Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, July 30, 1915, Image 2

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Dr. Wendt fits glasses. Til-
iamook. Ore. I. 0. 0. F. B1U.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carver, of
Ore town, were in Cloverdale Thurs­
The many friends of Miss Coder
are pleased to see her in Cloverdale
Frank Worthington has added
his name to the list of Ford car
Moving picture show tomorrow
evening, after which there will be
a dance.
Frank Pierson, of Portland, came
m Tuesday and is doing carpenter
work hero.
For sale—Good driving team
and buggy, #80 Will Lawrence,
Great are those 25c dinners at
the Kamaev Hotel dining room,
Tillamook, Ore.
Plusker Bros tor all kinds of
plumbing, bath room outfits and
fixtures Tillumook. Ore.
A sign across the front of the
Cloverdale cheese factory is sug­
gested by a reader of the Courier.
Kalpb McClew, who was drowned
Inst Saturday at Ocean Lake, was
a cousin of Mrs. W. A. High, at
this place.
We have some fine shiplap, floor­
ing, rustic, ceiling and finish at
the Krebs' mill that we will sell at
n sacrifice.— Montgomery.
Eves tested and glasses fitted—
any kind. Prices right. A H
Harris, opticion. At Tillamook
Drug Store, Tillamook, Oregon.
Col Henderson, at on# time in­
terested in the fish packing busi­
ness at Pacific City, now of Port­
land, was in Cloverdale yesterday.
Max Traxler returned from his
trip to Portland Wednesday. He
was accompanied by bis daughter,
who will visit here for a short
J. H. Ilicks, of the Tillamook
Bnv Construction Co., was the sue-
essful bidder on the construction
of the Tillamook-Yamhill road.
The amount is $18,802.56,
Rattlesnake Jim,” as he terms
himself, who is a fair specimen of
tl i' tramp order, hiked into Clover­
dale Wednesday garbed in a Mow­
ing scarf about his head and ehoe-
1« ss. The only thing he has
achieved by his wanderings is a
few newspaper notices, and some
of them not very complimentary.
After sleeping in the team shed all
r ight he left Thursday morning in
a southerly direction.
ü J
The hunting season for deer
does not open this year until Au­
gust 15.
Mrs. Mary Burke and son Paul,
of Tillamook, were in Cloverdale
Barney Knoblock, the Paoific
City sawmill man, is in Cloverdale
with his right hand bandaged up.
Mrs. Chas. Blum and Mrs. Frank
Owens accompanied Commissioner
Owens to McMinnville the fore
part of the week, where a joint
meeting of the county courts was
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ray, who
have been doing the cooking at the
Cloverdale Hotel, left Tuesday
morning for St. Helens, where they
have property interests. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kemp, who held this
position some time ago, have re­
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Sbortridge,
of Dolph, were guests today of
Mr. and Mrs Geo Worthington.
The deal was closed today
whereby Mr. Shortridge becomes
the owner of the 40 acres across
the river formerly owned by Mr,
Kodak Films
A good fresh supply
. . . always in stock
Tell Orders
us Your
promptly filled
Druggist, Stationer and Kodak Dealer
D. J. Dunn and wife, of Meda,
were business visitors in Clover­
dale today.
For sale—A good pony, 5 years
old, weight 700, well broke to drive
single or double, a good bedv cart
and harness. Will sell cheap or
will trade as part payment on a
good second-hand motorcycle. For
particulars write L. S. Crafts,
Woods, Ore.
Better Baby Contest.
The baby contest held at the
Sam Bauer, the Best Ever.
A trio of jolly, good natured Grange Hall yesterday was very
Mrs. L. M. Kraner
people dropped into the Courier successful.
was in charge of the work in the
office Wednesday afternoon just <o 9outh
end of the county and has
shake hands with the editor and
get acquainted. They were Ed. H. been indefatigable in her efforts
Schloss, of the Oregon Journal, and in getting all of the babie9 in line,
Mr. and Mrs, H. S. Barrett, of knowing full well that the old
Portland. They had been spend­ Nestucca Valley produces the best
ing the past two weeks in the hills of everything. Mrs. I)un9tan, Mrs.
near Neskowin and from the good, Campbell, Dr. and Mrs. Hoy, Dr.
healthy color in their faces and the McGee, Mrs. Callahan, of Tilla­
two weeks’ growth of whiskers on mook. and Dr. Shearer, of this
the faces of Messrs. Schloth and city, were the able corps of workers
Barrett one look was enough to that took charge of the affair yes­
satisfy any person that they had terday Twenty one babies were
been having the time of their lives, in the contest but owing to the
living as close to nature as their fact that the score cards have to
host, Sam Bauers, would permit be sent to Portland the result
them. They had a wealth of good cannot be published this week.
things to tell about Sam’s hospi­ Quite a number whose names were
tality, and say they were never entered failed to come. It was
better entertained fn all their probahly due to the ‘‘squally”
lives. This was their first trip into weather.
the Nestucca Valley, but they say
it is not going to be the last one hv
any means.
Neskowin is getting to be quite
All Stores Now Under One Head. an interesting place since so many
The three stores owned by Ra\ campers have come in. Twelve
& Co., comprising the Tillamook loads arrived in one day this week.
•tore, the Cloverdale store and the
dock store, have nil been placed There were services at the Nes-
school house Sunday, Elder
nndor the management of D. W. kowin
A revival
Dwight. The store at this place is meeting will be preached.
held at Neskowin
being re-arranged and the interior some time next month.
painted white. An ad on the back Mr. Hinshaw has sold hi* place
page tell* of some interesting and will move to the valley soon.
He has poor health.
Mr. and Mr?. Ladd and Mary
Edwards were beach visitors Sun­
Mr. Tohl, of Hemlock, spent
Sunday here fishing.
Those in attendance at the pho­
nic dinner Sunday, invited gut sts
of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Galloway,
were Mr. and Mrs. Brown and
daughter Carrie, Mrs. Hayes and
daughters Bertha and Florence,
Mrs. Diamond and Mrs. Carpenter.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward and daughter
Madalene, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gal­
loway and family. A bonteous
dinner was served in the open air
and an enjoyable afternoon spent
in singing and visiting.
Eugene Atkinson made a trip to
Tillamook Wednesday.
Miss Josie Hoyt is at Tillamook
at present.
Grandpa Edwards, of Newberg,
is visiting with his son and family
at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Mapes, of Clover­
dale, are visiting Mrs. Mapes’
parents, Mr. and Mrs, Diamond,
and helping with haying.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward aud daugh­
ter Maddalene, of Beaver, have
been spending a few days the past
week as guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gal­
Nearly everyone is through or
else busy getting in their hay.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Galloway
visited at Mr. Garner’s at Pleasant
Valley Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter made a
business trip to Tillamook Thurs­
(Received too lake for last week)
Mrs. Ruth Beggs. of Cloverdale,
visited with the Boatmnn family
one day last week.
Mrs. R. Moore and son Carroll,
and Mrs. W. 8. Boatman were Til­
lamook shoppers Wednesday. Mrs.
Boatman met her mother, Mrs.
Mary Pine, from Centralia, Wash
She says they are having very hot
weather out there.
Mr. Moon narrowly escaped an
accident while driving to Clover­
dale Wednesday afternoon on the
Fairview road, the maiD road into
Tillamook being closed for repairs
It was necessary to unload his
passengers before be could get out
ef the difficulty.
Bids Wanted
for supplying 30 ricks of crapapple
or vine maple and 5 risks of fir,
delivered and ricked up in wood­
shed at schoolhouss. Leave bids
at Cloverdale Mercantile Ce.’«
Mcbool Dist. No. 22,
Fred Briody, Clerk.