IT E M S n a T PERSONAL ' AND ° J LO CAL Ì ! her assistants to the injured person to induce him or her to he merciful. One day, hearing that an elderly butler had caught purloining his employer’s j been m a n A N D O T H E R N E W S OF IN T E R E S T valuables she* went to the jail, saw the thief, who had been arrested, and found him to be a man of fifty, of good appearance and, according to his Dr. Wendt fits glasses. Tilla­ (/’lias. Larrison, of Metis, was in the account* the victim of unfortunate cir­ city Tuesday. mook, Ore.. I. O. O. F. Bid. cumstances. His name was Homer * Hawkins. When asked how he came Will Roenicke was in town from Sand- Plasker Bros, for all kinds of ulumh- by the name of Homer he salil that ills lake Thursday. ing, hath room outfits and fixtures. Til­ father had been a i>edagogue and We have a large line of Ed MeOllnchy, of Metis, was in the lamook, Ore. admirer of the great poet Homer School Supplies—every­ Hawkins wept bitter tears over tho city Wednesday. Frank Fox, of Meda, left Wednesday thing needed in the condition In which he found himself II. A. Miles, of Woods, was in the morning for a few days trip to Portland. and so worked on Miss Lawrence’s School. city Wednesday. feelings that she went to his late mas­ W. A. Gage and family and son Will Be prepured when ter, secured a promise that he would Oseur ‘T aggart, of Neekowin, was in and his wife returned yesterday from a School opens by buying not prosecute the case and took Mr. trip to Portland and Newport by auto. the city Thursday. Hawkins under her own especial care your School Suppliea now. J. 11. Dimick has as a guest this week Mr. and Mrs. D. T. W erschkul and for the purpose of giving him an op­ You’ll find our prices portunity to show how cruel fate had his mother from Pallas. son William returned Wednesday from right. All orders prompt­ been to him. auto trip to Portland. Thev started The Cloverdale Band did the honors an Hawkins was made major domo of ly filled. Saturday morning. at the county fair this week. Miss Lawrence’s household, n e seem­ Even the village blacksmith and the School Books Strictly Cash ed too respectable to be called butler II. J. Kinnnman and wife, ot Ore- village or to perform the menial services of a barber could not stand the town, were in town Wednesday. butler. The truth Is he did very little lethargy of the town this week and so of anything, because Miss Lawrence J. E. Cocheran, of Wiliamina, is m ak­ they donned their smooth clothes and hail nothing for so respectable a person ing trips into Cloverdale with baled with their wives joined the merry crowd to do. He attended to the purchase hay. of sight-seers at the fair yesterday. of household supplies, and since his Great are those 25c dinners at the The Herald’s county fair edition mistress paid cash for everything Ramsey Hotel dining room, Tillamook, reached us yesterday. It is profusely Druggist, Stationer and Kodak Dealer she bought her major domo was in­ • OREGON trusted with the funds used for the Ore. illustrated with halftone cuts and lias CLOVERDALE, purpose. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shearer and complete write-ups of all the towns in Never was a man more particular In little son left for their home in Portland tho county besides other interesting FRANK TAYLOR, rendering his accounts. If from the reading appropriate for a fair edition. Sunday. multltmle of payments at any onetim e he was at a loss to account for a At $1 “ per” the circus last Saturday Miss Ruth (dark who was kidnapped Notary Public dime or a nickel he was so much trou­ relieved Tillamook county citizens of at Portland last Week Wednesday bv bled that his mistress sometimes ex­ the Werschkul-Ray-McCahe aggrega­ about $'>000. pected that he would burst into tears. Cloverdale, Ore. tion and landed in her “ Old Home On such occasions she assured him For sale—Six heifers, coming two Town” returned home Tuesday. Be­ that so trifling an amount was of no years old, in good condition. G. W. fore leaving she expressed herself as consequence, but in vain. He would Shaver, Woods. having had the most enjoyable time of mourn over the fact that after the un fortunate condition In which she had Fverett Lnndinghnm and Ed W orth­ her life. founil him she would surely think him ington are enjoying a hunting trip in dishonest. He refused to be com­ southern Oregon. “Star Brand” Shoes are Better. forted. Rev. F. S. Ford and family are en­ One day Hawkins went out to ed her. The lady was willing to for­ 0. J . Worthington. $3.50 and $4.00. for u mission, finally decided to take give the culprit, but asked Miss Law Mrs. W. A. High and children spent Teas and Ted for the Kids—all sizes— one upon herself. She selected the rence to undertake his reform. The tin fore part of the week at the Watt $2.00 to $3.00. amelioration *of the criminal classes. Indies’ car was at the tloor, and she ranch and Tillamook. Stronger than the Law in Men’s and She visited them in prisou, and many begged Miss I^uwrence to go with her .1. L. Gay and family left Monday with Bovs for hard work. of them talked w ith her so jiersunsive- to a liollce station to see the prisoner their auto for a trip through southern We sell the celebrated “ Bergman” ly about Ihe unfortunate circumstances Miss Lawrence «consented and on the king of loggers for heavy wear. way the lady told her that the crim­ Oregon and northern California. that hud led them to become criminals inal had called on one of her maids Prop in and take a look. she came to believe they were all the evening liefore mid ha«l gone away Fester Ray and family, Ole Redberg Cloverdale Mercantile Co. that victims of their surroundings. This led with some valuable sliver. lie hail and wife, and John Redberg, of Ole- her to advocate mercy toward them. been arrested in the morning. town, were in the city Thursday. Hit the Timber Men. M bs Lawrence, who was wealthy, When Miss Lawrence reached the “ Our Own Home Town” this week founded a society for helping criminals Jail, aud the culprit was marched out resembles the story of "T he Deserted The Oregon Voter has become greatly to lead a better llf<*. 11«. r society was <>f Ills cell the good lady was aston­ Village.” Everybody at the fair. a corps of young women who ished. n e was Homer Hawkins. His excited over the m anner in which school really were prouil k * her assistants. They l>em>fnetn*8s was at a loss what to Eves tested ar.d glasses fitted—any iNiundaries have been juggled in some of worked with to I her hi the cause and do In the mntter, hut. turning to th«* kind. Prices right. A. H. Harris, op­ the coast counties in order to get a crack though duriug a term of years they lady wbi> bad sufTercil was about to tician. At Tillamook Prug Store, Tilla­ sucee«HU*d in lifting only a very few pl«*nd for tin* prisoner. when an In at the tim ber land held hv speculators mook, Ore. criminals up into a better sphere |>t*r- si «K*tor showed her a numl>er of ar tides belonging to her that had ho«*!i When in Tillamook and you want a and railroads and assess it for school muuently, they i>ersee eretL «>f Miss Lawrence's objects was found In Hawkins’ iosscs*!on. goo 1 meal at a most reasonable price purposes where the monev was needed. to One persons ugaiust whom crimes Thi*ro was a diflVrenoe In Miss Law call at M. Oloson’s in the Ramsey Hotel Of course it is an unlawful thing to do. had ln«lm*e been to refrain from rence’s neighbors losing valuables and dining room. hut wo have never heard of any of the prosecution committed and to take the ««(Tender losing them herself. She turned upon Scott Boatman and family moved timber owners of the coast giving awav under their protection with a view to Hawkins, fulled him an ungrateful M ednesday from the W atts ranch at any of their holdings. A lot of the best accomplishing his reformatU>n. ¡she man. and then, after promising the In­ found tills a difficult matter. When spector that she would appear against the Yellow Fir Mill, to the Cornier land on the coast is held by the timber one had I kh * h victimized by a confl- the prisoner, walked < ut ot the office ranch, which he has leased. speculators, and there are mnnv dis­ deuce man fie was usually bent rather the picture of Indi-mntion. All the grading on the one mile of tricts where there are fewer people than on punishment than sympathy. When This inded Miss I*awn*n«v’s tndi­ hard-surface reed south of Tillamook is there were twenty-five years ago, be- a woman lost her Jewelry at the Lauds vidual work In th<* reformation of crim­ in pit ted and the laying of the mixed cause the timlter men bought up the of a dishonest servant she considered inals. She i!lsbnndi*d h«*r •oclety. but time Joln**«l one tn which the w< rk -ravel rock and sand is now going on. land and are holding the country hack it her duty to the state* to prosecute tn carried on was rather general thin tho thief. Miss Lawrence spent much Grr in Burke was thrown from a hor-> for their ow n benefit. A little taxing of her lime lu eiuleuveulug t» induce particular Ev«*n tld« organized effort last Sunday morning, dislocating the for roads and schools is a mightv go«*l i such iK*rsous to forego revenge* tuid met with a very llmlfisl su«*e« «•*. -boulder and breaking one of the minor I thing iughese cases, f<>r it is getting tie help bring about u new birth in those Nevertheless Miss r.nwrem'p found t ! ,r while particular n formalk>ns were i f Irenes. Pr. Shearer was called and re- ' money from people who are able to p»v who had injured them. achieve«!, the condition of the crlml sl ducts 1 the fracture. Orrin was around it. and at the same time hurrying the Whenever Miss Lawrence saw un ac classes wns tw tered by the efforts of town Monday and says "you can't keep day when they will market the tim ber j count in a newspaper of a theft or n rol>lK?ry she' would go *»- «ori-t o* a wood man down.” the sixiety. -Grant Countv Journal. j School Supplies iiq Wm. A. HIGH A Philanlthropist Spoil ed