Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, August 06, 1915, Image 2

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it e m s
Kodak Films
For Sale.
Team, wagon (used less than •!
years) with bows and cover; nearly
new washer and wringer, and stiv­
erai other useful articles.
J. G Gay, doverti ale.
Mrs. Dee Moon is entertaining a A deal is expected to be closed
in a day or two when Avery Ap­
nis’er from Tillamook.
Rules to G uide Those W h o W a n t to Be
i'rs. Ed Worthington way a Til­ plewhite will sell his ranch to
C a re fu l B uyers.
Ed Worthington. Mr. and Mrs.
lamook visitor Wednesday
Mutton is generally considered the
Applewhite will move to California
most healthful meat and is eaten by
Dr. Wendt fits glasses. Til­ where Mrs. Applewhite’s mother
many to the exclusion of any variety,
lamook. Ore. I. O. 0. F Bid resides and who is in poor health,
consequently great care should be ex­
ercised in the selection, and a little
For eale—Good driving team having recently undereone an
time should be given to the study of
and buggy, fHO. Will Lawrence, operation.
A good fresh supply
In buying mutton or lamb care
Henry, the young son of Chris.
should be taken to see that the fat is
J. B. Gillam spent the fore part Otfpon, of Oretown, met with a had
clear, hard and white, as mutton with
or yellow fat indicates too long a
of the week in Tillamook visiting accident last Friday afternoon.
stay in cold storage. It ndgbt appear
his mother.
He got both hands caught in a
that a great quantity of fat on mutton
Orders promptly filled
signifies waste, but the lean part is
Great are those 2ftc dinners at ground pulley used to hoist hay
much juicier and more tender whim
the Ramsev Hotel dining room,
this is the case, so the wise housewife
one hand were badly lacerated and
Tillamook, Ore.
makes purchases with this in view.
one finger of the other hand badly
The leg has the least fat in propor
The S. M. C. class was enter­ cut and bruised. Dr. Shearer was Drcyjist, Stationer and Kodak Dealer tion
to weight. Next comes the shoul­
tained last Wednesday afternoon called and it is thought that none
der. The color of lean mutton is a
OREGON deep red.
by Miss Ava Owen.
of the fingers will have to be am­ CLOVERDALE.
Lamb is good to eat when a year
Mrs. B. L. Eddy, of Roseburg, putated.
old and Is much more digestible than
other immature meat, such as veal or
wus the guest Sunday of Mrs. Ed D. O. Meyers, while working on Having Announcement.
young pork.
The wise housewife
Worthington, her sister.
the Porter ranch at Oretown, was tion to the front of mv residence in knows the value of nutrition, so she
hesitate about buying lamb mere­
Plusker Bros ior all kinds of attacked by a bull and had two the Courier office building, I will ly will because
It Is in the market, ns it is
plumbing, bath room outfits and ribs on one side and one on the be pleased to meet all those who generally expensive.
fixtures Tillamook. Ore.
other cracked He was staking may desire the services of a dentist. The meat of spring lamb should be
pink, with plenty of pure white
The Krebs mill is ready to fill out the animal when it attacked Thanking all for past patronage a fa clear
t —New York Sun.
all orders for lumber until August him, throwing him to the ground. and soliciting a continuance of the
His calls for help brought the two same, I remain.
Yours truly,
Poor H u m a n ity .
51 George Garber, Manager.
“ Success in aeronautics, ns In m<
cow dogs belonging to Mr Porter
things.” sakl a prominent aeronaut "is
Rolland McGinnis is nursing a and while one dog grabbed the
by patience and faith in oi •-
sore hand, the result of u bruise bull’s nose the other went to his r STIVITY AT SUNNYSIDE FARM self. Pessimists,
like my friend’s new
caused by hammering lids off of heels and this gave Mr. Mevers an
gardener on Long Island, would n ;t
much in work like mine.
milk cans.
opportunity to creep away from Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Christensen En­ accomplish
This man was raking leaves off the
We have some fine shiplap, floor­ the angered animal. It was a
lawn one fall day when a neighbor
tertain in Honor of Mr. and
passing by inquired of him;
ing, rustic, ceiling and finish at close call for Mr. Meyers for had
“ ’ Where’s the gardener who used to
the Krebs’ mill that we will sell at the dogs not arrived as they did
Mrs. A. M. Commons
work here?’
a sacrifice.— Montgomery.
he woulcj certainly have lost his ;
“ ‘Dead, sir,’ was the reply.
“ ‘Dead.’ said the astonished neigh­
Eves tested and glasses fitted—
Wednesday evening sixty threo bor. Then, musing, he added. ‘Joined
Hny kind. Prices right. A. H \\ v n k that pupils intending | guests gathered atHunnyside Farm the great majority, eh?1
sir.' the gardener interrupted
Harris, optieion At Tillamook to enh r the Cloverdulo High School to
. participate
. .
. festivities. In “ a ‘Oh,
shocked voice, ’ I wouldn't like to
Drug Store, Tillamook, Oregon
at the opening, S; pt. nth, to kind I v
The yard was beautifully decorated say that He was a good enough man
W hen in Tillamook and you advise us at once, also what grade with Japanese lanterns which cast as far as I know.’ ” —Llppincott's.
want a good meal at a most rea- they finished last term or what
S to rks In H o lla n d .
s i able price call at M. Olson's in grade they expect to enter. By so weird lights over the lawn where Nowhere else in the world does the
doing you will aid us in ordering out of door gomes were indulged stork stand in higher regard than
th Ramsey Hotel dining room
the people of western Holland.
the books vou’U require and save ! in until a late hour when a very among
Nothing is regarded ns more indica­
I'd Worthington wus in Tilla- delay
when school opens.
appetizing lunch wus served.
tive of good fortune to come than for
monk the fore part of the we> k
a pair of storks to build their nest In
loc king after some repair work on
the chimney of a humble cottage. How­
purt in the games amused them­ ever
“Anything You all Want.’’
humble that eottage may l>e, the
i residence property he fans there.
selves discussing current events, occupants feel that the stork’s nest
Friend Taylor;
Anyone having fancy work to As yon know I spent the greater the popular subjects being the I Praises many blessings In the future.
erect long poles with a
enter at the coming county fair part of the winter and spring in present great war, autom obile, i The ftt farmers
tht, top ln thelr flekK fee!ing
wi'l kindly notify either Mrs. L. I New York, Chicago and Philadel­ and Rati lesnake Jim.”
that If the birds build thelr nests there
M Kraner or Mrs. Chas Lund«! phia, studying with the best Due notable feature of the even- both the quality and the quantity of
qu «t.
speuialists in rectal and skin dis ing w s—it didn’t rain All de- their crops are assured
b’Omo additional articles at 1 eases and 1 take this opportunity
w-itb happy faces, eager for
F alse Logic.
“Women are all alike.” declared the
have been made in the of letting you and other friends
opportunity to meet again
disappointed suitor bitterly.
t 1 verdale Mercantile Cp s ad n now that siuee my return I have
“ Oh, l don’t know," resi>onded the
;b last page. Read this ad for opened an office at {<13-14 Broad* 1 wish to announce to th< people maiden niriiy. “ You must not draw
conclusions from the fact that
way Bldg., and will be glad to see of Cloverdale and vicinity that I general
all the women you have known man­
I rof J. \V. Bidgood. of Polk *nv of ° ,d frienj8* sick or well, have changed mv office from its aged to get on to your curves.” —Ill« h-
ounty, the nsw principal of the , any time, lell any of the former location to mv new resi- mond Tlmes-Dispatch.
01 \ verdal® echool,
by Cloverdale
folks a r to
run up and see j eBCe on the corner opposite tbs
Good Guoss.
• *
m ®
o i n D ,->»tln n 1
of : deuce, w is ; ra* *hon they are in Portland.
; cloverdale cheese fact rx where I Redd—Been out In your new auto­
n town Monday Mr. BidgOvJ ' Mrs Brown joins roe in sending rill be pleased to meet all those who ri Mie? Greene— Y«**. Had trouble
k-.-lng out. We stopped several tir s,
* ' ' ° Cl Upv ,!u' V,0(i,nni8 ^ ^ l i S a t U u r C?overdale'V<r!yndfs UU ' j desire to consult me. Utfice hours 1 t cornili, back we didn't makr a
ai d expects to move hereabout the
Yours truly.
2 to 5 41 p m All calls
"f “1 ’p see; you were towed home.” —
iMh of this month
Doc. »» promptly.
J E. a.
Shearer. M.
I). ! I Yonkers
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