month; also delightful stories t' at enter­
tain, and special departments in cook ing. home
dressmaking, fancy work, etc., that lightei
housework and save money. Fries, e rly SCc
e year, with one celebrated McCall Lirtsf Pat­
tern FREE.
A FRFE fu n p l. '
• I
fli/ S K A
A t ........
. r McCAt.L-8 t u » ««.p u s • I ...
C A T A L O G U E ; or
t. If (CALX'S Hue.00 Prisa Otr.r to fcrsrr CHuSCIi.
A d d r . " I t 'V '
There isn't much difference l>etween
a pretty girl and a homely one if they
l*oth have a million dollars.
Some people make an effort to b*
happ' -»nd trn«t t° luck to be good.
THE BkCAU. CO.. 236 to 246 V. 3 7 * St. New YarV. I!. V
|~L15T o f I ’RLMIL'M^
*OUt*S "
Even a deep thinker may not make a
successful well digger.
A little push is worth more in the
end than a political pull.
East Through California
You can travel to any oitv in the East or
South through California at little additional
expense. You can visit the
Panama-Pacific Exposition—San Francisco
Pan-California Exposition—San Diego
You are allowed 10 days stopover at San
Francisco, 10 days stopover at Los Angeles
and 10 days stopover at El Paso without
You will see grand mountains, fertile val­
leys, thriving cities anti strange people.
4 Trains a Day
In each direction peovide comfortable ac­
commodations and connect with through
trains at San Francisco for Eastern and
Southern points.
Let our nearest agent outline your trip.
Our folders “ Wayside Notes” and “ Cali­
fornia Expositions” will be of interert. They
are free.
John m. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland.
List Your Property With
Taylor Real Estate Agency
and let us hunt the buyer without
expense to you until a buyer is found,
and then only a reasonable commission.
If ----=------------------------
ycu Want to buy ----------------------------
a ranch see us. found
, Hel™ a few
"in ot be
our many ranch bargains. Call and see what we have to of­
fer in money-making Neetucca Valley ranches,
acres nee»- Meda for 135 an acre.
Big ranch and stoek, with good buildings at a bargain,
now milking 30 cows and feed for 50. This is a #20,000
ranch hut will be sold for less. Tell me how much you can
pay down and we will give you time on the balance.
We have one applicant who wishes to rent or will buy a
good lease.
73 acre bottom land ranch, cleared and fented, with good
and barn, all stocked. Half cash, balance to suit at (5 per
cent. #<>,500 required to handle this.
The best small buy in the county. MO acres, 35 acres
cleared, on main county road. I15U0 down buys this and
the balance at f> per ct. Small bouse und fair bara. Some
stock goes with this ranch.
180 acres, 30 acres meadow land small house and good
small orchard, 1 j miles to school, 5 acres good onion land,
but only 4 of this is cleared, 5 cows go with ranch. Ask for
particulars. 15,000; half cash; balance 5 yearsat 6 per cent.
15000 buys a well cleared and fenced ranch close in.
#500 down, long time for balance.
We have some choice buys not listed here.
We want the exclusive right to sell your ranch and if
you give us this we’ll rustle for a buyer, hut we cannot af­
ford to advertise for outside buyers unless we have the ex­
clusive sale of the property.
Cloverdale, Oregon.