Cloverdale courier. (Cloverdale, Tillamook County, Or.) 190?-19??, July 16, 1915, Image 2

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Notice to Contractors.
Sealed proposals, addressed to tiii-
County Clerk of Yam hill Count«, Or­
egon, and endorse«! “ Proposal to’ com­
plete Tillamook-Yamhill Joint Road,"
in accordance with the plans and speci­
fications thereof, on file in the otliies of
| the County Clerk of Tillamook ami
Yam hill Counties, will be received by
Makes Interesting River Trip.
the County Courts of said Counties at
Arthur Burke, of Salmon, Idaho,
the Court House at McMinnville, Ore
I gon until the hour of 2 o’clock p. m
is the guest of his uncle, James
I July 24th, 1915. and at that time and
Burke, of this place.
j place publicly opened and read. Each
j bid shall be accompanied by a certifi.d
Mr. Burke in making the trip
! check for a sum equal to 5 per cent of
from his home to Lewiston came
j the amount of the bid. and made pav-
I able to the Clerk of Vamhi!) Count« ,
down the Salmon river, which is
j and which shall be forfeited to the
navigable only in its downward
{ Countv Courts jointly in case the bid he
accepted and the bidder shall, for a
course and then only in a flat
j period of 5 days from the date of award­
A good fresh supplv
bottom boat built for the purpose.
ing to him the contract, fail, refuse or
I neglect to enter into the contract and to
. . . always in stock
The boat which he came in whs
furnish the bond require«! bv law.
manned by Captain Guleke, two
Bids will be received for clearing,
and grading any one or all of
friends of Mr. Burke and himself,
the sections as included between sta­
and was 24 feet long by ft feet
tion 0 plus 00 and station 295 plus 84.4.
Orders promptly filled
The County Courts reserve the right,
to reject any or ail bids or to accept the
From where Mr. Burke took the
bid considered tbe be9t for said T illa­
mook and Yamhill Counties.
boat to the Snake river is 275
Tillamook-Yamhill Joint R«md District.
miles and 50 miles on the Snake
By C. B. Wilson,
Druggist, Stationer and Kodak Coaler
Clerk ot Yam hill County.
river to Lewiston, where transpor­
J. C. Holden,
tation by rail is available.
Clerk of Tillamook Countv
First publication July 9, 1915.
Mr. Burke relates some interest­
Last publication July 28, 1915.
W. G. Dwight,of Tillamook, was
in Cloverdale Sunduy and Monday.
*5?*^ Dr. Wendt fits glasses. Til*
lamook. Ore. I.O. O. F Bid
Mrs McGee, of Tillamook, was
the guest over Sunday of Mrs.
Frank Owens.
Groat are those ‘25c dinners at
the Ramsey Hotel dining room,
Tillamook, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. D T. WerBchkul
autoed to Tillamook yesterday to
enjoy a couple of days at the
Rev. and Mrs. F. S Ford and
daughter, Mildred, and Win. Hat­
ton ure in Tillamook this week en­
joying the Chautauqua
For sale— A good pony, 5 years
old, weight 700, well broke to drive
single or double, a good body cart
and harness. Will sell cheap or
will trade as part payment on a
good second-hand motorcycle. For
particulars write L. S. Crafts,
Woods, Ore.
Elmore Cannery to Rnn.
This hit of good news reached
Cloverdale this week and
Kokak Films
Tell us Your Needs
Eves tested and glasses fated—
any kind.
Brices right. A H ing experiences in riding over the
Harris, opticion.
At Tillamook various rapids of the river. He
Drug Store, Tillamook, Oregon
said the most exciting of them was
The 14 acres owned by Mr. the Long Tom, China and Pine
Fiske, close to this village, has Creek rapids
The time consumed in making
been sold and it is reported the
new owner will take possession the river trip was six days
this fall.
interesting one, with pepcndicular
Dr. Shearer has putchased from rocky banks, whirlpools and eddies.
Mr. Ray the corner cottage and Several magazine writers have
will occupy it the last of this made the trip with Captain Guleke.
month. Mr. Thomas will move into said Mr. Burke, and for each trip
the Dr. George house.
a new boat is built and when the
Dr. Shearer was called yester- destination is reached it is sold for
day to the home of L. J. Redberg what the lumber will bring,
to attend his son who had severely
A stop was made by the party at
lacerated his left leg by falling one of the villages to replenish
against a scythe.
their rations and one night was
L. C. Pick, of Canby, Sundayed
with his brother in-law, Edward
Fogg They made a trip to Sand-
lake io look at the Roenick# ranch
which they anticipate leasing.
Called to the Bods do of His Mother.
A. A. Imlah received a telegram
yesterday that his mother, Mrs.
Louise Imlah, of Salem, was dying, Locating the Enemy, Getting the Range
and Making an Attack.
lie left on the afternoon train for
her bedside.
Installation of Officers.
Nestucca Lodge, No 114, 1 0 0
F , installed the following officers
at their regular meeting last Satur­
day evening:
Noble Grand— A. A. Imlah,
Vice Graud— Claude Htir-sv,
Secretary— F. Worthington,
Treasurer— Frank L. Owens.
Bids Wanted
for supplying 30 ricks of crapapple
or vine maple and 5 ricks of fir,
delivered and ricked up in wood­
8*,ent bv th” 8Ìde of a hot tT rin* shed at school house
Leave bids
,be r' v‘‘r
Mr. Burke expects to remain i n at Cloverdale Mercantile Co.'a
School Dist. No. 22,
Cloverdale for some time.
Fred Briodv, Clerk.
Given a Reception.
Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Boon were
Grim Scot Wit.
A Scottish minister had among his
given a reception last Friday even-
ln* ftt th® Presbyterian church by
its members.
A short program
was rendered. A large table lamp
was presented to the couple ns a
memento of the high respect in
which they are held by the organ­
A Grandpa.
Last Sunday morning Dr.Shear­
er wore a smile that denoted the
pleasure of one whom fortune had
doubly smiled on. His son’s wife,
Mrs. Harry Shearer, had presented
her husband with a baby girl, and.
that’s the reason why.
body is jubilant over the fact
W ork is now progressing rapidly
in getting the cannery in condi-
tiou for the season’s run. Mr.
Tenter, the manager of the factory,
expects to have it ready and run­
Needlecraff Notes.
ning sometime between the 1st and
The Needlecraft Club met with
15th of August. Their boat with a
I Mr. Cbas. Lundquist, at Fern Cliff,
cargo of cans is expected in today. r .
A ,
/ i Thursday and spent a most de-
The operation of the cannery will
with their
give employment to the fishermen!.
host« ss.
1 he
h ap p y
and Others and help to make times merrily, and an elaborate luncheon
better in this end of the county.
topped off the afternoon’s pleasure
parishioners a man who dealt In old
horses, alternating his spells o f labor
with heavy sprees. During the period
o f depression which followed each over-
indulgence John habitually took to bed
and there diligently studied the family
Bible. During one o f these fits of at
his condition
prompted his w ife to call in the Rev.
Mr. Wallace, the parish minister, who
at the time happened to be passing.
“ Oh, Malster Wallace, come in and
see our John; he’s rale bad!”
“ W hat’s wrang w l’ him?”
“ lie ’s feart to meet his Makker,“ said
Mrs. John.
Quick ns Are came the crushing reply:
Thell’m he need na be
feart for that; he’ll never see’m.”
Economy ts what makes a man wear
hts dress shirt down to work the next
morning. It Isn’t comfortable, but he
hate* to send It to the laundry only
half soiled.—Detroit Five Press.
In the life o f a man there is bur «me
real love. The tronfile Is thnt he nstv
ally can’t tell wbl^h one It Is.—Smart
H ow does u submarine attack? How
does It locate the vessel it wishes to
torpedo and how does it proceed about
the business o f sending such vessel to
the bottom? Here Is the way the com­
mander o f Uncle Sam’s submarine flo­
tilla tells it:
“ A submarine w ill come to the sur
face at 5,000 or G.000 yards from the
vessel It is uttackiug—far enough so
the enemy is not supposed to see the
periscope. It stays up long enough to
get the enemy’s course, then goes down
and sets its course to intercept the en
emy’s ship.
“ The vessel must be coming more o:
less toward the submarine, otherwise
the submarine, with its low submerged
spe«‘d. cannot catch it.
“ The officers o f the submarine will
know the revolutions o f tbe approach
ing ship and will use the gyrocompass
with which to work out Its exact posi
tion. They will know just when to
come up to be within range.
“ When the submarine comes up It
will show the periscope us little as pos
slble, take quick aim and lire its first
torpedo. I f It wants to remain then
out o f curiosity to see the effect it enu
But if it does not it goes right down
“ It stays a short time tinder water,
turns the enp bringing new torpedoes
up into tbe tubes and then comes up
for a second shot i f necessary.’’—Fitts
burgh Press.
Proverbial Philosophy.
I don’t know, writes u correspond
en t whether the absurdity o f some of
our proverbs when used as a means of
comparison occurs to pe«>ple when they
quote them. For instance, “ As drunk
as a lord.” Any one who looks into a
metropolitan police court when the
night charges are being dealt with will
see that intcmierance is not the ex
elusive privilege o f j>eers o f the realm.
“ As dead as Queen Anne.” Why Queen
Anne? Why not Queen Eliza I>eth t>r
Qu«*en Bonilicea? “ As deaf as a post.“
A i>ost Is devoid o f all the fir® senses,
not hearing only. “ As cheap as d ir t”
What is the exact market value of
j dirt?
It Is not mentioned in an«
I tn.desman's catalogue. “ As poor as a
church mouse“ W ho knows thnt eo-
| cleslastical mice are less well off than
j their secular brethren?— London stand
• ard.