I G l o v d r d a l b M G e r g a i n t i g e o . GLOVERDALB, OREGON WE WANT TOUR GROCERY AND FEED BUSINESS. WE ALSO WANT TO SUPPLY YOUR WANTS IN DRY GOODS, SHOES, HARDWARE, BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. This* store is under new management and is being entirely remodeled. BIG BARGAINS IN GROCERIES, FEED AND OTHER LIN ES B est B e rry S u ga r p er sack .................... .........$ 7 .0 0 H ig h la n d B len d F lo u r , per b b l .................... 6 ,20 S n o w W h it e F lour, p er bbl ................................... 6 .2 0 W h it e R iv e r F lo u r p e r b b l................................. 6 .2 0 Strictly high grade hard wheat flours—every sack fully guaranteed— made from old wheat. to get in your winter’« supply. S ta n d a rd C o rn , ner c a s e ........................... S ilv erd a je T o m a to e s , per e a s e .................. R u b y S pecial C offee, 2 7 c, 10 lbs fo r ... Mt. V e rn o n C o n d e n se d M ilk 3 cans lor Royal White S o a p , 6 bars for ................................... 25c Rex Lye. 3 cans for........................................................ 25c Fancy Muir Peaches, p o u n d . ..:.............................. 9c Carnation Coffee, steel out, 1 pound cane................ 30c Carnation Coffee, “ “ 3 pound cane.................. 85c Macoaroni, fvpound box ........................................... 40c Keg Pickles ............................ 90c Now is the time 8 2 .0 0 2.00 2 .5 0 25c Golden Syrup, 5’e ......................................................... 35c Golden Syrup, 10’s ....................................................... 65c 50-lb sack Dairy S alt................................................. 65c Rolled Oats, 9-lb sacks............................................... 45c Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2 fo r......................................... 25c Fancy Maine Corn, 2 for......................................... . . 25c No 1 White Feed Oats, per ton. .. .136.00; per 100 $ 1.85 Process Barley, per ton..................$36.00; per sack 1.40 Bran, per ton ............................................................. 35 00 Short«, per ton........................................................... 36 00 Wheat 100-lb sack for ........................................ 2.25 SPECIAL CLEAN UP SALE ON SHOES A lot of Men’s Oxfords, $3.00 to $4.00 values, at......................................... $1 00 a pair Boys’, Child’s and Misses’, ail broken lot«, $1.75 to $2 50 values, a t.......... 1 00 a pair Womeni $3.00 and $1.00 values, odd lots, a t................................................. 1.65 a pair Boy»’ Hat«, $1 00 to $1.50 value«, to close, at . 75c Nails per keg. (base) $3 00. All Straw Hats at One-Half Price Star A Star Shingles $2 50 per M. A Dollars’ Worth for Every Dollar or Yonr Dollar Back. Come in and get om prices. can save yon money. We CLOVEEDALE MERCANTILE CO. By W. G. DWIGHT *